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base repository: Azure/azure-cosmos-tla
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: master
Choose a base ref
head repository: tlaplus/azure-cosmos-tla
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: master
Choose a head ref
Able to merge. These branches can be automatically merged.

Commits on Mar 4, 2022

  1. Copy the full SHA
    3485f27 View commit details

Commits on Mar 5, 2022

  1. Capitalize names of Consistency models in general-model to align

    with names in scenario1 and scenario2.
    lemmy committed Mar 5, 2022
    Copy the full SHA
    617ffa2 View commit details

Commits on Mar 6, 2022

  1. Copy the full SHA
    b8baa96 View commit details
  2. Correctness properties hold despite Cosmos operating under

    weaker consistency models.
    ailidani authored and lemmy committed Mar 6, 2022
    Copy the full SHA
    0de0ba5 View commit details
  3. Remove unused (dead) "code".

    lemmy committed Mar 6, 2022
    Copy the full SHA
    2efc280 View commit details
  4. Copy the full SHA
    04ed750 View commit details
  5. Remove unused extends.

    lemmy committed Mar 6, 2022
    Copy the full SHA
    4f16d98 View commit details
  6. Simplify definition of Clients.

    lemmy committed Mar 6, 2022
    Copy the full SHA
    08dd523 View commit details
  7. Copy the full SHA
    15101fc View commit details
  8. Constraint state-space with a state constraint instead of with a "har…

    …d-coded" counter in the behavior part of the specification.
    lemmy committed Mar 6, 2022
    Copy the full SHA
    7e22649 View commit details

Commits on Mar 18, 2022

  1. The write action is enabled even if replicas are out of sync

    for more than the permitted Bound (subtraction is not commutative).
    lemmy committed Mar 18, 2022
    Copy the full SHA
    4a15fd5 View commit details
  2. Drop PlusCal labels from the client process that results in a

    (superfluous) TLA+ action that only changes the pc variable.
    lemmy committed Mar 18, 2022
    Copy the full SHA
    83282db View commit details
  3. Copy the full SHA
    43691aa View commit details
  4. Copy the full SHA
    502b1d6 View commit details
  5. Copy the full SHA
    804fd1a View commit details
  6. Copy the full SHA
    b908554 View commit details

Commits on Apr 19, 2022

  1. Link @muratdem's corresponding Dr. TLA+ talk.

    lemmy committed Apr 19, 2022
    Copy the full SHA
    37509db View commit details

Commits on Aug 26, 2022

  1. Add simple-model.

    fhackett authored and lemmy committed Aug 26, 2022
    Copy the full SHA
    23f2c1c View commit details

Commits on Jan 13, 2023

  1. Copy the full SHA
    392c59e View commit details
  2. Rewording of Readme

    lemmy authored Jan 13, 2023
    Copy the full SHA
    2596810 View commit details

Commits on Mar 8, 2023

  1. Copy the full SHA
    cc6da7b View commit details

Commits on Mar 15, 2023

  1. Copy the full SHA
    5161e7e View commit details

Commits on Dec 5, 2023

  1. The ASSUME statements for StalenessBound and VersionBound being in Na…

    …t are inconsistent with the definition of WritesAccepted, i.e., a bound of zero prevents writes from being accepted.
    Co-authored-by: Finn Hackett <>
    lemmy and Finn Hackett committed Dec 5, 2023
    Copy the full SHA
    0e25985 View commit details
  2. The ReadConsistencyOK operator is inconsistent with the comments. The…

    … comments do not explain the relationship between read and write consistencies, but the operator defines specific constraints based on the write consistency level.
    lemmy committed Dec 5, 2023
    Copy the full SHA
    c926399 View commit details

Commits on Dec 6, 2023

  1. The commented out CONSTANT declaration for ConsistencyLevel is incons…

    …istent with the usage of ConsistencyLevel as a variable in the specification. If uncommented, it should be used consistently as a constant throughout the spec.
    lemmy committed Dec 6, 2023
    Copy the full SHA
    c62642f View commit details
  2. "The comment incorrectly states that epoch increments when the log is…

    … truncated, but the definition of TruncateLog shows that epoch increments unconditionally for any i in the domain."
    lemmy committed Dec 6, 2023
    Copy the full SHA
    7de9fd0 View commit details
  3. "The comment suggests that an invalid read consistency level during v…

    …erification should stop immediately, but the definition of CheckReadConsistency returns an empty set instead of halting the verification."
    lemmy committed Dec 6, 2023
    Copy the full SHA
    4b8785a View commit details

Commits on Dec 14, 2023

  1. Make meaning of AcquirableSessionTokens clearer (#6)

    * Make meaning of AcquirableSessionTokens clearer
    * Improve phrasing of CosmosDB.tla comments
    fhackett authored Dec 14, 2023
    Copy the full SHA
    df6080e View commit details

Commits on Jan 21, 2025

  1. Add pointer to explore the spec interactively with tla-web

    lemmy authored Jan 21, 2025
    Copy the full SHA
    2cfd1c3 View commit details
Showing with 3,929 additions and 224 deletions.
  1. +28 −0 .devcontainer/devcontainer.json
  2. +57 −0 .devcontainer/
  3. +49 −0 .github/MCcosmos_client.tla
  4. +60 −0 .github/MCswscop.tla
  5. +60 −0 .github/MCswscrw.tla
  6. +107 −0 .github/Regressions.tla
  7. +40 −0 .github/workflows/main.yml
  8. +13 −0 .gitignore
  9. +35 −0 .vscode/settings.json
  10. +93 −172 general-model/cosmos_client.tla
  11. +4 −0 scenario1/
  12. +29 −26 scenario1/swscop.tla
  13. +4 −0 scenario2/
  14. +29 −26 scenario2/swscrw.tla
  15. +24 −0 simple-model/AnomaliesCosmosDB.cfg
  16. +490 −0 simple-model/AnomaliesCosmosDB.tla
  17. +22 −0 simple-model/BoundedStalenessRefinesSessionConsistency.cfg
  18. +52 −0 simple-model/BoundedStalenessRefinesSessionConsistency.tla
  19. +22 −0 simple-model/ConsistentPrefixRefinesEventualConsistency.cfg
  20. +52 −0 simple-model/ConsistentPrefixRefinesEventualConsistency.tla
  21. +405 −0 simple-model/CosmosDB.tla
  22. +273 −0 simple-model/CosmosDBClient.tla
  23. +19 −0 simple-model/CosmosDBLinearizability.cfg
  24. +131 −0 simple-model/CosmosDBLinearizability.tla
  25. +475 −0 simple-model/CosmosDBProps.tla
  26. +57 −0 simple-model/CosmosDBWithAllReads.tla
  27. +58 −0 simple-model/CosmosDBWithReads.tla
  28. +32 −0 simple-model/MCCosmosDBClient.cfg
  29. +41 −0 simple-model/MCCosmosDBClient.tla
  30. +71 −0 simple-model/MCCosmosDBProps.cfg
  31. +17 −0 simple-model/MCCosmosDBProps.tla
  32. +21 −0 simple-model/MCCosmosDBWithAllReads.cfg
  33. +17 −0 simple-model/MCCosmosDBWithAllReads.tla
  34. +32 −0 simple-model/
  35. +12 −0 simple-model/RefineGeneralModel.cfg
  36. +117 −0 simple-model/RefineGeneralModel.tla
  37. +22 −0 simple-model/SessionConsistencyRefinesConsistentPrefix.cfg
  38. +52 −0 simple-model/SessionConsistencyRefinesConsistentPrefix.tla
  39. +66 −0 simple-model/SimCosmosDBProps.cfg
  40. +16 −0 simple-model/SimCosmosDBProps.tla
  41. +22 −0 simple-model/StrongConsistencyRefinesBoundedStaleness.cfg
  42. +52 −0 simple-model/StrongConsistencyRefinesBoundedStaleness.tla
  43. +17 −0 simple-model/show521677.cfg
  44. +128 −0 simple-model/show521677.tla
  45. +20 −0 simple-model/show521677PCal.cfg
  46. +168 −0 simple-model/show521677PCal.tla
  47. +18 −0 simple-model/show521677simple.cfg
  48. +120 −0 simple-model/show521677simple.tla
  49. +19 −0 simple-model/show521677simplePCal.cfg
  50. +161 −0 simple-model/show521677simplePCal.tla
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions .devcontainer/devcontainer.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"name": "TLA+ Cosmos DB",

// Install optional extension. If this fails, it just degrades the convenience factor.
"extensions": [

// - Do not automatically update extensions (E.g. better-code ext is patched for TLA+)
// - Use Java GC that works best with TLC.
// -
"settings": {
"extensions.autoUpdate": false,
"extensions.autoCheckUpdates": false,
"editor.minimap.enabled": false,
"tlaplus.tlc.statisticsSharing": "share",
"": "-XX:+UseParallelGC",
"": "/home/codespace/.java/current/",
"[tlaplus]": {"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {"source": true} }

"postCreateCommand": "bash -i .devcontainer/",
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions .devcontainer/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
#!/bin/bash -i

## Fix issues with gitpod's stock .bashrc
cp /etc/skel/.bashrc $HOME

## Shorthands for git
git config --global alias.slog 'log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit'
git config --global checkout
git config --global alias.lco '!f() { git checkout ":/$1:" ; }; f'

## Waste less screen estate on the prompt.
echo 'export PS1="$ "' >> $HOME/.bashrc

## Make it easy to go back and forth in the (linear) git history.
echo 'function sn() { git log --reverse --pretty=%H main | grep -A 1 $(git rev-parse HEAD) | tail -n1 | xargs git show --color; }' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'function n() { git log --reverse --pretty=%H main | grep -A 1 $(git rev-parse HEAD) | tail -n1 | xargs git checkout; }' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'function p() { git checkout HEAD^; }' >> $HOME/.bashrc

## Place to install TLC, TLAPS, Apalache, ...
mkdir -p tools

## PATH below has two locations because of inconsistencies between Gitpod and Codespaces.
## Gitpod: /workspace/...
## Codespaces: /workspaces/...

