Terraform module which creates CodeDeploy for ECS resources on AWS.
Provision Applications, Deployment Groups and AWS CodeDeploy IAM Role.
This module provides recommended settings:
- ECS Blue/Green deployment
- Enable automatically rollback
module "codedeploy" {
source = "git::https://github.com/tmknom/terraform-aws-codedeploy-for-ecs.git?ref=tags/1.2.0"
name = "example"
ecs_cluster_name = "${var.ecs_cluster_name}"
ecs_service_name = "${var.ecs_service_name}"
lb_listener_arns = ["${var.lb_listener_arns}"]
blue_lb_target_group_name = "${var.blue_lb_target_group_name}"
green_lb_target_group_name = "${var.green_lb_target_group_name}"
module "codedeploy" {
source = "git::https://github.com/tmknom/terraform-aws-codedeploy-for-ecs.git?ref=tags/1.2.0"
name = "example"
ecs_cluster_name = "${var.ecs_cluster_name}"
ecs_service_name = "${var.ecs_service_name}"
lb_listener_arns = ["${var.lb_listener_arns}"]
blue_lb_target_group_name = "${var.blue_lb_target_group_name}"
green_lb_target_group_name = "${var.green_lb_target_group_name}"
auto_rollback_enabled = true
auto_rollback_events = ["DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE"]
action_on_timeout = "STOP_DEPLOYMENT"
wait_time_in_minutes = 20
termination_wait_time_in_minutes = 20
test_traffic_route_listener_arns = []
iam_path = "/service-role/"
description = "This is example"
tags = {
Environment = "prod"
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
blue_lb_target_group_name | Name of the blue target group. | string | - | yes |
ecs_cluster_name | The ECS Cluster name. | string | - | yes |
ecs_service_name | The ECS Service name. | string | - | yes |
green_lb_target_group_name | Name of the green target group. | string | - | yes |
lb_listener_arns | List of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the load balancer listeners. | list | - | yes |
name | The name of the application. | string | - | yes |
action_on_timeout | When to reroute traffic from an original environment to a replacement environment in a blue/green deployment. | string | CONTINUE_DEPLOYMENT |
no |
auto_rollback_enabled | Indicates whether a defined automatic rollback configuration is currently enabled for this Deployment Group. | string | true |
no |
auto_rollback_events | The event type or types that trigger a rollback. | list | [ "DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE", "DEPLOYMENT_STOP_ON_ALARM" ] |
no |
description | The description of the all resources. | string | Managed by Terraform |
no |
iam_path | Path in which to create the IAM Role and the IAM Policy. | string | / |
no |
tags | A mapping of tags to assign to all resources. | map | {} |
no |
termination_wait_time_in_minutes | The number of minutes to wait after a successful blue/green deployment before terminating instances from the original environment. | string | 5 |
no |
test_traffic_route_listener_arns | List of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the load balancer to route test traffic listeners. | list | [] |
no |
wait_time_in_minutes | The number of minutes to wait before the status of a blue/green deployment changed to Stopped if rerouting is not started manually. | string | 0 |
no |
Name | Description |
codedeploy_app_id | Amazon's assigned ID for the application. |
codedeploy_app_name | The application's name. |
codedeploy_deployment_group_id | Application name and deployment group name. |
iam_policy_arn | The ARN assigned by AWS to this IAM Policy. |
iam_policy_description | The description of the IAM Policy. |
iam_policy_document | The policy document of the IAM Policy. |
iam_policy_id | The IAM Policy's ID. |
iam_policy_name | The name of the IAM Policy. |
iam_policy_path | The path of the IAM Policy. |
iam_role_arn | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) specifying the IAM Role. |
iam_role_create_date | The creation date of the IAM Role. |
iam_role_description | The description of the IAM Role. |
iam_role_name | The name of the IAM Role. |
iam_role_unique_id | The stable and unique string identifying the IAM Role. |
If you receive the following error message, ECS Service does not configured DeploymentController to CODE_DEPLOY.
* module.codedeploy.aws_codedeploy_deployment_group.default: 1 error(s) occurred:
* aws_codedeploy_deployment_group.default: InvalidECSServiceException: Deployment group's ECS service must be configured for the external controller.
status code: 400, request id: 88404497-0379-11e9-88cd-9d6929f0e7ec
You should configure ECS Service's DeploymentController to CODE_DEPLOY.
For Terraform:
resource "aws_ecs_service" "default" {
deployment_controller {
type = "CODE_DEPLOY"
For more information, see Amazon ECS Deployment Types in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-northeast-1
git clone [email protected]:tmknom/terraform-aws-codedeploy-for-ecs.git
cd terraform-aws-codedeploy-for-ecs
make install
check-format Check format code
cibuild Execute CI build
clean Clean .terraform
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lint Lint code
release Release GitHub and Terraform Module Registry
terraform-apply-complete Run terraform apply examples/complete
terraform-apply-minimal Run terraform apply examples/minimal
terraform-destroy-complete Run terraform destroy examples/complete
terraform-destroy-minimal Run terraform destroy examples/minimal
terraform-plan-complete Run terraform plan examples/complete
terraform-plan-minimal Run terraform plan examples/minimal
upgrade Upgrade makefile
Bump VERSION file, and run make release
Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.