Logorithm is a Go package that provides a custom logger compatible with SoundCloud's logging infrastructure.
import "github.com/soundcloud/logorithm"
import "os"
logger := logorithm.New(os.Stdout, false, "SOFTWARE", "VERSION", "PROGRAM", os.Getpid())
// The following methods are available for each severity level
logger.Emerg("User id: %d", 12345)
logger.Alert("User id: %d", 12345)
logger.Critical("User id: %d", 12345)
logger.Error("User id: %d", 12345)
logger.Warning("User id: %d", 12345)
logger.Notice("User id: %d", 12345)
logger.Info("User id: %d", 12345)
logger.Debug("User id: %d", 12345)
From the root of the project run:
go install
go test
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