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Awaiting Merge to Prod
Awaiting Merge to Prod
Awaiting a pull request from a Dev branch
Issue is in relation to an unintended side effect
Feature Request
Feature Request
New feature or request
Help Needed
Help Needed
Extra attention is needed
Invalid Issue
Invalid Issue
Issue has been proven to not be valid
New Feature
New Feature
Issue is for creation of a new feature
New Mod Request
New Mod Request
New mod request
Priority - Critical
Priority - Critical
Issue is of a critical priority and is mission breaking
Priority - High
Priority - High
Issue is of a high priority and effects a major gameplay function
Priority - Low
Priority - Low
Issue is fairly unnoticeable
Priority - Medium
Priority - Medium
Issue is an annoyance but overall not game breaking
Further information is requested on a gameplay aspect and or process
Update to an existing feature