Node based static html gallery maker.
Usage: gallerymaker <command> <source dir> [<dest dir>]
<dest dir> defaults to sanitized <source dir> + ".web" if not provided.
prepare Prepares gallery file structure based on the <source dir>
with sanitized names and resized images (see config.json for
conversion settings) in <dest dir>;
creates contents.json with original to sanitized names map
as a source for image captions.
list Prepares gallery contents list html (list.html).
gallery Prepares gallery contents html (gallery.html).
all Runs all the commands (properly chanined - prepare first).
image processing testread images from a dirresize the imagessave them with sanitized names
- create html frontend for file list
list the images (text based)- provide <img/> tag literals for copy-pasting
- create the gallery
list the images (thumbnail based)- generate & use actual thumbnails
group entries of the same level beginning with four numbers (a year) together & sort them desclist files before directories (on the same level)- list non-image files before images
use some lightbox on the prepared directory
- further development
style the stuff a bit- integration with other projects (iframe? ajax? web component? Polymer?)
config.json support (for specifying conversion settings)
Image processing done by sharp (github).
Gallery frontend uses jsOnlyLightbox (github).