The aim of py50 is to make the generation of dose-response curves and annotated plots with statistics. The project was created primarily for my personal use and for my coworkers/classmates. I found many of my classmates/coworkers were using a program that I find to be unfriendly in generating dose-response curves or with calculating statistics and plots. During my search, I found other helpful repositories that can generate dose-response curves, calculate statistics, or make annotated plots. However, I found that these packages did not meet my requirements:
- Use Pandas for the Data so that it can be easily plugged into a Jupyter Notebook or Python scripts
- Adaptable to user needs
- Easy to use (hopefully!)
The dose-response curves in py50 are built using the four parameter logistic regression model:
The statistics and annotated plots are wrapped from Pingouin and Statannotations. This may have been done inelegantly and will be updated based on my use or recommendations by others. As things stand, this project meets my needs and the needs of my classmates/coworkers. Hopefully it can meet the needs of others.
pip install py50
Pacakge can be upgraded specifically using pip with the following:
pip install py50 -U
Documentation can be found here.
A Jupyter Notebook demoing the code can be found here.
A blog post demoing the code can be found at Practice in Code
For those who are not versed in python coding, py50 has been converted into a web application using Streamlit!
The web application can be found here: py50-app
The repository for the Streamlit app version can be found here: py50-streamlit
NOTE: Updates to the web application take more time. Updates will be made when possible or upon request.
With the release of py50 v1.0.0, I have finished a project that has been on my mind for the past six months. My aim now will be to reformat the code for maintainability and to fix any bugs that I find or others report. I plan on maintaining py50 for the foreseeable future. As such, my current "To-Do" list (in no particular order) are as follows:
- Complete To-Do notes in Python script
- Update Tutorials for clarity
- Update py50 Streamlit to version 1.0.0
- Refactor code for maintainability
- Add error messages!
- (Bonus Points) Provide KNIME workflow?
If you are interested in citing the repository, the BibTeX reference is as follows:
author = {Lin, Tony Eight},
title = {py50: Generate Dose-Response Curves},
month = dec,
year = 2024,
publisher = {Zenodo},
version = {v1.0.10},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.14523624},
url = {},
All versions can be linked to the Zenodo repository here:
Thanks for your interest!