## Install TLA+ Tools (download from github instead of (inria) to only rely on github)
wget -qN -P tools/
echo "alias tlcrepl='java -cp /workspace/azure-cosmos-tla/tools/tla2tools.jar:/workspaces/azure-cosmos-tla/tools/tla2tools.jar tlc2.REPL'" >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo "alias tlc='java -cp /workspace/azure-cosmos-tla/tools/tla2tools.jar:/workspaces/azure-cosmos-tla/tools/tla2tools.jar tlc2.TLC'" >> $HOME/.bashrc

## Install CommunityModules
wget -qN -P tools/

## Install TLAPS (proof system)
## No need for TLAPS for now!
#wget -N -P /tmp
#chmod +x /tmp/tlaps-1.4.5-x86_64-linux-gnu-inst.bin
#/tmp/tlaps-1.4.5-x86_64-linux-gnu-inst.bin -d tools/tlaps
#echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/workspace/azure-cosmos-tla/tools/tlaps/bin:/workspaces/azure-cosmos-tla/tools/tlaps/bin' >> $HOME/.bashrc

## Install Apalache
wget -qN -P /tmp
mkdir -p tools/apalache
tar xvfz /tmp/apalache.tgz --directory tools/apalache/
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/workspace/azure-cosmos-tla/tools/apalache/bin:/workspaces/azure-cosmos-tla/tools/apalache/bin' >> $HOME/.bashrc
tools/apalache/bin/apalache-mc config --enable-stats=true

## (Moved to the end to let it run in the background while we get started)
## - graphviz to visualize TLC's state graphs
## - htop to show system load
## - texlive-latex-recommended to generate pretty-printed specs
## - z3 for Apalache (comes with z3 turnkey) (TLAPS brings its own install)
## - r-base iff tutorial covers statistics (TODO)
sudo apt-get install -y graphviz htop
## No need because Apalache comes with z3 turnkey
#sudo apt-get install -y z3 libz3-java
sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends texlive-latex-recommended
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions .github/MCcosmos_client.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
--------------------------- MODULE MCcosmos_client --------------------------
EXTENDS cosmos_client, IOUtils

mcNumRegions ==

mcNumWriteRegions ==

mcNumClientsPerRegion ==

mcConsistency ==

mcProperty ==

mcEventual ==
[]\/ mcProperty # "Eventual"
\/ Eventual

mcSession ==
[]\/ mcProperty # "Session"
\/ Session

mcStrong ==
[]\/ mcProperty # "Strong"
\/ Strong

--------------------------- CONFIG MCcosmos_client --------------------------
\* Add statements after this line.
K = 1
NumRegions <- mcNumRegions
NumWriteRegions <- mcNumWriteRegions
NumClientsPerRegion <- mcNumClientsPerRegion
Consistency <- mcConsistency

60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions .github/MCswscop.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
------------------------- MODULE MCswscop -------------------------
EXTENDS swscop, IOUtils

MaxNumOp ==
\A i \in Clients: op[i] < 5

mcNumClients ==

mcK ==


mcConsistency ==

mcProperty ==

mcEventual ==
[]\/ mcProperty # "Eventual"
\/ Eventual

mcConsistent_Prefix ==
[]\/ mcProperty # "Consistent_Prefix"
\/ Consistent_Prefix

mcSession ==
[]\/ mcProperty # "Session"
\/ Session

mcBounded_Staleness ==
[]\/ mcProperty # "Bounded_Staleness"
\/ Bounded_Staleness

mcStrong ==
[]\/ mcProperty # "Strong"
\/ Strong


---------------------------- CONFIG MCswscop --------------------------------
\* Add statements after this line.
NumClients <- mcNumClients
Consistency <- mcConsistency
K <- mcK
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions .github/MCswscrw.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
------------------------- MODULE MCswscrw -------------------------
EXTENDS swscrw, IOUtils

MaxNumOp ==
\A i \in Clients: op[i] < 5

mcNumClients ==

mcK ==


mcConsistency ==

mcProperty ==

mcEventual ==
[]\/ mcProperty # "Eventual"
\/ Eventual

mcConsistent_Prefix ==
[]\/ mcProperty # "Consistent_Prefix"
\/ Consistent_Prefix

mcSession ==
[]\/ mcProperty # "Session"
\/ Session

mcBounded_Staleness ==
[]\/ mcProperty # "Bounded_Staleness"
\/ Bounded_Staleness

mcStrong ==
[]\/ mcProperty # "Strong"
\/ Strong


---------------------------- CONFIG MCswscrw --------------------------------
\* Add statements after this line.
NumClients <- mcNumClients
Consistency <- mcConsistency
K <- mcK
107 changes: 107 additions & 0 deletions .github/Regressions.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
----------------------------- MODULE Regressions -----------------------------
EXTENDS TLC, Integers, Sequences, IOUtils

AbsolutePathOfTLC ==

Cmd ==
"java " \o
"-XX:+UseParallelGC " \o
"-Dtlc2.TLC.stopAfter=60 " \o \* Terminate each test after one minute (time-bound model-checking).
"-DTLA-Library=../%2$s " \o
"-cp %1$s tlc2.TLC " \o
"-gzip -cleanup -checkpoint 0 -noTE -workers auto -config %3$s %3$s">>


Consistency ==
\* Eventual is equivalent to Consistent_Prefix.
<<"Eventual"(*, "Consistent_Prefix"*), "Session"(*, "Bounded_Staleness"*), "Strong">>

Check(conf, isWeaker, folder, model) ==
LET ret == IOEnvExecTemplate(conf, Cmd, <<AbsolutePathOfTLC, folder, model>>).exitValue
IN CASE ret = 0 ->
IF isWeaker
THEN Print(<<folder, model, conf, "OK">>, TRUE)
ELSE \* Consistency-level is weaker than the property.
Print(<<folder, model, conf, "Missing violation">>, FALSE)
[] ret = 10 ->
Print(<<folder, model, conf, "Assumption violation">>, FALSE)
[] ret = 12 ->
IF ~isWeaker
THEN Print(<<folder, model, conf, "OK: Expected safety violation">>, TRUE)
ELSE \* Consistency-level is equal to or stronger than the property.
Print(<<folder, model, conf, "Safety violation">>, FALSE)
[] ret = 13 ->
Print(<<folder, model, conf, "Liveness violation">>, FALSE)
[] OTHER ->
Print(<<folder, model, conf, IOEnvExecTemplate(conf, Cmd, <<AbsolutePathOfTLC, folder, model>>), "Error">>, FALSE)

\A comb \in ((DOMAIN Consistency) \X (DOMAIN Consistency)) :
LET conf == [
mcConsistency |-> Consistency[comb[1]],
mcProperty |-> Consistency[comb[2]]
IN Check(conf, \/ comb[1] >= comb[2]
\/ /\ conf.mcConsistency = "Session" \* With one writer, Session => Strong
/\ conf.mcProperty = "Strong", "scenario1", "MCswscop.tla")

\A comb \in ((DOMAIN Consistency) \X (DOMAIN Consistency)) :
LET conf == [
mcConsistency |-> Consistency[comb[1]],
mcProperty |-> Consistency[comb[2]]
IN Check(conf, \/ comb[1] >= comb[2]
\/ /\ conf.mcConsistency = "Session" \* With one writer, Session => Strong
/\ conf.mcProperty = "Strong", "scenario2", "MCswscrw.tla")

\* \A comb \in ((DOMAIN Consistency) \X (DOMAIN Consistency) \X {2} \X {1,2} \X {1,2}) : \* Due to the way the spec is modeled, a single region provides strong consistency. Thus, do not chec a single region.
\* LET conf == [
\* mcConsistency |-> Consistency[comb[1]],
\* mcProperty |-> Consistency[comb[2]],
\* mcNumRegions |-> comb[3],
\* mcNumWriteRegions |-> comb[4],
\* mcNumClientsPerRegion |-> comb[5]
\* ]
\* IN conf.mcNumRegions >= conf.mcNumWriteRegions =>
\* Check(conf, comb[1] >= comb[2], "general-model", "MCcosmos_client.tla")

\* not sure why this doesn't work?
\* ASSUME Check(<<>>, TRUE, "general-model", "MCcosmos_client")

SimpleModelSpecs == {


ASSUME \A spec \in SimpleModelSpecs :
Check(<<>>, TRUE, "simple-model", spec)

ExpectedFailingSimpleModelSpecs == {

ASSUME \A spec \in ExpectedFailingSimpleModelSpecs :
Check(<<>>, FALSE, "simple-model", spec)

-------- CONFIG Regressions --------
\* TLC always expects a config file
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/main.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
name: Regression tests
on: [push, pull_request]

runs-on: ubuntu-latest

- uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Number of commits to fetch. 0 indicates all history.
fetch-depth: '0'

- name: Set up JDK 11
uses: actions/setup-java@v1
java-version: 11.0.3

## Fetch tla2tools.
- name: Fetch TLC
run: |
mkdir tools
wget --output-document=tools/tla2tools.jar
## Fetch CommunityModules.
- name: Fetch CommunityModules
run: |
wget --output-document=tools/CommunityModules-deps.jar
## Run TLA+ regression tests.
- name: Run regression tests
run: |
cd .github/
java -jar ../tools/tla2tools.jar -config Regressions.tla Regressions.tla
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -328,3 +328,16 @@ ASALocalRun/

# MFractors (Xamarin productivity tool) working folder

# TLC, Apalache, ... installed by install script.

# VSCode-tlaplus, TLC, Apalache temp files
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions .vscode/settings.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"tlaplus.tlc.modelChecker.options": "-gzip -metadir /tmp -cleanup -workers auto",
"tlaplus.tlc.statisticsSharing": "share",
"[tlaplus]": {"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {"source": true} },
"extensions.autoCheckUpdates": false,
"extensions.autoUpdate": false,
"breadcrumbs.enabled": false,
"editor.minimap.enabled": false,
"editor.useTabStops": false,
"redhat.telemetry.enabled": false,
"files.exclude": {
"_apalache-out": true,
".devcontainer": true,
".gitignore": true,
".gitpod.yml": true,
".tlacache": true,
".vscode": true,
"*.aux": true,
"*.dvi": true,
"*.log": true,
"*.tex": true,
"*.tlaps": true,
"*.toolbox": true,
"detailed.log": true,
"figures": true,
"LICENSE": true,
"log0.smt": true,
"profile-rules.txt": true,
"states": true,
"x": true
"files.watcherExclude": {
"**/target": true
265 changes: 93 additions & 172 deletions general-model/cosmos_client.tla

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions scenario1/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -52,3 +52,7 @@ When we check for consistent prefix, we find that strong and bounded-staleness p

- [swscop.pdf](./swscop.pdf)
- [swscop.tla](./swscop.tla)

## Background Material

[Dr. TLA+ Series - TLA+ specifications of the consistency guarantees provided by Cosmos DB (Murat Demirbas)](
55 changes: 29 additions & 26 deletions scenario1/swscop.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-------------------------- MODULE swscop --------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals, Integers, Sequences, FiniteSets, TLC, Bags
CONSTANT NumClients, MaxNumOp, Consistency, K
EXTENDS Naturals, Integers, Sequences, FiniteSets
CONSTANT NumClients, Consistency, K
ASSUME Consistency \in {"Eventual", "Consistent_Prefix", "Session", "Bounded_Staleness", "Strong"}
ASSUME MaxNumOp<10 /\ NumClients=1
ASSUME NumClients=1
Cloud == 0
Clients == 1..NumClients
--algorithm swscop {
(* --algorithm swscop {
chan = [n \in 0..NumClients |-> <<>>]; \* FIFO channels

@@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ variables
m = <<>>; op=0; chistory = <<0>>; ses=1;
CW: while(op<MaxNumOp) {
CW: while(TRUE) {
send(Cloud, [type |-> "Write", dat |-> op, ses|->ses, orig |-> self]);
CWA: receive(m); \* Ack
@@ -146,12 +145,9 @@ cosmosdb(self) == D(self) \/ DW(self) \/ DE(self) \/ DP(self) \/ DS(self)
\/ DB(self) \/ DG(self)

CW(self) == /\ pc[self] = "CW"
/\ IF op[self]<MaxNumOp
THEN /\ op' = [op EXCEPT ![self] = op[self]+1]
/\ chan' = [chan EXCEPT ![Cloud] = Append(chan[Cloud], ([type |-> "Write", dat |-> op'[self], ses|->ses[self], orig |-> self]))]
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![self] = "CWA"]
ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![self] = "Done"]
/\ UNCHANGED << chan, op >>
/\ op' = [op EXCEPT ![self] = op[self]+1]
/\ chan' = [chan EXCEPT ![Cloud] = Append(chan[Cloud], ([type |-> "Write", dat |-> op'[self], ses|->ses[self], orig |-> self]))]
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![self] = "CWA"]
/\ UNCHANGED << Database, msg, m, chistory, ses >>

CWA(self) == /\ pc[self] = "CWA"
@@ -190,23 +186,30 @@ Messages ==
\cup [type : {"Reply", "Ack"}, dat: {0..Nat}, ses: {0..Nat}]

