Lucon (Loss optimization under Unitary CONstraint) optimizes loss functions mapping a unitary matrix onto a number. A conjugate-gradient algorithm is used following the work by T. Abrudan et al., Signal Processing 89 (2009) 1704–1714.
The module presents potential applications in various fields. For instance, it can be employed for tasks such as orbital rotations (e.g., orbital localization) in quantum chemistry and materials science, as well as for various tasks in signal processing applications or machine learning algorithms. The main motivation for Lucon.jl is given by orbital localizations for calculations in materials physics and quantum chemistry. These will be referenced here shortly.
The code is designed in a way that users can implement arbitrary loss functionals with little effort for optimization with Lucon.jl. As a template the BrockettLoss.jl functional can be used (see example below).
To provide a very simple and illustrative example of the module's potential use cases, consider the following loss functional that can be used to diagonalize a hermitian matrix.
In the Julia REPL, simply run the following commands:
using Pkg
In order to use Lucon to optimize a loss functional
To this end a sub-type of the abstract type Lucon.LossFunctional
has to be defined which can hold all quantities necessary for the loss functional (for the example, it is only the hermitian matrix Lucon.EuclideanDerivative
import Lucon
struct LossFunctional <: Lucon.LossFunctional
function Lucon.EuclideanDerivative(
)::Tuple{Matrix{T},Float64} where T<:Number
Γ = zero(similar(U)) # Euclidean derivative has same type and dimension as U
Loss = 0.0 # the value of the Loss functional
dim = size(L.H,1)
N = Diagonal([1.0*n for n=1:dim]) # the N matrix is a diagonal matrix with entries N_nn = n
Γ = L.H*U*N
(CalcLoss == true) && (Loss = real(tr(U'*Γ)))
return (Γ, Loss)
The optimization can then be performed via
# set up your hermitian matrix H and initial unitary U
L = LossFunctional(H)
(U, Loss) = optimize(L,U)
The full example and its usage can be found in the source file BrockettLoss.jl and in the test file runtests.jl.
Both can be used as a template to implement arbitrary loss functionals.
Benjamin Wöckinger, Alexander Rumpf, Tobias Schäfer. Exploring Intrinsic Bond Orbitals in Solids, arXiv:2409.18212