The Haskell libraries in the Plutus Platform are built with Cabal and Nix. The other artifacts (docs etc.) are also most easily built with Nix.
Install Nix
$ sh <(curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install) --daemon
Make sure you have setup IOHK Cache files for Nix (DO NOT IGNORE THIS)
Adding the IOHK binary cache to your Nix configuration will speed up builds a lot, since many things will have been built already by their CI. If you find you are building packages that are not defined in the plutus-apps repository or if the build seems to take a very long time then you may not have this set up properly.
To setup the cache on non-NixOS, edit
and add the following lines:substituters = https://hydra.iohk.io https://iohk.cachix.org https://cache.nixos.org/ trusted-public-keys = hydra.iohk.io:f/Ea+s+dFdN+3Y/G+FDgSq+a5NEWhJGzdjvKNGv0/EQ= iohk.cachix.org-1:DpRUyj7h7V830dp/i6Nti+NEO2/nhblbov/8MW7Rqoo= cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY=
If you don't have an
or don't want to edit it, you may add thenix.conf
lines to~/.config/nix/nix.conf
instead. You must be a trusted user to do this. -
Clone main repos
$ cd ~/workspace/ $ git clone https://github.com/input-output-hk/plutus-apps.git $ git clone https://github.com/input-output-hk/plutus-pioneer-program.git
$ cd ~/workspace/plutus-pioneers-program
$ git pull
$ cd ~/workspace/plutus-pioneers-program/code/week0Y
(0Y == number of the week/lecture)
$ cat cabal.project
(search for 'source-repository-package' where 'location' is: https://github.com/input-output-hk/plutus-apps.git and copy the 'tag')
$ cd ~/workspace/plutus-apps
$ git checkout main
$ git pull
$ git checkout 'this-week-tag'
$ nix-build -A plutus-playground.server (optional)
$ nix-shell
$ cd plutus-playground-server/
$ plutus-playground-server (run Plutus Playground Server)
open another terminal (from ~/workspace/plutus-apps)
$ nix-shell
$ cd plutus-playground-client
$ npm run start (to start Plutus Playground Client)
open another terminal (from ~/workspace/plutus-apps)
$ nix-shell
$ cd ../plutus-pioneers-program
$ cd code/week0Y/
(cabal update - optional)
$ cabal build
$ cabal repl