\* Invariants for single client(ID=1) writing with op++
Eventual== chistory[1][Len(chistory[1])] \in {Database[Cloud][i]:i \in 1..Len(Database[Cloud])}
Eventual ==
chistory[1][Len(chistory[1])] \in {Database[Cloud][i]: i \in 1..Len(Database[Cloud])}

Consistent_Prefix == chistory[1][Len(chistory[1])] \in {Database[Cloud][i]:i \in 1..Len(Database[Cloud])}
Monotonic(history) ==
\* Assert monotonic reads.
\A i, j \in DOMAIN history : i <= j => history[i] <= history[j]

Session == pc[1]="CW" => chistory[1][Len(chistory[1])] \in {Database[Cloud][i]:
i \in ses[1]..Len(Database[Cloud])}

Bounded_Staleness == pc[1]="CW" => chistory[1][Len(chistory[1])] \in {Database[Cloud][i]:
i \in (IF Len(Database[Cloud])>K THEN Len(Database[Cloud])-K ELSE 1)..Len(Database[Cloud])}

Strong == pc[1]="CW" => chistory[1][Len(chistory[1])] = Database[Cloud][Len(Database[Cloud])]

Consistent_Prefix ==
/\ chistory[1][Len(chistory[1])] \in
{Database[Cloud][i]: i \in 1..Len(Database[Cloud])}
/\ Monotonic(chistory[1])

Session == pc[1]="CW" =>
/\ chistory[1][Len(chistory[1])] \in
{Database[Cloud][i]: i \in ses[1]..Len(Database[Cloud])}
/\ Monotonic(chistory[1])

Bounded_Staleness == pc[1]="CW" =>
/\ chistory[1][Len(chistory[1])] \in
{Database[Cloud][i]: i \in (IF Len(Database[Cloud])>K THEN Len(Database[Cloud])-K ELSE 1)..Len(Database[Cloud])}
/\ Monotonic(chistory[1])

Strong == pc[1]="CW" =>
/\ chistory[1][Len(chistory[1])] = Database[Cloud][Len(Database[Cloud])]
/\ Monotonic(chistory[1])

4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions scenario2/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -26,3 +26,7 @@ For Consistency="Prefix" and "Eventual", the predicates for Strong, Session,and

- [swscrw.pdf](./swscrw.pdf)
- [swscrw.tla](./swscrw.tla)

## Background Material

[Dr. TLA+ Series - TLA+ specifications of the consistency guarantees provided by Cosmos DB (Murat Demirbas)](
55 changes: 29 additions & 26 deletions scenario2/swscrw.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-------------------------- MODULE swscrw --------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals, Integers, Sequences, FiniteSets, TLC, Bags
CONSTANT NumClients, MaxNumOp, Consistency, K
EXTENDS Naturals, Integers, Sequences, FiniteSets
CONSTANT NumClients, Consistency, K
ASSUME Consistency \in {"Eventual", "Consistent_Prefix", "Session", "Bounded_Staleness", "Strong"}
ASSUME MaxNumOp<10 /\ NumClients=1
ASSUME NumClients=1
Cloud == 0
Clients == 1..NumClients
--algorithm swscrw {
(* --algorithm swscrw {
chan = [n \in 0..NumClients |-> <<>>]; \* FIFO channels

@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ variables
msg := Head(chan[self]);
chan[self] := Tail(chan[self]);

process (cosmosdb \in {Cloud})
Database = <<0>>; msg = <<>>;
@@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ variables
m = <<>>; op=0; v=0; chistory = <<0>>; ses=1;
CR: while(op<MaxNumOp) {
CR: while(TRUE) {
send(Cloud, [type |-> Consistency, ses|->ses, orig |-> self]); \* read
CRA: receive(m); \* Reply
chistory:= Append(chistory,m.dat);
@@ -148,11 +147,8 @@ cosmosdb(self) == D(self) \/ DW(self) \/ DE(self) \/ DP(self) \/ DS(self)
\/ DB(self) \/ DG(self)

CR(self) == /\ pc[self] = "CR"
/\ IF op[self]<MaxNumOp
THEN /\ chan' = [chan EXCEPT ![Cloud] = Append(chan[Cloud], ([type |-> Consistency, ses|->ses[self], orig |-> self]))]
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![self] = "CRA"]
ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![self] = "Done"]
/\ chan' = chan
/\ chan' = [chan EXCEPT ![Cloud] = Append(chan[Cloud], ([type |-> Consistency, ses|->ses[self], orig |-> self]))]
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![self] = "CRA"]
/\ UNCHANGED << Database, msg, m, op, v, chistory, ses >>

CRA(self) == /\ pc[self] = "CRA"
@@ -193,23 +189,30 @@ Messages ==
\cup [type : {"Reply", "Ack"}, dat: {0..Nat}, ses: {0..Nat}]

\* Invariants for single client(ID=1) writing with op++
Eventual== chistory[1][Len(chistory[1])] \in {Database[Cloud][i]:i \in 1..Len(Database[Cloud])}

Consistent_Prefix == chistory[1][Len(chistory[1])] \in {Database[Cloud][i]:i \in 1..Len(Database[Cloud])}

Session == pc[1]="CW" => chistory[1][Len(chistory[1])] \in {Database[Cloud][i]:
i \in ses[1]..Len(Database[Cloud])}

Bounded_Staleness == pc[1]="CW" => chistory[1][Len(chistory[1])] \in {Database[Cloud][i]:
i \in (IF Len(Database[Cloud])>K THEN Len(Database[Cloud])-K ELSE 1)..Len(Database[Cloud])}
Eventual ==
chistory[1][Len(chistory[1])] \in {Database[Cloud][i]: i \in 1..Len(Database[Cloud])}

Strong == pc[1]="CW" => chistory[1][Len(chistory[1])] = Database[Cloud][Len(Database[Cloud])]

Monotonic(history) ==
\* Assert monotonic reads.
\A i, j \in DOMAIN history : i <= j => history[i] <= history[j]

Consistent_Prefix ==
/\ chistory[1][Len(chistory[1])] \in
{Database[Cloud][i]: i \in 1..Len(Database[Cloud])}
/\ Monotonic(chistory[1])

Session == pc[1]="CW" =>
/\ chistory[1][Len(chistory[1])] \in
{Database[Cloud][i]: i \in ses[1]..Len(Database[Cloud])}
/\ Monotonic(chistory[1])

Bounded_Staleness == pc[1]="CW" =>
/\ chistory[1][Len(chistory[1])] \in
{Database[Cloud][i]: i \in (IF Len(Database[Cloud])>K THEN Len(Database[Cloud])-K ELSE 1)..Len(Database[Cloud])}
/\ Monotonic(chistory[1])

Strong == pc[1]="CW" =>
/\ chistory[1][Len(chistory[1])] = Database[Cloud][Len(Database[Cloud])]
/\ Monotonic(chistory[1])

24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/AnomaliesCosmosDB.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
StrongConsistency = StrongConsistency
BoundedStaleness = BoundedStaleness
SessionConsistency = SessionConsistency
ConsistentPrefix = ConsistentPrefix
EventualConsistency = EventualConsistency
k1 = k1
k2 = k2
Keys = {k1, k2}
v1 = v1
v2 = v2
v3 = v3
Values = {v1, v2, v3}
NoValue = NoValue
LogIndices = [CosmosDB]{1,2,3,4}
Checkpoints = [CosmosDB]{0,1,2,3,4}
Epochs = [CosmosDB]{1,2,3,4}
VersionBound = 4
StalenessBound = 2
490 changes: 490 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/AnomaliesCosmosDB.tla

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/BoundedStalenessRefinesSessionConsistency.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
StrongConsistency = StrongConsistency
BoundedStaleness = BoundedStaleness
SessionConsistency = SessionConsistency
ConsistentPrefix = ConsistentPrefix
EventualConsistency = EventualConsistency
StalenessBound <- StalenessBoundImpl
VersionBound <- VersionBoundImpl
Keys = {k1, k2}
Values = {v1, v2, v3}
NoValue = NoValue
LogIndices <- [CosmosDB]LogIndicesImpl
Checkpoints <- [CosmosDB]CheckpointsImpl
Epochs <- [CosmosDB]EpochsImpl
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/BoundedStalenessRefinesSessionConsistency.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
------------------------ MODULE BoundedStalenessRefinesSessionConsistency ------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals, Sequences, FiniteSetsExt

CONSTANTS Keys, Values, NoValue
CONSTANTS StrongConsistency, BoundedStaleness,
SessionConsistency, ConsistentPrefix,
CONSTANTS VersionBound, StalenessBound

VARIABLES read, readKey
VARIABLES ReadConsistencyImpl, ReadConsistencyHL
VARIABLES log, commitIndex, readIndex, epoch, WriteConsistencyLevel, writeHistory
vars == <<read, readKey, ReadConsistencyImpl, ReadConsistencyHL, log, commitIndex, readIndex, epoch, WriteConsistencyLevel, writeHistory>>

LogIndicesImpl == 1..4

CheckpointsImpl == LogIndicesImpl \cup {0}

EpochsImpl == 1..3

SpecificStateSpace ==
\* allow LogIndices to be 1 longer than max
\* Len(log), so that NextSessionToken doesn't
\* technically return invalid results at max
\* log length
/\ Len(log) < Max(LogIndicesImpl) - 1
/\ epoch < Max(EpochsImpl)

StalenessBoundImpl == 2
VersionBoundImpl == 4

Impl == INSTANCE CosmosDBWithReads WITH
ReadConsistency <- ReadConsistencyImpl
ImplSpec ==
/\ ReadConsistencyImpl = BoundedStaleness
/\ ReadConsistencyHL = SessionConsistency
/\ Impl!RInit
/\ [][Impl!RNext /\ UNCHANGED ReadConsistencyHL]_vars

ReadConsistency <- ReadConsistencyHL
HLSpec ==
/\ ReadConsistencyImpl = BoundedStaleness
/\ ReadConsistencyHL = SessionConsistency
/\ HL!RInit
/\ [][HL!RNext /\ UNCHANGED ReadConsistencyImpl]_vars

THEOREM ImplSpec => HLSpec

Aliases == <<>>

22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/ConsistentPrefixRefinesEventualConsistency.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
StrongConsistency = StrongConsistency
BoundedStaleness = BoundedStaleness
SessionConsistency = SessionConsistency
ConsistentPrefix = ConsistentPrefix
EventualConsistency = EventualConsistency
StalenessBound <- StalenessBoundImpl
VersionBound <- VersionBoundImpl
Keys = {k1, k2}
Values = {v1, v2, v3}
NoValue = NoValue
LogIndices <- [CosmosDB]LogIndicesImpl
Checkpoints <- [CosmosDB]CheckpointsImpl
Epochs <- [CosmosDB]EpochsImpl
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/ConsistentPrefixRefinesEventualConsistency.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
------------------------ MODULE ConsistentPrefixRefinesEventualConsistency ------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals, Sequences, FiniteSetsExt

CONSTANTS Keys, Values, NoValue
CONSTANTS StrongConsistency, BoundedStaleness,
SessionConsistency, ConsistentPrefix,
CONSTANTS VersionBound, StalenessBound

VARIABLES read, readKey
VARIABLES ReadConsistencyImpl, ReadConsistencyHL
VARIABLES log, commitIndex, readIndex, epoch, WriteConsistencyLevel, writeHistory
vars == <<read, readKey, ReadConsistencyImpl, ReadConsistencyHL, log, commitIndex, readIndex, epoch, WriteConsistencyLevel, writeHistory>>

LogIndicesImpl == 1..4

CheckpointsImpl == LogIndicesImpl \cup {0}

EpochsImpl == 1..3

SpecificStateSpace ==
\* allow LogIndices to be 1 longer than max
\* Len(log), so that NextSessionToken doesn't
\* technically return invalid results at max
\* log length
/\ Len(log) < Max(LogIndicesImpl) - 1
/\ epoch < Max(EpochsImpl)

StalenessBoundImpl == 2
VersionBoundImpl == 4

Impl == INSTANCE CosmosDBWithReads WITH
ReadConsistency <- ReadConsistencyImpl
ImplSpec ==
/\ ReadConsistencyImpl = ConsistentPrefix
/\ ReadConsistencyHL = EventualConsistency
/\ Impl!RInit
/\ [][Impl!RNext /\ UNCHANGED ReadConsistencyHL]_vars

ReadConsistency <- ReadConsistencyHL
HLSpec ==
/\ ReadConsistencyImpl = ConsistentPrefix
/\ ReadConsistencyHL = EventualConsistency
/\ HL!RInit
/\ [][HL!RNext /\ UNCHANGED ReadConsistencyImpl]_vars

THEOREM ImplSpec => HLSpec

Aliases == <<>>

405 changes: 405 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/CosmosDB.tla

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

273 changes: 273 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/CosmosDBClient.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
---- MODULE CosmosDBClient ----
EXTENDS Naturals, TLC, FiniteSets, FiniteSetsExt, Sequences, SequencesExt

\* This part just repeats and summarizes the necessary mechanisms to instantiate
\* the CosmosDB spec. For the semantics, see CosmosDB.tla.

