By default, _JobSchedule objects created on self-hosted Parse servers are not handled by the Parse server library. This library is a minimalist tool that fetches all _JobSchedule objects and schedules cron tasks that will run the scheduled jobs.
$ npm install --save
// Import the library
const JobsScheduler = require('parse-jobs-scheduler')
// Recreates all crons when the server is launched
// Recreates schedule when a job schedule has changed
Parse.Cloud.afterSave('_JobSchedule', async (request) => {
// Destroy schedule for removed job
Parse.Cloud.afterDelete('_JobSchedule', async (request) => {
It is easy to run the code on another server. Just initialize Parse with your master key before you call recreateSchedule(). The master key is required to fetch _JobSchedule objects.
Parse.serverURL = ''
Parse.initialize('myAppId', null, 'masterKey')
However, keep in mind that you can only manage one Parse server at once since the Parse object is a singleton.
- Add unit tests
- Add support for Parse Webhooks if you prefer to handle crons on another server