This module help the user to create his first product and discover main functionnalities to create his shop.
Every steps are stored on the config/steps.yml file.
On this file you will have groups containing the steps. Just follow this micro documentation to create / modify the steps:
groups: # Only needed once
- title: { loc: group1.title } # The title of the group, shown on the footer.
steps: # The steps list of this group.
# Basic configuration for each step:
- type: popup # The type of the step, can be 'popup' or 'tooltip'.
title: { loc:group1.title } # The title of the step, shown on the footer.
text: { loc:group1.title } # The content of the step, displayed on the popup or the tooltip
page: 'product/new' # The page where the step is placed
# OR : An array of pages, when the Onboarding automaticaly move to the page, the first one
# will be selected :
page: ['product/new', 'product/form']
# Configuration only for type = 'tooltip':
selector: '#description' # The jQuery selector where the toolip will be located
position: top # The position of the tooltip around the object, can be :
# 'left', 'right', 'top' or 'bottom'
# Optionnal parameters:
action: # Instead of just move to the next step, an action can be performed:
selector: '#myButton' # jQuery selector where the action will be performed
action: 'click' # Action to perform
options: [savepoint] # A list of options for this step, the options can be :
# - 'savepoint': If the user resume after paused, the first save
# will be the last savepoint
# - 'hideFooter': Hide the footer for the current step
Just a word for the localization:
The localized entries are on the config/localization folder. Each entries have a key. To use one of this entry, just use { loc: key.subkey }
instead of a string. (For the titles and contents).
If you want complex content, just create a TWIG template on the views/contents and use { content: templateName }
instead of a string.