Hammerspoon config based on various guides found online.
- Hammerspoon getting started: https://www.hammerspoon.org/go/
- Karabiner: https://pqrs.org/osx/karabiner/ - to make caps key useful (I am using it as hyper key or hotkey prefix)
- Lua tutorial: https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/lua/
Hackernew discussion that led me to explore this:
- hyper + v: paste things without any formatting
- wifi watcher to get notification when network changes and displaying the wifi network name in menubar
- Global send to omni focus hotkey, hyper + t (task)
- hyper + 1: open one note
- hyper + c: open chrome
- hyper + a: connect airpods (change airpods name in airpods.lua file). If already connected, then take no action.
- hyper + d: open selected word in the dictionary app
- hyper + y: toggle microphone (mute/unmute) and display status in the status bar. Amazon Chime uses command + Y to mute/unmute so "Y" is coming from there.
- hyper + h: display cheatsheet of the app (all shortcuts)