CONSTANTS Keys, Values, NoValue
CONSTANTS StrongConsistency, BoundedStaleness,
SessionConsistency, ConsistentPrefix,
CONSTANTS VersionBound, StalenessBound

VARIABLES log, commitIndex, readIndex, epoch, WriteConsistencyLevel

cosmosVarsExceptLog == <<commitIndex, readIndex, epoch, WriteConsistencyLevel>>
cosmosVars == <<cosmosVarsExceptLog, log>>

CosmosDB == INSTANCE CosmosDB


\* Two behavioral constants to enable / disable message loss in the
\* simulated network, or spontaneous request failure.

CONSTANT NetworkIsLossy
ASSUME NetworkIsLossy \in BOOLEAN

CONSTANT ModelFailure
ASSUME ModelFailure \in BOOLEAN

\* The set of client IDs who will be sending messages to Cosmos DB
\* alongside the ID of the Cosmos DB system itself, which will
\* respond to those requests.

NoSessionToken == CosmosDB!NoSessionToken

IDs == ClientIDs \cup {SystemID}

ReadMessages == [
type: {"read"},
from: ClientIDs,
consistencyLevel: CosmosDB!ConsistencyLevels,
key: Keys,
token: CosmosDB!MaybeSessionTokens

WriteMessages == [
type: {"write"},
from: ClientIDs,
key: Keys,
value: Values,
token: CosmosDB!MaybeSessionTokens

ReadOKMessages == [
type: {"read_ok"},
from: {SystemID},
value: CosmosDB!MaybeValues,
token: CosmosDB!MaybeSessionTokens

WriteOKMessages == [
type: {"write_ok"},
from: {SystemID},
token: CosmosDB!MaybeSessionTokens

FailMessages == [
type: {"fail"},
from: {SystemID}

ReqMessages ==
ReadMessages \cup

Messages ==
ReqMessages \cup
ReadOKMessages \cup
WriteOKMessages \cup

Mailboxes == Seq(Messages)

Networks == [ IDs -> Mailboxes ]

VARIABLES network, returnAddrMap
vars == <<cosmosVars, network, returnAddrMap>>

TypesOK ==
/\ network \in Networks
/\ \A token \in DOMAIN returnAddrMap :
/\ token \in CosmosDB!SessionTokens
/\ returnAddrMap[token] \in ClientIDs
/\ CosmosDB!TypesOK


varsExceptNetwork == <<cosmosVars, returnAddrMap>>

LOCAL SendToSystem(msg) ==
network' = [network EXCEPT ![SystemID] = Append(@, msg)]

LOCAL ReceiveFromSystem(self) ==
/\ network[self] # <<>>
/\ network' = [network EXCEPT ![self] = Tail(@)]

LOCAL TheMessage(self) == Head(network[self])

RequestRead(self, key, consistencyLevel, token) ==
type |-> "read",
from |-> self,
consistencyLevel |-> consistencyLevel,
key |-> key,
token |-> token

ReceiveReadResult(self) ==
/\ ReceiveFromSystem(self)
/\ TheMessage(self).type = "read_ok"

ReceivedRead(self) == TheMessage(self).value
ReceivedReadToken(self) == TheMessage(self).token

RequestWrite(self, key, value, token) ==
type |-> "write",
from |-> self,
key |-> key,
value |-> value,
token |-> token

ReceiveWriteResult(self) ==
/\ ReceiveFromSystem(self)
/\ TheMessage(self).type = "write_ok"

ReceivedWriteToken(self) == TheMessage(self).token

ReceiveFail(self) ==
/\ ReceiveFromSystem(self)
/\ TheMessage(self).type = "fail"


HandleReadMessage ==
/\ network[SystemID] # <<>>
/\ LET msg == Head(network[SystemID])
readResults ==
CASE msg.consistencyLevel = StrongConsistency ->
[] msg.consistencyLevel = BoundedStaleness ->
[] msg.consistencyLevel = SessionConsistency ->
CosmosDB!SessionConsistencyRead(msg.token, msg.key)
[] msg.consistencyLevel = ConsistentPrefix ->
[] msg.consistencyLevel = EventualConsistency ->
IN /\ msg.type = "read"
/\ (msg.consistencyLevel # SessionConsistency =>
Assert(msg.token = NoSessionToken, "session tokens are only meaningful for session consistent reads"))
/\ \E read \in readResults :
/\ network' = [network EXCEPT
![SystemID] = Tail(@),
![msg.from] = Append(@, [
type |-> "read_ok",
from |-> SystemID,
value |-> read.value,
token |-> CosmosDB!UpdateTokenFromRead(msg.token, read)
/\ UNCHANGED <<returnAddrMap, cosmosVars>>

HandleWriteMessageInit ==
/\ network[SystemID] # <<>>
/\ LET msg == Head(network[SystemID])
IN /\ msg.type = "write"
/\ CosmosDB!WritesAccepted
/\ IF WriteConsistencyLevel = SessionConsistency
THEN CosmosDB!SessionTokenIsValid(msg.token)
ELSE Assert(msg.token = NoSessionToken, "session tokens are only meaningful at session consistency")
/\ CosmosDB!WriteInit(msg.key, msg.value)
/\ returnAddrMap' = returnAddrMap @@ (CosmosDB!WriteInitToken :> msg.from)
/\ network' = [network EXCEPT ![SystemID] = Tail(@)]
/\ UNCHANGED cosmosVarsExceptLog

HandleWriteMessageSuccess ==
\E token \in DOMAIN returnAddrMap :
/\ CosmosDB!WriteCanSucceed(token)
/\ returnAddrMap' = [t \in (DOMAIN returnAddrMap) \ {token} |-> returnAddrMap[t]]
/\ network' = [network EXCEPT
![returnAddrMap[token]] = Append(@, [
type |-> "write_ok",
from |-> SystemID,
token |-> token
/\ UNCHANGED cosmosVars

HandleWriteMessageFail ==
/\ ModelFailure
/\ \E token \in DOMAIN returnAddrMap :
/\ returnAddrMap' = [t \in (DOMAIN returnAddrMap) \ {token} |-> returnAddrMap[t]]
/\ network' = [network EXCEPT
![returnAddrMap[token]] = Append(@, [
type |-> "fail",
from |-> SystemID
/\ UNCHANGED cosmosVars

HandleMessageFail ==
/\ ModelFailure
/\ network[SystemID] # <<>>
/\ LET msg == Head(network[SystemID])
IN /\ network' = [network EXCEPT
![SystemID] = Tail(@),
![msg.from] = Append(@, [
type |-> "fail",
from |-> SystemID
/\ UNCHANGED <<returnAddrMap, cosmosVars>>

MessageLoss ==
/\ NetworkIsLossy
/\ \E id \in DOMAIN network :
/\ network[id] # <<>>
/\ network' = [network EXCEPT ![id] = Tail(@)]
/\ UNCHANGED <<returnAddrMap, cosmosVars>>

Init ==
/\ network = [id \in IDs |-> <<>>]
/\ returnAddrMap = <<>>
/\ CosmosDB!Init

Next ==
\/ HandleReadMessage
\/ HandleWriteMessageInit
\/ HandleWriteMessageSuccess
\/ HandleWriteMessageFail
\/ HandleMessageFail
\/ MessageLoss
\/ /\ UNCHANGED <<network, returnAddrMap>>
/\ CosmosDB!Next

Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars /\ WF_vars(Next)


ReadResponsesWithoutFailure ==
(\lnot NetworkIsLossy) =>
\A id \in ClientIDs :
(\E i \in DOMAIN network[SystemID] :
/\ network[SystemID][i].type = "read"
/\ network[SystemID][i].from = id)
(\E i \in DOMAIN network[id] :
\/ network[id][i].type = "read_ok"
\/ network[id][i].type = "fail")

WriteResponsesWithoutFailure ==
(\lnot NetworkIsLossy) =>
\A id \in ClientIDs :
(\E i \in DOMAIN network[SystemID] :
/\ network[SystemID][i].type = "write"
/\ network[SystemID][i].from = id)
(\E i \in DOMAIN network[id] :
\/ network[id][i].type = "write_ok"
\/ network[id][i].type = "fail")

19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/CosmosDBLinearizability.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
StrongConsistency = StrongConsistency
BoundedStaleness = BoundedStaleness
SessionConsistency = SessionConsistency
ConsistentPrefix = ConsistentPrefix
EventualConsistency = EventualConsistency
StalenessBound = 2
VersionBound = 4
Keys = {k1, k2}
Values = {v1, v2, v3}
NoValue = NoValue
\* Nat <- NatImpl
131 changes: 131 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/CosmosDBLinearizability.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
---- MODULE CosmosDBLinearizability ----
EXTENDS Naturals, Sequences

CONSTANTS Keys, Values, NoValue
CONSTANTS StrongConsistency, BoundedStaleness,
SessionConsistency, ConsistentPrefix,
CONSTANTS VersionBound, StalenessBound

VARIABLES log, commitIndex, readIndex, epoch, WriteConsistencyLevel

cosmosVarsExceptLog == <<commitIndex, readIndex, epoch, WriteConsistencyLevel>>
cosmosVars == <<cosmosVarsExceptLog, log>>

CosmosDB == INSTANCE CosmosDB


\* This is a specification that performs arbitrary writes to Cosmos DB
\* forever, set to strong consistency. It is used to prove that
\* strong consistency reads + writes are linearizable.

