The running application can be found here:
The application is rails 4 using PG for the database. It’s currently based around the index page which lists all messages. User profile pages exist (click a user’s username in the timeline)
To create the databases and the first user record, required for the application to work.
$ rake db:create $ rake db:migrate
Bundle and run the server
$ bundle (for instructions on capybara-webkit issues: $ rails s
The tests use Rspec and Capybara
Capybara uses Webkit for the JS. To install this follow these instructions:
Run tests with:
$ bundle exec rake
Tests check for:
Valid message controller behaviour
Valid message model behaviour
Post message feature working correctly
Delete message feature working correctly
Show message feature working correctly
Further details in the test files themselves.
Core user stories
As a user:
I should be able to post a message to the timeline
I should be able to see all messages on the timeline
I should be able to delete a message from the timeline
Root is messages#index
A user has a username and has many messages
A message has a message body and belongs to user
There is a user created by migration “add_user1_to_users” which should be removed if the application moves to having real users.