Releases: trclassic92/tr-lumberjack
TR Lumberjack 2.0.5
- Version Check
Lumberjack 2.0.4
- Store issue with trailer
TR Lumberjack 2.0.3
- mt_lib support by Marttins
- NPC Dialog updated
- Server error with player coords
- Fixed Langs
Updated Files
- client/cl.lua
- client/menu.lua
- client/peds.lua
- client/target.lua
- lang/en.lua
- server/sv.lua
- fxmanifest.lua (version number)
Full Changelog: 2.0.2...2.0.3
2.0.2 Release
TR Lumberjack 2.0.2
Added checks to prevent players from finding a way to exploit the events to gain money by other means
- New Langs
- Drop Off Coords Add To Config
- Ox Fuel Support Added
- Updated Server Events
Files Replaced
- Client/target.lua
- Client/cl.lua
- Lang/en.lua
- server/sv.lua
- shared/config.lua
- fxmanifest version updated
Any Issues with this release please contact me via discord @TRClassic
QBox Support (Ox Inventory based)
Change Log 2.0.1
- Player.Functions Add Item
- Player.Functions Cash
- Player.Functions Remove Item
- Ox Inventory exports
files Changed
- server sv.lua
For qbox support please visit their docs and find the QBCore convar
What does this do?
Enables or disables the qb-core bridge for compatibility with QBCore resources.
TR Lumberjack v2
About this update
Our resource features a built-in delivery system designed to offer players a seamless and efficient way to earn money without the burden of hard labor. To utilize this feature, simply speak with the contractor, select the Delivery Truck option, and embark on your task.
Additionally, we have introduced a work van equipped with a compact trailer that attaches to the Bison vehicle. This setup provides players with extra storage capacity, allowing them to transport chopped logs from trees and carry a larger quantity of crafting parts. This flexibility enables players to not only sell their materials but also use them for crafting various items, enhancing the overall gameplay experience.
Added Gitbook
1.0.3 Update (Current Version)
- Fixed animation for chopping down trees....
- Now you no longer move while chopping down the trees
1.0.2 Update
- Config Option to switch peds
- Fixed math.random issue (Config option has changed instead of using math.random in the config. the new feature is min and max amounts)
1.0.1 Update
- Added a feature to unlock and lock your job / work vehicle
- Fixed animations from not starting on server restarts/starts
- Fixed Ped not spawning on server startup