\* This one extra state variable holds the set of pending write tokens.
\* They are added when a write begins, and removed whem a write completes
\* (successfully or not).
VARIABLE pending

vars == <<pending, cosmosVars>>

WriteBegin ==
\E key \in Keys, value \in Values :
/\ CosmosDB!WritesAccepted
/\ CosmosDB!WriteInit(key, value)
/\ pending' = pending \cup {CosmosDB!WriteInitToken}
/\ UNCHANGED cosmosVarsExceptLog

WriteSucceed ==
\E token \in pending :
/\ CosmosDB!WriteCanSucceed(token)
/\ pending' = pending \ {token}
/\ UNCHANGED cosmosVars

WriteFail ==
\E token \in pending :
/\ pending' = pending \ {token}
/\ UNCHANGED cosmosVars

DBNext ==
/\ CosmosDB!Next
/\ UNCHANGED <<pending>>

LinInit ==
/\ pending = {}
/\ WriteConsistencyLevel = StrongConsistency
/\ CosmosDB!Init

LinNext ==
\/ DBNext
\/ WriteBegin
\/ WriteSucceed
\/ WriteFail

LinSpec ==
/\ LinInit
/\ [][LinNext]_vars


\* This other section defines an atomic key-value store with two
\* state variables:
\* - commitIndex, which increases on every write
\* - dictView, a mapping from keys to pairs of value and commitIndex as of writing
\* The model performs a number of arbitrary writes to dictView on each step, or skips steps.
\* The point is, if the Cosmos DB arbitrary writes spec refines this one, then
\* the Cosmos DB spec at strong consistency offers linearizable operations.

\* dictView is expressed as a refinement mapping over Cosmos DB reads, choosing
\* the single strong consistency read value for each key per state.
dictView == [ key \in Keys |->
CHOOSE read \in CosmosDB!StrongConsistencyRead(key) : TRUE

\* The dictionary starts empty, like Cosmos DB
DictInit ==
/\ commitIndex = 0
/\ dictView = [ key \in Keys |-> CosmosDB!NotFoundReadResult ]

\* Due to a quirk of Cosmos DB, that commitIndex may advance more than once per step,
\* DictWrite has this recursive structure that performs `n` writes per step.
\* Each write is tagged with a distinct value of commitIndex, and represents
\* the precise point in time at which a Cosmos DB strong consistency write becomes
\* both durable and readable.
RECURSIVE DictWriteNTimes(_, _, _)

DictWriteNTimes(n, dv, idx) ==
IF n = 0
THEN /\ dictView' = dv
/\ commitIndex' = idx
ELSE \E key \in Keys, value \in Values :
n - 1,
[dv EXCEPT ![key] = [value |-> value, logIndex |-> idx + 1]],
idx + 1)

DictWrite ==
\E n \in 1..VersionBound :
DictWriteNTimes(n, dictView, commitIndex)

DictNext ==
\/ DictWrite
\/ UNCHANGED <<dictView, commitIndex>>

DictSpec == DictInit /\ [][DictNext]_<<dictView, commitIndex>>


SpecificStateSpace ==
/\ epoch < 3
/\ Len(log) < 4

Alias == [
dictView |-> dictView,

log |-> log,
commitIndex |-> commitIndex,
readIndex |-> readIndex,
epoch |-> epoch,
WriteConsistencyLevel |-> WriteConsistencyLevel

475 changes: 475 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/CosmosDBProps.tla

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/CosmosDBWithAllReads.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
---------------------------- MODULE CosmosDBWithAllReads --------------------------

VARIABLE read, readKey, readConsistency

RInit ==
/\ read = {NotFoundReadResult}
/\ readKey \in Keys
/\ readConsistency \in ConsistencyLevels
/\ WInit

DoStrongConsistencyRead(key) ==
/\ ReadConsistencyOK(StrongConsistency)
/\ readKey' = key
/\ read' = StrongConsistencyRead(key)
/\ readConsistency' = StrongConsistency

DoBoundedStalenessRead(key) ==
/\ ReadConsistencyOK(BoundedStaleness)
/\ readKey' = key
/\ read' = BoundedStalenessRead(key)
/\ readConsistency' = BoundedStaleness

DoSessionConsistencyRead(key) ==
/\ ReadConsistencyOK(SessionConsistency)
/\ \E token \in SessionTokens :
/\ readKey' = key
/\ read' = SessionConsistencyRead(token, key)
/\ readConsistency' = SessionConsistency

DoConsistentPrefixRead(key) ==
/\ ReadConsistencyOK(ConsistentPrefix)
/\ readKey' = key
/\ read' = ConsistentPrefixRead(key)
/\ readConsistency' = ConsistentPrefix

DoEventualConsistencyRead(key) ==
/\ ReadConsistencyOK(EventualConsistency)
/\ readKey' = key
/\ read' = EventualConsistencyRead(key)
/\ readConsistency' = EventualConsistency

RNext ==
\/ /\ UNCHANGED varsWithHistory
/\ \E key \in Keys:
\/ DoStrongConsistencyRead(key)
\/ DoBoundedStalenessRead(key)
\/ DoSessionConsistencyRead(key)
\/ DoConsistentPrefixRead(key)
\/ DoEventualConsistencyRead(key)
\/ /\ UNCHANGED <<read, readKey, readConsistency>>
/\ WNext

RSpec ==
RInit /\ [][RNext]_<<varsWithHistory, read, readKey, readConsistency>>

58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/CosmosDBWithReads.tla
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@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
---------------------------- MODULE CosmosDBWithReads --------------------------

VARIABLES read, readKey, ReadConsistency

RInit ==
/\ ReadConsistency \in ConsistencyLevels
/\ readKey \in Keys
/\ read = NotFoundReadResult
/\ WInit

DoStrongConsistencyRead(key) ==
/\ ReadConsistency = StrongConsistency
/\ ReadConsistencyOK(StrongConsistency)
/\ read' \in StrongConsistencyRead(key)
/\ readKey' = key

DoBoundedStalenessRead(key) ==
/\ ReadConsistency = BoundedStaleness
/\ ReadConsistencyOK(BoundedStaleness)
/\ read' \in BoundedStalenessRead(key)
/\ readKey' = key

DoSessionConsistencyRead(key) ==
/\ ReadConsistency = SessionConsistency
/\ ReadConsistencyOK(SessionConsistency)
/\ \E token \in MaybeSessionTokens :
/\ read' \in SessionConsistencyRead(token, key)
/\ readKey' = key

DoConsistentPrefixRead(key) ==
/\ ReadConsistency = ConsistentPrefix
/\ ReadConsistencyOK(ConsistentPrefix)
/\ read' \in ConsistentPrefixRead(key)
/\ readKey' = key

DoEventualConsistencyRead(key) ==
/\ ReadConsistency = EventualConsistency
/\ ReadConsistencyOK(EventualConsistency)
/\ read' \in EventualConsistencyRead(key)
/\ readKey' = key

RNext ==
\/ /\ UNCHANGED varsWithHistory
/\ UNCHANGED ReadConsistency
/\ \E key \in Keys:
\/ DoStrongConsistencyRead(key)
\/ DoBoundedStalenessRead(key)
\/ DoSessionConsistencyRead(key)
\/ DoConsistentPrefixRead(key)
\/ DoEventualConsistencyRead(key)
\/ /\ UNCHANGED <<read, readKey, ReadConsistency>>
/\ WNext

RSpec ==
RInit /\ [][RNext]_<<varsWithHistory, read, readKey, ReadConsistency>>

32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/MCCosmosDBClient.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
StrongConsistency = StrongConsistency
BoundedStaleness = BoundedStaleness
SessionConsistency = SessionConsistency
ConsistentPrefix = ConsistentPrefix
EventualConsistency = EventualConsistency
StalenessBound <- StalenessBoundImpl
VersionBound <- VersionBoundImpl
Keys = {k1, k2}
Values = {v1, v2, v3}
NoValue = NoValue
LogIndices <- [CosmosDB]LogIndicesImpl
Checkpoints <- [CosmosDB]CheckpointsImpl
Epochs <- [CosmosDB]EpochsImpl
\* client defs
Init <- InitImpl
SystemID = SystemID
ClientIDs = {c1, c2}
c1 = c1
k1 = k1
v1 = v1
NetworkIsLossy = TRUE
ModelFailure = TRUE
\* ReadResponsesWithoutFailure
\* WriteResponsesWithoutFailure
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/MCCosmosDBClient.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
---- MODULE MCCosmosDBClient ----
EXTENDS CosmosDBClient

CONSTANTS c1, k1, v1
ASSUME c1 \in ClientIDs
ASSUME k1 \in Keys
ASSUME v1 \in Values

InitImpl ==
/\ CosmosDB!Init
/\ network \in (
{ net \in { [id \in ClientIDs |-> <<>>] @@ (SystemID :> msgs) :
msgs \in SeqOf(ReqMessages, 2) } :
\A i \in DOMAIN net[SystemID] :
/\ /\ net[SystemID][i].type = "read"
=> CosmosDB!ReadConsistencyOK(net[SystemID][i].consistencyLevel)
/\ \/ /\ net[SystemID][i].type = "write"
/\ WriteConsistencyLevel # SessionConsistency
\/ /\ net[SystemID][i].type = "read"
/\ net[SystemID][i].consistencyLevel # SessionConsistency
=> net[SystemID][i].token = NoSessionToken })
/\ returnAddrMap = <<>>

LogIndicesImpl == 1..4

CheckpointsImpl == LogIndicesImpl \cup {0}

EpochsImpl == 1..3

SpecificStateSpace ==
\* allow LogIndices to be 1 longer than max
\* Len(log), so that NextSessionToken doesn't
\* technically return invalid results at max
\* log length
/\ Len(log) < Max(LogIndicesImpl) - 1
/\ epoch < Max(EpochsImpl)

StalenessBoundImpl == 2
VersionBoundImpl == 4

71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/MCCosmosDBProps.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
StrongConsistency = StrongConsistency
BoundedStaleness = BoundedStaleness
SessionConsistency = SessionConsistency
ConsistentPrefix = ConsistentPrefix
EventualConsistency = EventualConsistency
StalenessBound <- StalenessBoundImpl
VersionBound <- VersionBoundImpl
Keys = {k1, k2}
Values = {v1, v2, v3}
NoValue = NoValue
LogIndices <- LogIndicesImpl
Checkpoints <- CheckpointsImpl
Epochs <- EpochsImpl
\* type and type-like invariants

\* general invariants grouped by consistency level



\* very slow:


\* action property regarding readIndex and commitIndex

\* very very slow (1hr+):

\* general properties grouped by consistency level


\* overloads TLC (out of memory), probably holds:

17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/MCCosmosDBProps.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
---- MODULE MCCosmosDBProps ----

LogIndicesImpl == 1..4

CheckpointsImpl == LogIndicesImpl \cup {0}

EpochsImpl == 1..3

SpecificStateSpace ==
/\ Len(log) < (Max(LogIndicesImpl) - 1)
/\ epoch < Max(EpochsImpl)

StalenessBoundImpl == 2
VersionBoundImpl == 3

21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/MCCosmosDBWithAllReads.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
StrongConsistency = StrongConsistency
BoundedStaleness = BoundedStaleness
SessionConsistency = SessionConsistency
ConsistentPrefix = ConsistentPrefix
EventualConsistency = EventualConsistency
StalenessBound <- StalenessBoundImpl
VersionBound <- VersionBoundImpl
Keys = {k1, k2}
Values = {v1, v2, v3}
NoValue = NoValue
LogIndices <- LogIndicesImpl
Checkpoints <- CheckpointsImpl
Epochs <- EpochsImpl
\* type and type-like invariants
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/MCCosmosDBWithAllReads.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
---- MODULE MCCosmosDBWithAllReads ----
EXTENDS CosmosDBWithAllReads

LogIndicesImpl == 1..3

CheckpointsImpl == LogIndicesImpl \cup {0}

EpochsImpl == 1..3

SpecificStateSpace ==
/\ Len(log) < Max(LogIndicesImpl)
/\ epoch < Max(EpochsImpl)

StalenessBoundImpl == 2
VersionBoundImpl == 4

32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# A minimal model of Cosmos DB's behavior at different consistency levels for single read/writes

This collection of specifications is centered around `CosmosDB.tla`, which is a modular TLA+ specification of Cosmos DB's behavior for single reads and writes.
It can be re-used when modeling services that depend on Cosmos DB, as demonstrated in the `show*.tla` series of specifications.

