Inspired from ember-brunch by icholy. Substitutes Javascript with CoffeeScript and adds Twitter Bootstrap on Compass.
To use this with, you'll need brunch installed. It's dead-easy to do that:
npm install -g brunch
Next, create a new brunch app using the brunch-ember-sassy skeleton:
brunch new myapp -s git://
Brunch will build your project structure and npm
will install all dependencies specified in package.json
. Start the server using
brunch watch --server
- CoffeeScript
- EmberJS
- Ember data
- Handlebars
- jQuery
- Twitter Bootstrap plugins
- Twitter Bootstrap Compass by kristianmandrup
It'd be awesome to include ember-bootstrap - a set of UI elements built for Ember using Twitter bootstrap, and also separate the Twitter bootstrap files (both javascript plugins and the files) into easily importable units, so you only include what you actually need as dependencies.