pipx install uv
uv venv
uv pip install -r requirements.txt
class Config:
"""Configuration parameters for maze navigation system"""
# Maze parameters
maze_size: int = 5 # Grid dimensions (nxn)
maze_id: Optional[int] = None # Seed for reproducible maze generation
# Algorithm parameters
learning_rate: float = 0.1 # Step size α ∈ (0, 1]
discount_factor: float = 0.9 # γ for future rewards
epsilon: float = 0.1 # Exploration rate
num_episodes: int = 100 # Training episodes
agent_seed: int = None # For reproducible training
# Reward structure
goal_reward: float = 100 # Reward for reaching end
wall_penalty: float = -10 # Penalty for invalid moves
step_penalty: float = -1 # Per-step penalty
# Training parameter
optimal_path_convergence_window: int = 5 # Episodes to confirm convergence
class MazeEnvironment:
"""Handles maze generation, state management and visualization"""
- grid: np.array # Binary maze representation (0=path, 1=wall)
- start: tuple # Starting position (1,1)
- end: tuple # Goal position (height-2, width-2)
- optimal_path: List[Tuple] # Shortest solution path
- optimal_path_length: int # Length of shortest path
- generate() # Creates new maze using Sidewinder algorithm
- get_state(position) # Returns current state representation
- get_reward(state, next_state) # Calculates reward for transition
- is_valid_move(state) # Checks if move is legal
- visualize(path, show_optimal, save_path) # Displays/saves maze visualization
- get_minimum_steps() # Returns optimal path length
class QLearningAgent:
"""Implements Q-learning algorithm"""
- q_table: np.array # Shape (height, width, 4) for action values
- actions: List[Tuple] # Up, Down, Left, Right as (row_change, col_change)
- exploration_rate: float # Current ε value
- get_action(state, training) # Selects action using ε-greedy policy
- update(state, action, reward, next_state) # Updates Q-value
class AgentControl:
"""Manages training, testing and metrics"""
- metrics: Dict # Training/testing metrics including:
- rewards, steps, success_rate, episode_status
- training_duration, path_lengths
- policy_stability, path_optimality_test
- episodes_to_convergence
- calculate_policy_stability() # Measures policy stability
- run_episode(training) # Runs single episode
- train(save_path, experiment_id, iteration_count) # Trains with visualization
- test(display) # Tests trained agent
- test_consistency(num_tests) # Multiple test runs
class MazeExperiments:
"""Manages maze learning experiments with comprehensive tracking"""
- run_experiment(maze_sizes, param_grid, trials) # Run experiments across configurations
- analyze_results(experiment_dir) # Analyze and visualize results
- _generate_analysis(results, metadata, save_path) # Generate comprehensive analysis
- _plot_convergence_analysis(df, save_path) # Plot convergence metrics
- _plot_parameter_impact(df, save_path) # Plot parameter effects
- _generate_summary_report(df, metadata, save_path) # Generate detailed report
# Configure the environment and agent
config = Config(
# Create environment and agent
env = MazeEnvironment(config)
agent = QLearningAgent(env, config)
control = AgentControl(env, agent, config)
# Train the agent
# Test the trained agent
# Configure parameter grid
param_grid = {
'learning_rate': [0.2, 0.3, 0.4],
'discount_factor': [1.0, 0.99],
'epsilon': [0.06, 0.08, 0.1],
'num_episodes': 1000,
'maze_id': 42 # Optional: fixed maze for reproducibility
# Create and run experiments
experiments = MazeExperiments()
experiment_dir = experiments.run_experiment(
maze_sizes=[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
# Analyze results
The example are from this experiment configuration
param_grid = {
'learning_rate': [0.2, 0.3, 0.4],
'discount_factor': [1.0, 0.99],
'epsilon': [0.06, 0.08, 0.1],
'num_episodes': 1000,
'maze_id': 42 # Optional: fixed maze for reproducibility
experiments = MazeExperiments()
experiment_dir = experiments.run_experiment(
maze_sizes=[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
This report lists the top performing hyperparameters.
These are example mazes for the seed 42 (of course!)