The specification does not explicitly mention servers, clients, replication, regions, or other implementation details.
Instead, it abstractly specifies allowed behavior for any combination of clients, servers, and regions.
It also abstracts away all supported failure modes, ranging from spurious communication failure to multiple region failures.
It also abstracts away from communication: allowed behavior is specified in terms of "what any server is allowed to respond to a client request at this exact moment", representing a global view of any server.

To demonstrate the variety of edge cases and counter-intuitive behaviors our specification covers, `AnomaliesCosmosDB.tla` lists a set of regression tests that describe unusual scenarios that must be reachable by our model.
PRs increasing this set with new possibilities, including potentially failing cases that show limitations in our model, are of interest and welcome.

If you need to consider network delay in addition to Cosmos DB's base semantics (although it may not make a meaningful difference in most cases, and may complicate your model), `CosmosDBClient.tla` contains definitions that can be used to do this.

For examples of how to use the specifications here in order to model a specific situation, the files `show*.tla` contain variations of a model of the same [outage at Microsoft Azure](
The spec [show521677simple.tla]( models the outage *above* the network layer, while [show521677.tla]( is more detailed and includes network communication (you can [interactively create and explore traces of the spec](!/home? with tla-web). Similarly, two PlusCal specifications model the outage at the same two levels of abstraction ([show521677simplePCal]( and [show521677PCal.tla](
Model checking each spec with TLC will provide a counter-example which represents the root cause of the relevant outage.

## Analysis-specific files

Beyond re-usable components and edge case regression tests, this folder also contains records of our analysis and validation work.

- `*.cfg` are configuration files, which store additional information regarding what TLC should do with the corresponding `*.tla` files.
- `*Refine*.tla` represent verifications that behavior at different consistency levels represents a refinement ([in the model checking sense]( of behavior at other consistency levels.
- `RefineGeneralModel.tla` similarly checks refinement between `CosmosDB.tla` and the `general-model` sibling folder. It verifies that our model describes a superset of the behaviors allowed by `general-model`.
- `CosmosDBWithReads.tla` and `CosmosDBWithAllReads.tla` extend `CosmosDB.tla` with the assumption of arbitrary read and write operations, in two variants. For modularity, `CosmosDB.tla` itself has no state space and can be configured to only explore a limited set of specific operations.
For refinement and verifying properties however, we want to talk about "in all possible situations", and so we want to make TLC explore all possible operations (up to some bound).
`AllReads` and `Reads` differ in that `AllReads` will perform all possible read operations at all allowed read consistency levels all the time, whereas `Reads` is limited to a single read consistency level that is kept in an effectively-constant state variable. `Reads` is used by the `*Refine*.tla` tests, whereas `AllReads` is used by other analyses like `AnomaliesCosmosDB.tla`.
- `CosmosDBProps.tla` describes all the formal properties we want to verify for `CosmosDB.tla`, except one linearizability property of strongly consistent reads.
- `CosmosDBLinearizability.tla` describes a specific linearizability argument for strongly consistent reads. Model checking for this property is done as a refinement, which requires custom state space exploration and therefore cannot be batched together with the other properties.
- `MC*.tla` are utility files that contain model checking-specific definitions to help TLC work with the corresponding files without the `MC` prefix. To run model checking, give TLC the `MC`-prefixed file if there is one.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/RefineGeneralModel.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Nat <- NatImpl
\* FakeInv
117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/RefineGeneralModel.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
---- MODULE RefineGeneralModel ----
EXTENDS Naturals, FiniteSetsExt, Sequences, SequencesExt

StrongConsistency == "Strong"
BoundedStaleness == "Bounded_staleness"
SessionConsistency == "Session"
ConsistentPrefix == "Consistent_prefix"
EventualConsistency == "Eventual"

VARIABLES Consistency, History, Database, value, session_token
vars == <<Consistency, History, Database, value, session_token>>

K == 2
StalenessBound == K
VersionBound == 100

GeneralModel == INSTANCE cosmos_client WITH
NumRegions <- 2,
NumClientsPerRegion <- 2,
NumWriteRegions <- 1

\* The set of log indices for the CosmosDB model.
\* It summarizes all writes in any region for
\* GeneralModel, where each "value" in GeneralModel
\* corresponds directly to a log index.
\* The remaining semantics, like what should be
\* readable when, are left to commitIndex.
LOCAL dbIdxs ==
{ Database[i][j]
: j \in DOMAIN Database[i]}
: i \in DOMAIN Database }

\* The commitIndex is the latest write that is
\* replicated across all regions.
commitIndex ==
Max({idx \in dbIdxs :
\A i \in DOMAIN Database :
\E j \in DOMAIN Database[i] :
Database[i][j] = idx})

\* GeneralModel doesn't really have a readIndex, so we just leave it
\* at 0
readIndex == 0

\* GeneralModel is for one hypothetical key and value, so we just use
\* dummy constants "key" and "value"
log ==
[ i \in dbIdxs \ {0} |->
[key |-> "key", value |-> "value"]]

\* The histories of the two models match by removing all the reads from
\* History, and adding dummy information for all the missing fields in
\* writeHistory. Writes are never considered to succeed or fail, because
\* there is no such concept in GeneralModel. Writes happen to become
\* durable at some point, but e.g there is no specific action for a
\* strongly consistent write succeeding (being globally replicated),
\* it just happens at some point.
\* This can also happen in simple-model if a write remains in state "init",
\* so writeHistory can be translated using just "init".
writeHistory ==
LET onlyWrites == SelectSeq(History, LAMBDA elem : elem.type = "write")
IN [ i \in DOMAIN onlyWrites |->
token |-> [checkpoint |-> onlyWrites[i].data, epoch |-> 1],
key |-> "key",
value |-> "value",
state |-> "init"

\* Because there is only one key (and one value), the value that was read
\* is generally irrelevant. The "value" in GeneralModel matches the
\* logIndex field, indicating which element of the log was read.
read ==
LET onlyReads == SelectSeq(History, LAMBDA elem : elem.type = "read")
IN IF onlyReads # <<>> /\ Last(onlyReads).data # 0
THEN [ logIndex |-> Last(onlyReads).data, value |-> "value" ]
ELSE [ logIndex |-> 0, value |-> "NoValue" ]

Values == {"value"}
Keys == {"key"}
NoValue == "NoValue"

CosmosDB == INSTANCE CosmosDBWithReads WITH
readKey <- "key",
WriteConsistencyLevel <- Consistency,
ReadConsistency <- Consistency,
epoch <- 1

GSpec == GeneralModel!CombinedSpec

CSpec == CosmosDB!RSpec

THEOREM GSpec => CSpec


SpecificStateSpace ==
/\ vars # vars'
/\ Len(History) < 5

NatImpl == 1..10

Alias == [
Consistency |-> Consistency,
History |-> History,
Database |-> Database,
value |-> value,
session_token |-> session_token,
log |-> log,
read |-> read,
commitIndex |-> commitIndex,
writeHistory |-> writeHistory

22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/SessionConsistencyRefinesConsistentPrefix.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
StrongConsistency = StrongConsistency
BoundedStaleness = BoundedStaleness
SessionConsistency = SessionConsistency
ConsistentPrefix = ConsistentPrefix
EventualConsistency = EventualConsistency
StalenessBound <- StalenessBoundImpl
VersionBound <- VersionBoundImpl
Keys = {k1, k2}
Values = {v1, v2, v3}
NoValue = NoValue
LogIndices <- [CosmosDB]LogIndicesImpl
Checkpoints <- [CosmosDB]CheckpointsImpl
Epochs <- [CosmosDB]EpochsImpl
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/SessionConsistencyRefinesConsistentPrefix.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
------------------------ MODULE SessionConsistencyRefinesConsistentPrefix ------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals, Sequences, FiniteSetsExt

CONSTANTS Keys, Values, NoValue
CONSTANTS StrongConsistency, BoundedStaleness,
SessionConsistency, ConsistentPrefix,
CONSTANTS VersionBound, StalenessBound

VARIABLES read, readKey
VARIABLES ReadConsistencyImpl, ReadConsistencyHL
VARIABLES log, commitIndex, readIndex, epoch, WriteConsistencyLevel, writeHistory
vars == <<read, readKey, ReadConsistencyImpl, ReadConsistencyHL, log, commitIndex, readIndex, epoch, WriteConsistencyLevel, writeHistory>>

LogIndicesImpl == 1..4

CheckpointsImpl == LogIndicesImpl \cup {0}

EpochsImpl == 1..3

SpecificStateSpace ==
\* allow LogIndices to be 1 longer than max
\* Len(log), so that NextSessionToken doesn't
\* technically return invalid results at max
\* log length
/\ Len(log) < Max(LogIndicesImpl) - 1
/\ epoch < Max(EpochsImpl)

StalenessBoundImpl == 2
VersionBoundImpl == 4

Impl == INSTANCE CosmosDBWithReads WITH
ReadConsistency <- ReadConsistencyImpl
ImplSpec ==
/\ ReadConsistencyImpl = SessionConsistency
/\ ReadConsistencyHL = ConsistentPrefix
/\ Impl!RInit
/\ [][Impl!RNext /\ UNCHANGED ReadConsistencyHL]_vars

ReadConsistency <- ReadConsistencyHL
HLSpec ==
/\ ReadConsistencyImpl = SessionConsistency
/\ ReadConsistencyHL = ConsistentPrefix
/\ HL!RInit
/\ [][HL!RNext /\ UNCHANGED ReadConsistencyImpl]_vars

THEOREM ImplSpec => HLSpec

Aliases == <<>>

66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/SimCosmosDBProps.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
StrongConsistency = StrongConsistency
BoundedStaleness = BoundedStaleness
SessionConsistency = SessionConsistency
ConsistentPrefix = ConsistentPrefix
EventualConsistency = EventualConsistency
StalenessBound <- StalenessBoundImpl
VersionBound <- VersionBoundImpl
Keys = {k1, k2}
Values = {v1, v2, v3}
NoValue = NoValue
Nat <- NatImpl
\* type and type-like invariants

\* general invariants grouped by consistency level


\* very slow:
\* SessionConsistencyReadsMonotonicPerTokenSequence
\* SessionConsistencyReadsFollowReadIndex
\* SessionConsistencyReadsFollowReadIndex
\* SessionTokenBeforeValidation
\* SessionTokenWhenValid



\* to see traces of a certain length
\* TraceLength
\* action property regarding readIndex and commitIndex

\* very very slow (1hr+):
\* SessionTokensUniquelyIdentifyWrites

\* general properties grouped by consistency level


\* overloads TLC (out of memory), probably holds:
\* SessionConsistencyReadMyWritesPerTokenSequence
\* SessionConsistencyReadsLowMonotonic
\* very very slow (1hr+):
\* SessionTokenInvalidationIsPermanent

16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/SimCosmosDBProps.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
---- MODULE SimCosmosDBProps ----

SimInit == WInit

SimSpec == SimInit /\ [][WNext]_varsWithHistory

NatImpl == 0..100

StalenessBoundImpl == 2
VersionBoundImpl == 3

TraceLength ==
TLCGet("level") < 5

22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/StrongConsistencyRefinesBoundedStaleness.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
StrongConsistency = StrongConsistency
BoundedStaleness = BoundedStaleness
SessionConsistency = SessionConsistency
ConsistentPrefix = ConsistentPrefix
EventualConsistency = EventualConsistency
StalenessBound <- StalenessBoundImpl
VersionBound <- VersionBoundImpl
Keys = {k1, k2}
Values = {v1, v2, v3}
NoValue = NoValue
LogIndices <- [CosmosDB]LogIndicesImpl
Checkpoints <- [CosmosDB]CheckpointsImpl
Epochs <- [CosmosDB]EpochsImpl
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/StrongConsistencyRefinesBoundedStaleness.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
------------------------ MODULE StrongConsistencyRefinesBoundedStaleness ------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals, Sequences, FiniteSetsExt

