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Welcome to the Think Company Eleventy Starter, a minimalistic and efficient starter template designed to help you quickly build static sites using Eleventy. This starter kit includes additional features to streamline and enhance your Eleventy journey

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Think Company Eleventy Starter

Think Company Eleventy Starter Welcome to the Think Company Eleventy Starter, a minimalistic and efficient starter template designed to help you quickly build static sites using Eleventy. This starter kit includes additional features to streamline your Eleventy journey:

  • Sass to CSS Processing: Write modular, maintainable CSS with Sass.
  • CSS Transpilation with Lightning CSS: Enjoy modern CSS features and optimizations.
  • JavaScript Bundling and Minification: Efficiently bundle and minify your JavaScript with esbuild.
  • Simple Blog Functionality: Quickly set up a blog with minimal configuration.
  • Built-in Navigation: Utilize the built-in navigation support to easily manage site menus and links.

This project leverages a canary version of Eleventy for ESM support. For client-related work, it's recommended to use the latest stable build (2.0.x).

Table of Contents

Getting Started

  1. Make a directory and go there
mkdir my-cool-site
cd my-cool-site
  1. Clone this repository
git clone .
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Run Eleventy

Generate a production-ready build to the dist folder:

npm run build

Or build and spin up a local dev server at http://localhost:8080/

npm run dev

Project Structure

Basic Project Setup

Out of the box, Eleventy provides a simple project structure...

├── .            # Main input directory (root of your project)
├── _data        # Global data files
├── _includes    # Template parts and layouts
└── _site        # Output directory for the built website

but it is entirely configurable. The structure of this project has been modified (see the return statement in eleventy.config.js)

return {
  dir: {
    input: "src",
    output: "dist",
    includes: "_includes",

Key Concepts


Files that define the structure and layout of your project. Key features of templates:


Layouts in Eleventy are special templates used to wrap other content. In the context of this project, _includes/layouts/base.html is the main layout as it contains the "outer shell" HTML markup.

<!doctype html>
  <html lang="{{ metadata.language }}">
      <main class="site-main">
        {{ content | safe }}

Data Binding and the Data Cascade

Templates can output data from multiple sources, and is merged in order of priority:

  1. Computed Data is processed at the end of the data cascade. Can be used to centralize repeated data. See how draft post functionality has been enabled in eleventy.config.js - search for "Computed Data"
  2. Front matter data in a template
  3. Template specifc data files, for ex; a js or json file residing in /src/pagename/
  4. Directory data files
  5. Front matter data in Layouts
  6. Global config api data
  7. Global data files are exposed to every Template. See how _data/metadata.json is used in _includes/layouts/base.html


Groups of content that can be output in templates. Declaring a Collection in eleventy.config.js enables a directory to be used as a collection. Otherwise, the collection must be declared in the front matter of each file using the keyword "tags".


Tags in Eleventy are not really taxonomy tags (but can be used as such)

layout: layouts/base.html
tags: tutorial

Front Matter

Meta data at the top of templates used for Eleventy specific configuration, for ex, defining a layout or permalink. Can also be used for project specifics like an SEO description, setting a variable to display conditional content, looping through items, or simply outputting some text.

layout: layouts/base.html
metaDescription: Please crawl my site
pageTitle: Why does this this site exist?
  key: about
  title: About
  order: 1
customBoolean: false

<h2>{{ pageTitle }}</h2>
{%- if customBoolean -%}
  <p>Conditional content</p>
{%- endif -%}

  - Orange
  - Apple
  - Banana
  - Strawberry

<ul class="fruits">
  {%- for fruit in fruits -%}
    <li>{{ fruit }}</li>
  {%- endfor -%}


Filters allow you to do stuff to content and output it in templates. Add filters in eleventy.config.js.

// eleventy.config.js
eleventyConfig.addAsyncFilter("makeUppercase", async (value) => `${value.toUpperCase()}`);

// Usage
{{ "Hello, World!" | makeUppercase }}


Output reusable content in templates. Fetch data with async shortcodes

// eleventy.config.js
eleventyConfig.addShortcode("year", () => `${new Date().getFullYear()}`);
// Usage: {% year %}

Other Things to Know

Official Plugins

Plugins are custom code that Eleventy imports into the project. Official plugins are prefixed with @11ty/ on NPM. The navigation in this repo is using the '@11ty/eleventy-navigation' plugin.


npm run debug executes DEBUG=Eleventy* npx @11ty/eleventy

Supplied Data

Eleventy comes with data values that can be useful for debugging, or for use in a template. Use the log utility to view data in the console Data objects are pkg, page, pagination, collections, and eleventy. Usage "pkg | log"

Demo build step

The source of truth README lives in the root, as expected. npm run copy-readme copies that readme file into the src/ directory as a markdown file, and adds front matter data so the page will render in the navigation. This exists only as a way to demo the readme as an 11ty page without manual duplication.

This build step, npm run copy-readme is combined with npm run build in package.json.


Eleventy Resources

11ty Community


Welcome to the Think Company Eleventy Starter, a minimalistic and efficient starter template designed to help you quickly build static sites using Eleventy. This starter kit includes additional features to streamline and enhance your Eleventy journey






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