A simple program to watch for PnL of transactions from a list of wallets and notify a Telegram chat. This program is mostly design for monitoring MEV bots performance. The bot is battle tested under Ethereum Mainnet and may have flaws under other chains.
A tool for monitoring transaction PnL across multiple wallets with Telegram notifications. While primarily designed for MEV bot performance analysis, it has been battle-tested on Ethereum Mainnet.
When working on other chains, flaws are expected and please report them via Github issue so that other users can be awared and benefit from the fix.
Key Features:
- Multiple transactions in a single block (eg. sandwich, tx and builder payment)
- Builder reward calculation
Note: The program requires debug_traceBlockByNumber
to be enabled on your node.
Make your own copy of config.example.yaml and fill in the details. Then run the program:
cargo run --release config.yaml