My customised SM_Extend.lua file containing Fury Warrior functionality for SuperMacro (1.12.1 supported versions only)
This file should be placed within the World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\SuperMacro directory.
In order to use the functions contained in the LUA file, you need to create a macro similar to the examples below.
The initial /run line is included so that the cooldown indicator for the desired spell is shown on the action bar.
MACRO 16777249 "BT" Spell_Nature_BloodLust
/run if 1==0 then cast("Bloodthirst");end
/script StartAttack()
/script furysunder()
/script bt()
MACRO 16777233 "OP" Ability_MeleeDamage
/run if 1==0 then cast("Overpower");end
/script StartAttack()
/script op()