A collection of declarative, configurable and composable matchers for Spek2.
data class Record(vararg values: Long)
object MyFancySpeks : Spek({
describe("demonstrating the DSL") {
context("testing addition using the equalTo matcher") {
it("adds") {
(1 + 1) should equal(2)
(1 + 2) shouldNot equal(2)
context("testing addition using the satisfy matcher") {
it("adds") {
(1 + 1) should satisfy { this == 2 }
(1 + 2) shouldNot satisfy { this == 2}
context("testing for subsets using the containInAnyOrder matcher") {
it("is a subset") {
setOf(1, 3, 2) should containInAnyOrder(2, 1)
setOf(1, 3, 2) shouldNot containInAnyOrder(7, 1)
context("testing for sublists using the containInOrder matcher") {
it("is a sublist") {
listOf(1, 2, 3) should containInOrder(1, 2)
listOf(3, 2, 1) shouldNot containInOrder(1, 2)
context("comparing maps using the contain matcher") {
val map by memoized {
mapOf(1 to 2, 2 to mapOf(3 to mapOf("foo" to "bar")))
it("is a sub-map") {
map should contain(mapOf(2 to mapOf(3 to contain("foo" to "bar"))))
map shouldNot contain(mapOf(2 to mapOf(3 to contain("foo" to "lorem"))))
context("testing complex object graphs by composing matchers") {
val records by memoized {
"column1" to mapOf(
"row1" to listOf(Record(2, 4, 6, 8), Record(16, 32, 64)),
"row2" to Record(10)
"column2" to listOf(
mutableMapOf("row1" to Record(3, 9, 15, 18))
it("is a list of sub-map of a sub-map of") {
records should contain(
"column1" to contain(
"row1" to containInOrder(
satisfy<Record> { values == arrayOf(2, 4, 6, 8) },
satisfy<Record> { values.all { this % 2 == 0 } }
"column2" to containInAnyOrder(
contain("row1" to Record(3, 9, 15, 18))
This library adheres to the principle of convention over configuration. Sane defaults are configured, but they are also easily overridable.
/** You can customize how comparisons are performed directly */
Config.comparers[MyFunkyType::class] = ::myFunkyComparisonFunction
/** Or via the configure function */
val spekExpektConfig = configure {
comparers[MyFunkyType::class] = ::myFunkyComparisonFunction
Configured comparers will be applied to all implicit equals comparisons (e.g containInOrder(2, 4, 6, 8)
compares integers). Using this as an example, you can customize how integer comparison will be perfomed as follows:
Config.comparers[Int::class] = { expected, actual -> expected.compareTo(actual) == 0 }