redesigned the original Plugin by filosganga, for most fail safe temperature sensor handling due to risc of damage or fire by uncontrolled heater.
Also added:
capability for seperate heating and cooling fan.
both fans can be seperatly soft or hardwarePWM conttolled.
Heater with Relay and Mosfet PWM controlled heating (PID controlled)
for DS18B20 Temperatursensor, currently the original Kernel based 1Wire implementation is replaced with the 1wire OWFS.
Need to install:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install pigpio python-pigpio python3-pigpio
This plugin controls the enclosure temperature via a temperature sensor, a heater and the enclosure air extraction fan.
At the moment it only supports those:
- The DS18B20 temperature and humidity sensor
- A PWM-controlled fan
- An active-low GPIO-controlled relay heater
The settings are still a draft and not working
Install via the bundled Plugin Manager or manually using this URL:
You can configure the frequency at which the plugin runs the duty cycle, by default every 5 seconds.