By: Colin Devroe
Grabs an RSS feed and updates a Twitter account with a link to any new post based on a specific category in Wordpress.
- Edit $feedUrl
- Edit $categoryToTwitter (e.g. ‘Mobile photos’ or ’’ for all)
- Edit $cachedir (must be writable)
- Edit $twitter with user/pass
- Copy to server.
- Set up cron job. Example: /usr/local/php5/bin/php /path/to/script/rss2twitter.php
That’s it!
(If anyone would like to take these on, please feel free.)
- Optimize the code and caching.
- Make caching optional
- Add support for posts attributed to multiple categories
0.4 – January 25, 2010
- Changed wpUrl to feedUrl
- Changed shortUrl to $post→link
0.3 – January 24, 2010
- categoryToTwitter is optional
- Took away the “plural category name” check
0.2 – January 22, 2010
- Slight code clean up.
- A few readme changes.
0.1 – December 6, 2009
- Initial codebase.