CONSTANTS Keys, Values, NoValue
CONSTANTS StrongConsistency, BoundedStaleness,
SessionConsistency, ConsistentPrefix,
CONSTANTS VersionBound, StalenessBound

VARIABLES read, readKey
VARIABLES ReadConsistencyImpl, ReadConsistencyHL
VARIABLES log, commitIndex, readIndex, epoch, WriteConsistencyLevel, writeHistory
vars == <<read, readKey, ReadConsistencyImpl, ReadConsistencyHL, log, commitIndex, readIndex, epoch, WriteConsistencyLevel, writeHistory>>

LogIndicesImpl == 1..4

CheckpointsImpl == LogIndicesImpl \cup {0}

EpochsImpl == 1..3

SpecificStateSpace ==
\* allow LogIndices to be 1 longer than max
\* Len(log), so that NextSessionToken doesn't
\* technically return invalid results at max
\* log length
/\ Len(log) < Max(LogIndicesImpl) - 1
/\ epoch < Max(EpochsImpl)

StalenessBoundImpl == 2
VersionBoundImpl == 4

Impl == INSTANCE CosmosDBWithReads WITH
ReadConsistency <- ReadConsistencyImpl
ImplSpec ==
/\ ReadConsistencyImpl = StrongConsistency
/\ ReadConsistencyHL = BoundedStaleness
/\ Impl!RInit
/\ [][Impl!RNext /\ UNCHANGED ReadConsistencyHL]_vars

ReadConsistency <- ReadConsistencyHL
HLSpec ==
/\ ReadConsistencyImpl = StrongConsistency
/\ ReadConsistencyHL = BoundedStaleness
/\ HL!RInit
/\ [][HL!RNext /\ UNCHANGED ReadConsistencyImpl]_vars

THEOREM ImplSpec => HLSpec

Aliases == <<>>

17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/show521677.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
StrongConsistency = StrongConsistency
BoundedStaleness = BoundedStaleness
SessionConsistency = SessionConsistency
ConsistentPrefix = ConsistentPrefix
EventualConsistency = EventualConsistency
StalenessBound = 1
VersionBound = 2
128 changes: 128 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/show521677.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
---- MODULE show521677 ----
EXTENDS TLC, Naturals, Sequences

CONSTANTS StrongConsistency, BoundedStaleness,
SessionConsistency, ConsistentPrefix,
CONSTANTS VersionBound, StalenessBound

VARIABLES log, commitIndex, readIndex, epoch, WriteConsistencyLevel

Keys == {"taskKey"}
Values == {"taskValue"}
NoValue == "NoValue"

VARIABLES network, returnAddrMap

ClientIDs == {"frontdoor", "worker"}
SystemID == "SystemID"

clientVarsExceptNetwork == <<log, commitIndex, readIndex, epoch, WriteConsistencyLevel, returnAddrMap>>
clientVars == <<clientVarsExceptNetwork, network>>

Client == INSTANCE CosmosDBClient WITH
NetworkIsLossy <- FALSE,
ModelFailure <- FALSE


TypesOK == Client!TypesOK

VARIABLE serviceBus, frontdoorPC, frontdoorToken, workerPC, workerToken, workerValue

specVars == <<serviceBus, frontdoorPC, frontdoorToken, workerPC, workerToken, workerValue>>
vars == <<clientVars, specVars>>

frontdoorWriteTaskDataSend ==
/\ frontdoorPC = "frontdoorWriteTaskDataSend"
/\ Client!RequestWrite("frontdoor", "taskKey", "taskValue", frontdoorToken)
/\ frontdoorPC' = "frontdoorWriteTaskDataReceive"
/\ UNCHANGED <<clientVarsExceptNetwork, serviceBus, frontdoorToken, workerPC, workerToken, workerValue>>

frontdoorWriteTaskDataReceive ==
/\ frontdoorPC = "frontdoorWriteTaskDataReceive"
/\ Client!ReceiveWriteResult("frontdoor")
/\ frontdoorToken' = Client!ReceivedWriteToken("frontdoor")
/\ serviceBus' = <<"taskKey">>
/\ frontdoorPC' = "Done"
/\ UNCHANGED <<clientVarsExceptNetwork, workerPC, workerToken, workerValue>>

frontdoorDone ==
/\ frontdoorPC = "Done"

workerBeginTaskSend ==
/\ workerPC = "workerBeginTaskSend"
/\ serviceBus # <<>>
/\ LET taskKey == Head(serviceBus)
IN /\ serviceBus' = Tail(serviceBus)
/\ Client!RequestRead("worker", taskKey, SessionConsistency, workerToken)
/\ workerPC' = "workerBeginTaskReceive"
/\ UNCHANGED <<clientVarsExceptNetwork, frontdoorToken, frontdoorPC, workerToken, workerValue>>

workerBeginTaskReceive ==
/\ workerPC = "workerBeginTaskReceive"
/\ Client!ReceiveReadResult("worker")
/\ workerToken' = Client!ReceivedReadToken("worker")
/\ workerValue' = Client!ReceivedRead("worker")
/\ workerPC' = "Done"
/\ UNCHANGED <<clientVarsExceptNetwork, serviceBus, frontdoorToken, frontdoorPC>>

workerDone ==
/\ workerPC = "Done"


Init ==
/\ WriteConsistencyLevel = SessionConsistency
/\ serviceBus = <<>>
/\ frontdoorPC = "frontdoorWriteTaskDataSend"
/\ frontdoorToken = Client!NoSessionToken
/\ workerPC = "workerBeginTaskSend"
/\ workerToken = Client!NoSessionToken
/\ workerValue = NoValue
/\ Client!Init

frontdoor ==
\/ frontdoorWriteTaskDataSend
\/ frontdoorWriteTaskDataReceive
\/ frontdoorDone

worker ==
\/ workerBeginTaskSend
\/ workerBeginTaskReceive
\/ workerDone

client ==
/\ Client!Next
/\ UNCHANGED specVars

Next ==
\/ frontdoor
\/ worker
\/ client

Spec == /\ Init /\ [][Next]_vars
/\ WF_vars(frontdoor)
/\ WF_vars(worker)
/\ WF_vars(client)


SpecificStateSpace ==
\* Don't model data loss. It is not needed, and it allows a session
\* token to expire after being acquired. Handling that would
\* complicate this spec.
/\ epoch = 1


Termination ==
<>(/\ frontdoorPC = "Done"
/\ workerPC = "Done")

WorkerReceivesCorrectValue ==
workerPC = "Done" => workerValue = "taskValue"

20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/show521677PCal.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
CONSTANT defaultInitValue = defaultInitValue
\* Add statements after this line.
StrongConsistency = StrongConsistency
BoundedStaleness = BoundedStaleness
SessionConsistency = SessionConsistency
ConsistentPrefix = ConsistentPrefix
EventualConsistency = EventualConsistency
StalenessBound = 1
VersionBound = 2
Terminating <- TerminatingImpl
168 changes: 168 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/show521677PCal.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
---- MODULE show521677PCal ----
EXTENDS TLC, Naturals, Sequences

CONSTANTS StrongConsistency, BoundedStaleness,
SessionConsistency, ConsistentPrefix,
CONSTANTS VersionBound, StalenessBound

VARIABLES log, commitIndex, readIndex, epoch, WriteConsistencyLevel

Keys == {"taskKey"}
Values == {"taskValue"}
NoValue == "NoValue"

VARIABLES network, returnAddrMap

ClientIDs == {"frontdoor", "worker"}
SystemID == "SystemID"

clientVarsExceptNetwork == <<log, commitIndex, readIndex, epoch, WriteConsistencyLevel, returnAddrMap>>
clientVars == <<clientVarsExceptNetwork, network>>

Client == INSTANCE CosmosDBClient WITH
NetworkIsLossy <- FALSE,
ModelFailure <- FALSE


TypesOK == Client!TypesOK

(* --fair algorithm show521677PCal {

variables serviceBus = <<>>;

process (frontdoor = "frontdoor")
variables frontdoorToken = Client!NoSessionToken;
await Client!RequestWrite("frontdoor", "taskKey", "taskValue", frontdoorToken);
await UNCHANGED clientVarsExceptNetwork;
await Client!ReceiveWriteResult("frontdoor");
frontdoorToken := Client!ReceivedWriteToken("frontdoor");
serviceBus := <<"taskKey">>;
await UNCHANGED clientVarsExceptNetwork;

process (worker = "worker")
variables workerToken = Client!NoSessionToken, workerValue;
await serviceBus # <<>>;
with(taskKey = Head(serviceBus)) {
await Client!RequestRead("worker", taskKey, SessionConsistency, workerToken);
serviceBus := <<>>;
await UNCHANGED clientVarsExceptNetwork;
await Client!ReceiveReadResult("worker");
workerToken := Client!ReceivedReadToken("worker");
workerValue := Client!ReceivedRead("worker");
await UNCHANGED clientVarsExceptNetwork;

} *)

\* BEGIN TRANSLATION (chksum(pcal) = "7c28162a" /\ chksum(tla) = "ea1bcd8")
CONSTANT defaultInitValue
VARIABLES serviceBus, pc, frontdoorToken, workerToken, workerValue

vars == << serviceBus, pc, frontdoorToken, workerToken, workerValue >>

ProcSet == {"frontdoor"} \cup {"worker"}

Init == (* Global variables *)
/\ serviceBus = <<>>
(* Process frontdoor *)
/\ frontdoorToken = Client!NoSessionToken
(* Process worker *)
/\ workerToken = Client!NoSessionToken
/\ workerValue = defaultInitValue
/\ pc = [self \in ProcSet |-> CASE self = "frontdoor" -> "frontdoorWriteTaskDataSend"
[] self = "worker" -> "workerBeginTaskSend"]

frontdoorWriteTaskDataSend == /\ pc["frontdoor"] = "frontdoorWriteTaskDataSend"
/\ Client!RequestWrite("frontdoor", "taskKey", "taskValue", frontdoorToken)
/\ UNCHANGED clientVarsExceptNetwork
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["frontdoor"] = "frontdoorWriteTaskDataReceive"]
/\ UNCHANGED << serviceBus, frontdoorToken,
workerToken, workerValue >>

frontdoorWriteTaskDataReceive == /\ pc["frontdoor"] = "frontdoorWriteTaskDataReceive"
/\ Client!ReceiveWriteResult("frontdoor")
/\ frontdoorToken' = Client!ReceivedWriteToken("frontdoor")
/\ serviceBus' = <<"taskKey">>
/\ UNCHANGED clientVarsExceptNetwork
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["frontdoor"] = "Done"]
/\ UNCHANGED << workerToken, workerValue >>

frontdoor == frontdoorWriteTaskDataSend \/ frontdoorWriteTaskDataReceive

workerBeginTaskSend == /\ pc["worker"] = "workerBeginTaskSend"
/\ serviceBus # <<>>
/\ LET taskKey == Head(serviceBus) IN
Client!RequestRead("worker", taskKey, SessionConsistency, workerToken)
/\ serviceBus' = <<>>
/\ UNCHANGED clientVarsExceptNetwork
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["worker"] = "workerBeginTaskReceive"]
/\ UNCHANGED << frontdoorToken, workerToken,
workerValue >>

workerBeginTaskReceive == /\ pc["worker"] = "workerBeginTaskReceive"
/\ Client!ReceiveReadResult("worker")
/\ workerToken' = Client!ReceivedReadToken("worker")
/\ workerValue' = Client!ReceivedRead("worker")
/\ UNCHANGED clientVarsExceptNetwork
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["worker"] = "Done"]
/\ UNCHANGED << serviceBus, frontdoorToken >>

worker == workerBeginTaskSend \/ workerBeginTaskReceive

(* Allow infinite stuttering to prevent deadlock on termination. *)
Terminating == /\ \A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done"

