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Gary T. Giesen edited this page Dec 28, 2024 · 25 revisions

Model M1 and M2

Model M1 is a mouse trap, and M2 is a rat trap.

image-m1 image-m2

Controller board of M1 (mouse) and M2 (rat) seems to be the same or very similar. These boards exists in different versions using different micro controllers. The first versions uses a STMicroelectronics microcontroller with a separate Atmel network micro controller. The second version uses the common low cost Espressif esp8266ex microcontroller with embedded Wifi.

Both boards is identified as WEMT by the VictorPest Cloud API, but it seems like the first version has firmware 1 and the second has firmware 2. The second version does not report temperature.

The first version has more expensive MCUs that drains less power when in deep mode. This is according to data sheets. It could be interesting to do a test.

First version

  • Micro controller (MCU): STMicroelectronics STM32L071CZ Arm Cortex-M0+ 32-bit RISC core. Stop mode consumption 1.7 μA at 3.3v. Price about $ 4.5
  • Network micro controller: Atmel (now Microchip) ATWINC1510-MR210PB SPI to Wi-Fi (IEEE® 802.11 b/g/n 20 MHz) module with 8Mb Flash. Sleep mode consumption of 4uA at 3.3V. Price about $8.
  • References FCC 2ADHKATWINC1510 for the network microcontroller
  • Reports temperature. The STM MCU has a temperature sensor.
  • Reported by API with board_type WEMT and firmware_version 1.*
  • Cloud API reporting: Every catch, when the unit is switched on, and at least about every 24 h.


This versions uses a separate network MCU. The main MCU has a temperature sensor. That is probably why this version reports temperature. The micro controllers of this version costs a total of about $12.5. About 8 times the price of the micro controller in the second version.

MCU consumption

MCUs sleep consumption of 5.7 μA at 3.3V. That is 18.8 μW. Only 37 % of the MCU consumption of then second version. This version can then be expected to drain batteries much slower than the second version when in sleep mode.

Second version

  • Micro controller (MCU) with Wifi: Espressif esp8266ex. IEEE802.11 b/g/n. Price about $1.6
  • FCC SNA-M1 and SNA-M2
  • Does not report temperature. The MCU has no temperature sensor.
  • Reported by API with board_type WEMT and firmware_version 2.*
  • Cloud API reporting: Every catch. Does not report every time switched on. Scheduled report is xxx?


The second versions uses the very common Espressif esp8266ex micro controller with embedded wifi. This microcontroller has a very low unit price of about $1.6.

MCU consumption

MCU deep sleep consumption of 20 μA (at 2.5V). That is 50 μW which is 2.7 times more than the first version. This version can then be expected to drain batteries much faster than the first version when in sleep mode.

List of known traps versions

Please update the list if you have an unlisted trap or different firmware or serial prefix. You can find some of the details (trap_type, trap_type_verbose, board_type and firmware_version) by going to device info and downloading diagnostics. Branded model is the name printed on your trap. You can find the serial number in the app. You do not have to provide the full serial number. Just fill inn ??? if you don't know.

branded model trap type board type firmware serial temperature
M1 2 (Mouse Trap) WEMT 1.3.2 WM18XXXXXXXXXXX yes
M1 2 (Mouse Trap) WEMT 2.0.17 WM21XXXXXXXXXXX no
M1 2 (Mouse Trap) WEMT 2.0.17 WM22XXXXXXXXXXX no
M1 2 (Mouse Trap) WEMT 2.0.17 WM23XXXXXXXXXXX no
M2 1 (Rat Trap) WERT 1.3.3 WR19XXXXXXXXXXX yes
M2 1 (Rat Trap) WERT 2.0.17 WR20XXXXXXXXXXX no
M2 1 (Rat Trap) WERT 2.0.17 WR21XXXXXXXXXXX no