- HPC-Overview:
Overview of parallel programming - mpi01:
Basic MPI - openmp:
Basic OpenMP
Slides from RMACC 2021
- Rstuff:
Basic MPI and "native" parallel in R - bagoftasks:
Bag of task parallelism in R - does image creation - stoma_R:
Finite difference code in R and MPI - mpi01_py:
Basic MPI in python with MPI4py - mpi02_py:
Advanced MPI in python with MPI4py - bagoftasks_py.
Bag of task parallelism in Python - does image creation - stoma_py:
Finite difference code in Python and MPI - stomb_py:
Finite difference code in Python and MPI, more features
Slides from TAPI 2021
- pi:
Raspberry Pi for HPC & Education
- Slurm documentation and slides
- Documentation [https://github.com/NREL/HPC/tree/master/slurm]https://github.com/NREL/HPC/tree/master/slurm)
- Slides https://github.com/NREL/HPC/tree/master/workshops/slurm_examples_slides
- Advanced Jupyter
- Jupyter notebook - run multinode https://github.com/NREL/HPC/tree/master/workshops/adv_jupyter/Slurm_multinode
- Jupyter notebook - MPI, tensorflow, mnist with image blur on gpu, CPU/GPU convolution comparison https://github.com/NREL/HPC/tree/master/workshops/adv_jupyter/mpi4py_tf
- Fortran
- In the works