Next == frontdoor \/ worker
\/ Terminating

Spec == /\ Init /\ [][Next]_vars
/\ WF_vars(Next)

Termination == <>(\A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done")


TerminatingImpl == /\ \A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done"
/\ UNCHANGED clientVars

CombinedInit ==
/\ WriteConsistencyLevel = SessionConsistency
/\ Client!Init
/\ Init

CombinedNext ==
\/ Next
\/ Client!Next /\ UNCHANGED vars

CombinedSpec ==
/\ CombinedInit
/\ [][CombinedNext]_<<vars, clientVars>>
/\ WF_vars(Next)
/\ WF_vars(Client!Next /\ UNCHANGED vars)


SpecificStateSpace ==
\* Don't model data loss. It is not needed, and it allows a session
\* token to expire after being acquired. Handling that would
\* complicate this spec.
/\ epoch = 1


WorkerReceivesCorrectValue ==
pc["worker"] = "Done" => workerValue = "taskValue"

18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/show521677simple.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
StrongConsistency = StrongConsistency
BoundedStaleness = BoundedStaleness
SessionConsistency = SessionConsistency
ConsistentPrefix = ConsistentPrefix
EventualConsistency = EventualConsistency
StalenessBound = 1
VersionBound = 2
\* ValueEventuallyCorrect
120 changes: 120 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/show521677simple.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
---- MODULE show521677simple ----
EXTENDS TLC, Naturals, Sequences

CONSTANTS StrongConsistency, BoundedStaleness,
SessionConsistency, ConsistentPrefix,
CONSTANTS VersionBound, StalenessBound

VARIABLES log, commitIndex, readIndex, epoch, WriteConsistencyLevel

Keys == {"taskKey"}
Values == {"taskValue"}
NoValue == "NoValue"

cosmosVarsExceptLog == <<commitIndex, readIndex, epoch, WriteConsistencyLevel>>
cosmosVars == <<cosmosVarsExceptLog, log>>

CosmosDB == INSTANCE CosmosDB


NoSessionToken == CosmosDB!NoSessionToken

TypesOK == CosmosDB!TypesOK

VARIABLE serviceBus, frontdoorPC, frontdoorToken, workerPC, workerToken, workerValue

specVars == <<serviceBus, frontdoorPC, frontdoorToken, workerPC, workerToken, workerValue>>
vars == <<cosmosVars, specVars>>

frontdoorWriteTaskDataInit ==
/\ frontdoorPC = "frontdoorWriteTaskDataInit"
/\ Assert(CosmosDB!WritesAccepted, "assume writes are accepted")
/\ CosmosDB!WriteInit("taskKey", "taskValue")
/\ frontdoorToken' = CosmosDB!WriteInitToken
/\ frontdoorPC' = "frontdoorWriteTaskDataCommit"
/\ UNCHANGED <<cosmosVarsExceptLog, serviceBus, workerPC, workerToken, workerValue>>

frontdoorWriteTaskDataCommit ==
/\ frontdoorPC = "frontdoorWriteTaskDataCommit"
/\ CosmosDB!WriteCanSucceed(frontdoorToken)
/\ serviceBus' = <<"taskKey">>
/\ frontdoorPC' = "Done"
/\ UNCHANGED <<cosmosVars, frontdoorToken, workerPC, workerToken, workerValue>>

frontdoorDone ==
/\ frontdoorPC = "Done"

workerBeginTask ==
/\ workerPC = "workerBeginTask"
/\ serviceBus # <<>>
/\ LET taskKey == Head(serviceBus)
IN /\ serviceBus' = Tail(serviceBus)
/\ \E read \in CosmosDB!SessionConsistencyRead(workerToken, taskKey) :
/\ workerToken' = CosmosDB!UpdateTokenFromRead(workerToken, read)
/\ workerValue' = read.value
/\ workerPC' = "Done"
/\ UNCHANGED <<cosmosVars, frontdoorToken, frontdoorPC>>

workerDone ==
/\ workerPC = "Done"


Init ==
/\ WriteConsistencyLevel = SessionConsistency
/\ serviceBus = <<>>
/\ frontdoorPC = "frontdoorWriteTaskDataInit"
/\ frontdoorToken = NoSessionToken
/\ workerPC = "workerBeginTask"
/\ workerToken = NoSessionToken
/\ workerValue = NoValue
/\ CosmosDB!Init

frontdoor ==
\/ frontdoorWriteTaskDataInit
\/ frontdoorWriteTaskDataCommit
\/ frontdoorDone

worker ==
\/ workerBeginTask
\/ workerDone

cosmos ==
/\ CosmosDB!Next
/\ UNCHANGED specVars

Next ==
\/ frontdoor
\/ worker
\/ cosmos

Spec == /\ Init /\ [][Next]_vars
/\ WF_vars(frontdoor)
/\ WF_vars(worker)
/\ WF_vars(cosmos)


SpecificStateSpace ==
\* Don't model data loss. It is not needed, and it allows a session
\* token to expire after being acquired. Handling that would
\* complicate this spec.
/\ epoch = 1


Termination ==
<>(/\ frontdoorPC = "Done"
/\ workerPC = "Done")

ValueEventuallyCorrect ==
<>(workerValue = "taskValue")

WorkerReceivesCorrectValue ==
workerPC = "Done" => workerValue = "taskValue"

19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/show521677simplePCal.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
CONSTANT defaultInitValue = defaultInitValue
\* Add statements after this line.
StrongConsistency = StrongConsistency
BoundedStaleness = BoundedStaleness
SessionConsistency = SessionConsistency
ConsistentPrefix = ConsistentPrefix
EventualConsistency = EventualConsistency
StalenessBound = 1
VersionBound = 2
Terminating <- TerminatingImpl
\* ValueEventuallyCorrect
161 changes: 161 additions & 0 deletions simple-model/show521677simplePCal.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
---- MODULE show521677simplePCal ----
EXTENDS TLC, Naturals, Sequences

CONSTANTS StrongConsistency, BoundedStaleness,
SessionConsistency, ConsistentPrefix,
CONSTANTS VersionBound, StalenessBound

VARIABLES log, commitIndex, readIndex

Keys == {"taskKey"}
Values == {"taskValue"}
NoValue == "NoValue"

cosmosVarsExceptLog == <<commitIndex, readIndex>>
cosmosVars == <<cosmosVarsExceptLog, log>>

CosmosDB == INSTANCE CosmosDB WITH epoch <- 1, WriteConsistencyLevel <- SessionConsistency


NoSessionToken == CosmosDB!NoSessionToken

TypesOK == CosmosDB!TypesOK

(* --fair algorithm show521677simplePCal {
variables serviceBus = <<>>;

process (frontdoor = "frontdoor")
variables frontdoorToken;
assert CosmosDB!WritesAccepted;
await CosmosDB!WriteInit("taskKey", "taskValue");
frontdoorToken := CosmosDB!WriteInitToken;
await UNCHANGED cosmosVarsExceptLog;
await CosmosDB!WriteCanSucceed(frontdoorToken);
serviceBus := <<"taskKey">>;
await UNCHANGED cosmosVars;

process (worker = "worker")
variables workerToken, workerValue;
await serviceBus # <<>>;
with(taskKey = Head(serviceBus),
read \in CosmosDB!SessionConsistencyRead(
CosmosDB!NoSessionToken, taskKey)) {
serviceBus := Tail(serviceBus);
workerToken := CosmosDB!UpdateTokenFromRead(CosmosDB!NoSessionToken, read);
workerValue := read.value;
await UNCHANGED cosmosVars;

\* BEGIN TRANSLATION (chksum(pcal) = "7c28162a" /\ chksum(tla) = "bfb6276d")
CONSTANT defaultInitValue
VARIABLES serviceBus, pc, frontdoorToken, workerToken, workerValue

vars == << serviceBus, pc, frontdoorToken, workerToken, workerValue >>

ProcSet == {"frontdoor"} \cup {"worker"}

Init == (* Global variables *)
/\ serviceBus = <<>>
(* Process frontdoor *)
/\ frontdoorToken = defaultInitValue
(* Process worker *)
/\ workerToken = defaultInitValue
/\ workerValue = defaultInitValue
/\ pc = [self \in ProcSet |-> CASE self = "frontdoor" -> "frontdoorWriteTaskDataInit"
[] self = "worker" -> "workerBeginTask"]

frontdoorWriteTaskDataInit == /\ pc["frontdoor"] = "frontdoorWriteTaskDataInit"
/\ Assert(CosmosDB!WritesAccepted,
"Failure of assertion at line 33, column 5.")
/\ CosmosDB!WriteInit("taskKey", "taskValue")
/\ frontdoorToken' = CosmosDB!WriteInitToken
/\ UNCHANGED cosmosVarsExceptLog
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["frontdoor"] = "frontdoorWriteTaskDataCommit"]
/\ UNCHANGED << serviceBus, workerToken,
workerValue >>

frontdoorWriteTaskDataCommit == /\ pc["frontdoor"] = "frontdoorWriteTaskDataCommit"
/\ CosmosDB!WriteCanSucceed(frontdoorToken)
/\ serviceBus' = <<"taskKey">>
/\ UNCHANGED cosmosVars
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["frontdoor"] = "Done"]
/\ UNCHANGED << frontdoorToken, workerToken,
workerValue >>

frontdoor == frontdoorWriteTaskDataInit \/ frontdoorWriteTaskDataCommit

workerBeginTask == /\ pc["worker"] = "workerBeginTask"
/\ serviceBus # <<>>
/\ LET taskKey == Head(serviceBus) IN
\E read \in CosmosDB!SessionConsistencyRead(
CosmosDB!NoSessionToken, taskKey):
/\ serviceBus' = Tail(serviceBus)
/\ workerToken' = CosmosDB!UpdateTokenFromRead(CosmosDB!NoSessionToken, read)
/\ workerValue' = read.value
/\ UNCHANGED cosmosVars
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["worker"] = "Done"]
/\ UNCHANGED frontdoorToken

worker == workerBeginTask

(* Allow infinite stuttering to prevent deadlock on termination. *)
Terminating == /\ \A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done"

Next == frontdoor \/ worker
\/ Terminating

Spec == /\ Init /\ [][Next]_vars
/\ WF_vars(Next)

Termination == <>(\A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done")


TerminatingImpl == /\ \A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done"
/\ UNCHANGED cosmosVars


combinedVars == <<vars, cosmosVars>>

CombinedInit ==
/\ Init
/\ CosmosDB!Init

cosmos ==
/\ CosmosDB!Next

CombinedNext ==
\/ Next
\/ cosmos

CombinedSpec ==
/\ CombinedInit
/\ [][CombinedNext]_combinedVars
/\ WF_vars(cosmos)
/\ WF_vars(Next)


ValueEventuallyCorrect ==
<>(workerValue = "taskValue")

WorkerReceivesCorrectValue ==
pc["worker"] = "Done" => workerValue = "taskValue"
