The goal of this package is to write a package that makes it easy to train machine learning projects. The aim is to manage as much of the settings of the project in the config.yaml file, to make the project reproducible and easily adaptable. The training process can be logged using Weights and Biases, which can be found here.
The config.yaml file provides an overview of which settings can be utilized.
Requires a name that corresponds with a name in the dictionary found in This determines which dataset builder function is called. Additionally you can pass the kwargs that the dataset builder function needs to build the dataset.
Here you can pass all the parameters that are necessary to set up the dataloaders, such as batch_size, shuffle, num_workers, drop_last, etc.
Requires a name that corresponds with a name in the dictionary found in This determines which trainer builder function is called.
Requires a name that corresponds with a name in the dictionary found in This determines which model builder function is called. Additionally you can pass the kwargs that the model builder function needs to build the model.
Requires a name that corresponds with a name in the dictionary found in This determines which loss builder function is called. Additionally you can pass the kwargs that the loss builder function needs to build the loss function.
Requires a name that corresponds with a name in the dictionary found in This determines which optimizer builder function is called. Additionally you can pass the kwargs that the optimizer builder function needs to build the optimizer.
Takes epochs to determine the number of epochs, and metrics which is a list of metrics that should be logged to Weights and Biases. The available metrics are found in the run_files/ file. They are registered to the dictionary via decorator functions, so if you import the file you can check the dictionary called METRIC_FUNCTIONS to see which ones are available. Training and validation loss are logged on every epoch by default. You can also select a metric to select the best model on with 'selection_metric' (default: 'loss_val_epoch'), and specifiy the 'goal' as 'minimize' or 'maximize'.
Takes a 'wandb_init' key with as value the kwargs that you want to pass to the wandb.init function.
You will probably have to create your own pytorch dataset and add it to the dataset_builder, as well as your own model architecture which you should add to the model_builder. If you want more options for loss or optimizers you can add those easily as well to their respective builder files.
Once everything is configured in the configuration file, cd to your project folder and install the anaconda environment in the environment.yaml file. Then you just have to run '' from the command line to start the training process.
Right now there are not so many model architectures available, nor are there many metrics, loss functions or optimizers. It is however very easy to implement new ones, just add a function in one of the builder classes and register it to the dictionary with a name. Then you can call it from the configuration file. If you want to contribute, make a pull request with the feature you would like to add.