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Forked from CrabeDeFrance/rtsharkRust interface to tshark application
Rust Other UpdatedAug 3, 2023 -
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Forked from rust-bakery/nomRust parser combinator framework
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Forked from rust-embedded/awesome-embedded-rustCurated list of resources for Embedded and Low-level development in the Rust programming language
Other UpdatedAug 3, 2023 -
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Forked from libpnet/libpnetCross-platform, low level networking using the Rust programming language.
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Forked from GyulyVGC/sniffnetApplication to comfortably monitor your Internet traffic 🕵️♂️
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Forked from risingwavelabs/risingwaveRisingWave: A Distributed SQL Database for Stream Processing
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Rust bindings for the Python interpreter
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Forked from PyO3/rust-numpyPyO3-based Rust bindings of the NumPy C-API
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Forked from RustAudio/cpalCross-platform audio I/O library in pure Rust
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Forked from Marwes/combineA parser combinator library for Rust
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Forked from RustAudio/vst3-sysRaw Bindings to the VST3 API
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Forked from Xilinx/brevitasBrevitas: quantization-aware training in PyTorch
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Forked from microsoft/WSL2-Linux-KernelThe source for the Linux kernel used in Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2)
tutorial Public
Forked from TempoBeatDownbeat/tutorialTutorial on Tempo, Beat and Downbeat estimation
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Forked from iximiuz/nom-parser-examplenom parser example
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Forked from NVIDIA/NeMoNeMo: a toolkit for conversational AI
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 18, 2021 -
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Forked from int128/kubeloginkubectl plugin for Kubernetes OpenID Connect authentication (kubectl oidc-login)
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 10, 2021 -
project_common Public
Forked from TheSoundOfAIOSR/project_commonCommon environment for all groups to connect to other groups with a relative path
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rg_speech_to_text Public
Forked from TheSoundOfAIOSR/rg_speech_to_textResearch Group Speech To Text
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 8, 2021 -
IPlantUML Public
Forked from jbn/IPlantUMLA Python package which defines a PlantUML cell magic for IPython.
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 24, 2021 -
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Forked from i-abr/TorchMPCPytorch implementation of Model Predictive Control with learned models
Python UpdatedAug 20, 2020 -
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Forked from asteroid-team/asteroidThe PyTorch-based audio source separation toolkit for researchers || Pretrained models available
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Forked from ageron/handson-ml2A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Python using Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow 2.
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 15, 2020 -
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Forked from pyg-team/pytorch_geometricGeometric Deep Learning Extension Library for PyTorch
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 14, 2020 -
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Forked from flashlight/wav2letterFacebook AI Research's Automatic Speech Recognition Toolkit
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Forked from IHaskell/IHaskellA Haskell kernel for IPython.
tacotron2 Public
Forked from NVIDIA/tacotron2Tacotron 2 - PyTorch implementation with faster-than-realtime inference
Jupyter Notebook BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedAug 9, 2020