Node.js Wrapper for DataSift REST API.
Does not callback with (err, res, data) as is the default in request. Now uses more normal (err, data) parameters.
npm install datasift-rest
var DataSift = require('datasift-rest');
var options = {
API_KEY: "MY_DATASIFT_PASSWORD" // ex: 75368shgpauihawieyear754873
var ds = new DataSift(options);
ds.core.balance(function(err, data) {
if (err) { throw err; }
console.log("balance: " + data);
var ids = [20731458, 18751623, 363450850];
ds.helpers.generateTwitterFollowHash(ids, function (err, data) {
if (err) { throw err; }
More info for each call and additional options is available here: DataSift Rest API Docs
Returns your current balance.
Compiles a csdl text and returns a hash and statistics like dpus.
Returns the dpu of the provided hash.
Returns test data from the provided hash.
Returns data about usage in a certain period. Options: 'day', 'hour', 'current'
Verifies that a certain csdl is valid.
In addition to the core API calls, I've included a few helpers to build CSDLs for common use cases. These should be considered experimental and additions or revisions would be very welcome.
Generates a DataSift hash using a provided array of targeting parameters. Each parameter object should include a target, operator, and argument.
{ target: 'twitter.user.screen_name', operator: 'in', argument: ['timisbusy', 'brainflake', 'elbloombito'] }
Generates a DataSift hash by creating a CSDL following tweets from the provided array of type:
Generates a DataSift hash by creating a CSDL following tweets from and mentioning the provided array of type:
Generates a DataSift hash by creating a CSDL searching for tweets containing keywords in the provided array of strings.