nestlist is a COOL USEFUL and CONVENIENT tool that EVERYONE in NESTSPACE uses to keep track of current projects and things to do.
- nested tasks: each task can have subtasks which can have subtasks and so on
There are three folders: Database , frontend and backend. Here's the responsibility of each folder.
- frontend
. save the files realted to UI and UX only.
. The files should be seperate to folders so that the next developer can resure the code
. Component Base coding instead on spegattie code.
. Comment on top of each file is a must if not comment developer should not use the coede. At least general say what it does. - Backend
. Connect Frontend and Database
. Edit / Delete the data from the database
. Should be encrypt for sercurity issue - Database .Check issue column
. Assests: For pictures and videos
. Components: HTML files that can resure
. DataAlgorithm : JS files for fetching data
. UserAlgorithm : JS files for fetching UX
. Styles: CSS files
. index.html
. Security
. DatabaseConnection
. FrontendConnection
.Data Save in Backend Directly
cd to frontend, and run python
(it will host on https://localhost:3000)
firefox doesnt work? (cors shit)
optionally test with backend: install rust, cd to backend, run cargo run --features local
(set environment variable ROCKET_TLS
to {certs="../cert/CA/localhost/localhost.crt",key="../cert/CA/localhost/localhost.decrypted.key"}
before cargo running)
- frontend: vanilla JS components
- backend: rust, rocket
- database: list.json
- REST API (get and put)
- Log in System v1
- Rewrite the code with better structure v1
- Documentation before going to next version v1
v1: only frontend v2: rust backend v3: websockets + refactored backend + rewrote frontend