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A ZeroMQ gateway for sending logs from systemd's journald over the network and a sink.

Logs are stored in a journalfile, separated for each source.

Mode of Operation

  |    journald    |
  |                |
  |                |
  |                |
  |                |
  +-----+ | +-----+
  |file | | |file |
  +-----+ | +-----+
          | journal_api
  |                |
  |    acts as     |
  |    journal     |
  |    client      |
  |                |
  |                |                                         +--------------+
  |                |                                         |   journald   |
  |                |                                         |              |
  |                |                                         |              |
  |                |                                         |              |
  |                | ZMTP    +------+    +---------------+   |              |
  |                +---------+ ZMTP +----+"gateway-sink" +---+              |
  |                |         +------+    |uses           |   |              |
  |                |                     |systemd-journal|   |              |
  |                |                     |-remote        |   |              |
  +----------------+                     +---------------+   +-----+--+-----+
                                                             +-----+  +-----+
                                                             |file |  |file |
                                                             +-----+  +-----+

Build and Installation

You will need ZeroMQ (recomended version: 3.2.5, you'll need >= 3), czmq (ZeroMQ C bindings), jansson and the systemd-headers (for the gateway only). The gateway and the client can be build seperately (thus you dont need systemd for the client). Using Fedora you can do:

dnf install jansson-devel systemd-devel czmq-devel

for jansson and systemd. To install ZMQ and CZMQ follow the instructions on the linked sites.

Then just execute (in the journal-gateway-zmtp directory):

make              # you can also just build the gateway or the client
                  # with 'make source' or 'make sink'

If you wish to use additional compiler flags you can insert them via the environment variable EXTRA_CFLAGS or EXTRA_LDFLAGS for linking.

To install the files into your system, you can call the install script in /sample



You should start the sink first. It binds to the specified socket and waits for an incomming connection from a gateway. If you want it to stay listening for more than one connection, you should start it with the --listen flag.

You can start the sink via:

env JOURNAL_REMOTE_DIR=[some_path] GATEWAY_LOG_PEER=[some_peer] ~/dev/tobzmq/journal-gateway-zmtp-sink --listen

You must specify a peer (in GATEWAY_LOG_PEER) on which the sink binds and expects sources to log on. You must also specify a directory (in JOURNAL_REMOTE_DIR) in which you want to save your remote journals. The journal file names are based on the IDs of the gateways. Every new gateway-sink connection will be logged in the journal:

Mär 02 09:58:42 virtual-fedora-sbs journal-gateway-zmtp-sink[9623]: gateway has a new source, ID: 006B8B4567


Installing the gateway will also install a service file to execute the gateway as a systemd unit:

systemctl start journal-gateway-zmtp-source    # connects by default to "tcp://"

The service looks for a configuration file named "zmq_gateway_source.conf" in the directory "~/conf". You can change the socket there (this only has an effect, if you execute the gateway as a systemd unit).

If you want to start the gateway without using systemd, you can type

env JOURNAL_REMOTE_TARGET=[some_peer] JOURNAL_SOURCE_DIR=[some_path] ~/dev/tobzmq/journal-gateway-zmtp-source

where JOURNAL_REMOTE_TARGET defines the exposed socket of the sink and JOURNAL_SOURCE_DIR the target socket for the logs.

Use --help for an overview of all commands.

usage with systemd service files

If you used the install script sample/ two systemd service files will be located in your /lib/systemd/system/ folder

  • journal-gateway-zmtp-source.service
  • journal-gateway-zmtp-sink.service

and two so called systemd environment files will be located in your /etc/ folder

  • journal-gateway-zmtp-source.conf
  • journal-gateway-zmtp-sink.conf

The .conf files will be read by the .service files. By changing the .conf files you can control

for the source:

  • the directory in which journal-gateway-zmtp-sink will store received logs
  • the port which journal-gateway-zmtp-sink will hold open and receive logs on
  • the port on which journal-gateway-zmtp-sink will listen for control signals
  • how old a journal file can be before it is deleted by rotation
  • how much space can be used by journal files

for the sink:

  • the port to which journal-gateway-zmtp-source will send the logs
  • the directory from which the journal-gateway-zmtp-source will read the logs
  • the port on which journal-gateway-zmtp-source will listen for control signals

To start the systemd .service simply call one or both of the following

systectl start journal-gateway-zmtp-sink
systectl start journal-gateway-zmtp-source

For more info on systemd service files see systemd's documentation

Configuration with systemd environment filters

Configuration while Running

###Enhanced Control for the ZMTP-Journal-Gateway

To enable configuration of both sink and source during runtime the following API and connection is implemented. Both parts of the gateway expose a port on which a tool can connect via ZeroMQ. The gateway offers the journal-gateway-zmtp- control which is a simple one line input tool. Both expect a json encoded string which contains a json_object (a dictionary of key-value pairs) with only one pair. The key contains the command and the value contains the arguments if any. The sink/source then checks if the command matches one of the valid commands. The source of the control command then receives a message: If succesfully matched the command gets executed and CTRL_ACCEPTED or the requested information is returned (for example a list of all connected logging sources is returned from the sink). If the match failed CTRL_UKCOM is returned.

