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Implementaton of proposed device registration service for the DECODE IoTPilot/Scale Model.

This component is responsible for registering new devices, and configuring encrypted streams on the stream encoder.

Uses an experimental template structure from here:


Run make or make build to build our binary compiled for linux/amd64 with the current directory volume mounted into place. This will store incremental state for the fastest possible build. To build for arm or arm64 you can use: make build ARCH=arm or make build ARCH=arm64. To build all architectures you can run make all-build.

Run make container to package the binary inside a container. It will calculate the image tag based on the current VERSION (calculated from git tag or commit - see make version to view the current version). To build containers for the other supported architectures you can run make container ARCH=arm or make container ARCH=arm64. To make all containers run make all-container.

Run make push to push the container image to REGISTRY, and similarly you can run make push ARCH=arm or make push ARCH=arm64 to push different architecture containers. To push all containers run make all-push.

Run make clean to clean up.

To remove all containers, volumes run make teardown.


To run the test suite, use the make task test. This will run all testcases inside a containerized environment but pointing at a different DB instance to avoid overwriting any data stored in your local development DB.

In addition, there is a simple bash script (in client/ that uses curl to exercise the basic functions of the API. The script inserts 4 entries, then paginates through them, before deleting all inserted data. The purpose of this script is just to sanity check the functionality from the command line.