Currently EKS event TTL is set to 60m. Some customers have shown interest to increase the TTL. (aws/containers-roadmap#785). It will be an additional burden if EKS control plane provided the option to increase TTL as this will add load to ETCD and storage. This solution here tries to bridge the gap to capture events beyond 60 minutes to cloudwatch, if the customers still achieve the same. That way control plane event TTL is not modified but at the sametime, if customer wanted to capture the events beyond 60m, they could achieve the same.
For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:
- An AWS account
- Running AWS EKS cluster
- Basic Kubernetes knowledge (Pods, namespace and deployments)
Below steps are required, if you want to customize various events provided in the, conatainerize it, push to AWS ECR and use that in your deployment.
export AWS_REGION=<region>
export ACCOUNTID=<accountId>
export ECR_REPO=<repo_name>
Lets create a repository inside Elastic Container Registry (ECR) as the placeholder to store the container images.
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name=$ECR_REPO
Once the ECR repository is created, log in, so that we are ready to push the container images.
aws ecr get-login-password --region $AWS_REGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $ACCOUNTID.dkr.ecr.$
(3) Create the control-planes-events application using the source code provided, containerize it with Docker
Lets create a directory to store the source code, call it as “control-plane-events-app” and get inside the folder.
mkdir control-plane-events-app && cd $_
Change the app/ script to your needs and use the docker build command to containerize it
docker image build -t $ACCOUNTID.dkr.ecr.$$ECR_REPO .
Below command pushes the created container image to ECR repository (created in step #2)
docker push $ACCOUNTID.dkr.ecr.$$ECR_REPO
Update the container image in the deployment yaml like below
image: $ACCOUNTID.dkr.ecr.$$ECR_REPO
Directory | Contents | Target |
app | Files for containerization | ECR |
k8_utils | Files for EKS data planes | EKS |
File | Contents |
Dockerfile | File for containerization |
requirements.txt | Python dependency | | Control plane events blueprint script |
File | Contents |
deployment.yaml | File for deploying above app to k8s |
cluster_role.yaml | To create cluster role |
cluster_role_binding.yaml | To create cluster role binding |
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.