+---------------+    ZMTP connection                     +------------+
|gateway control+-------------------------------->)+-----+gateway sink|
+---------------+    for control communication           +-+----------+
                     sink exposes a tcp port               |
                     (default tcp://*:27001)               |
                     which expects control signals         |      +----------------+
                     that leads to calls of the API        +------+set_exposed_port|
                                                           |      +----------------+
                     (the most important are shown to      |
                      the right, further explanations      |      +-----------------+
                      see below)                           +------+set_log_directory|
                                                           |      +-----------------+
                                                           |      +------------+
                                                           |      +------------+
                                                           |      +-----------+
                                                           |      +-----------+
                                                           |      +----------+
                                                           +------+shutdown  |
                                                           |      +----------+
                                                         (...) see below

It follows a list of all valid commands:

  • help

    • will show a short version of this chapter
  • show_exposed_port

    • will show the endpoint chosen in GATEWAY_LOG_PEER if not otherwise set
    • this is the port on which the logs sent by the source are received
  • set_exposed_port

    • will set the endpoint
    • Example: set_exposed_port tcp://
  • show_sources

    • will show the zmq ids of each connection to journal-gateway-zmtp-sources
  • show_log_directory

    • will show the directory in which the journal files are stored
  • set_log_directory

    • will set the directory
    • will create the directory if it doesn't exist at the time of the call
    • Example: set_log_directory /var/log/example/
  • show_diskusage

    • shows the used disc space of the directory in which the logs are stored
    • the shown number is the number of used blocks
  • shutdown

    • will stop the sink

The following commands will change the applied filters. This is implemented in a set and commit manner, meaning that the changes you choose will only apply after you commit them. The filters have to be written in the same way journalctl expects the matches (FIELD=value). The filters are applied in the sources, changing the filters in the sink will lead to a broadcast of the new filters to all sources, changing the filters globally.

  • filter_add FIELD=value

    • will add the matching FIELD=value to the filters
    • successively added filters are ORed together
    • Example: filter_add PRIORITY=4
  • filter_add_conjunction

    • will add a logical AND to the list of filters
  • filter_flush

    • will drop all currently set filters
  • filter_show

    • will show the currently set filters
    • will also show the currently active filters
  • filter_commit

    • will apply the currently set filters
    • WARNING: will set the same filter on every source
+---------------+    ZMTP connection                     +--------------+
|gateway control+-------------------------------->)+-----+gateway source|
+---------------+    for control communication           +-+------------+
                     sink exposes a tcp port               |
                     (default tcp://*:27002)               |
                     which expects control signals         |      +----------------+
                     that leads to calls of the API        +------+set_target_port |
                                                           |      +----------------+
                     (the most important are shown to      |
                      the right, further explanations      |      +-----------+
                      see below)                           +------+show_filter|
                                                           |      +-----------+
                                                           |      +----------+
                                                           +------+shutdown  |
                                                           |      +----------+
                                                         (...) see below

This chapter contains short explanation for each command one can send to the journal-gateway-zmtp-source.

  • help

    • will show a short version of this chapter
  • show_target_port

    • will show the endpoint chosen in JOURNAL_REMOTE_TARGET if not otherwise set
  • set_target_port

    • will set the endpoint
    • Example: set_target_port tcp://
  • show_log_directory

    • will show the directory from which the logs are read
  • set_log_directory

    • will set the directory from which the logs are read
  • shutdown

    • will stop the source

The handling of the filters in the source is the same as in the sink.


Start the sink:

env JOURNAL_REMOTE_DIR=~/logtest GATEWAY_LOG_PEER=tcp:// ~/dev/tobzmq/journal-gateway-zmtp-sink --listen

Start the source:

env JOURNAL_REMOTE_TARGET=tcp:// JOURNAL_SOURCE_DIR=/var/log/journal ~/dev/tobzmq/journal-gateway-zmtp-source

This will write everything in your journal into a journal file in the specified directory.

journalctl --directory ~/logtest -f

Planned Features

  • simpler filter communication between sink & source
  • configuration via actual .conf files instead of environment variables


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