What's New with TheTeamAei
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[2.0.3] - 2023-09-04
- Updated teamaei.css
- Updated index.html
- Updated CHANGELOG.md
- about.html
- vlog.html
- images\default-user-logo.jpg
- images\headline1.png
- images\headline2.png
- images\tta-about.png
- images\tta-contact-header.png
- images\tta-front-header.png
- images\tta-header.png
- images\tta-services-header.png
- images\tta-vlog-header.png
- images\under-construction.jpg
- .github\CODEOWNERS
- .github\ISSUE_TEMPLATE\bug_report.md
- .github\ISSUE_TEMPLATE\feature_request.md
- .github\ISSUE_TEMPLATE\new-component.md
- .github\ISSUE_TEMPLATE\support.md
- .gitignore