This is a VSCode plugin for define TS(X) macro powered by Volar.js.
Install the VSCode Plugin, or use a REPL that supports ts-macro.
at the same level oftsconfig.json
.TS Macro
supports automatic registration of Volar plugins from vite.config.ts, similar toxxx.d.ts
For plugin authors, you need to export avolar
file, andTS Macro
will automatically load the plugin and share userOptions with the vite plugin. Example.
For plugin users, you only need to install theTS Macro
VSCode plugin, and there's no need to write tsm.config.ts. -
Writing your first plugin.
// tsm.config.ts export default { plugins: [ { name: 'ts-macro-define-style', resolveVirtualCode({ codes }) { // declare the `defineStyle` function type for every TS(X) files. codes.push('declare function defineStyle<T>(style: string): T ') }, }, ], }
Or You can use
to define plugin.// tsm.config.ts import { createPlugin, replaceRange } from 'ts-macro' const defineStylePlugin = createPlugin<{ macro: string }>( ({ ts, compilerOptions }, userOptions) => { return { name: 'ts-macro-define-style', resolveVirtualCode({ ast, codes }) { codes.push( `declare function ${userOptions.macro}<T>(style: string): T `, ) ts.forEachChild(ast, walk) function walk( node: import('typescript').Node, ) { ts.forEachChild(node, walk) if ( ts.isCallExpression(node) && node.expression.getText(ast) === userOptions.macro ) { // Add generic type for defineStyle. replaceRange( codes, node.arguments.pos - 1, node.arguments.pos - 1, '<{ foo: string }>', ) } } }, } }, ) export default { plugins: [ defineStylePlugin({ macro: 'defineStyle', }), ], }
Use tsmc
instead of tsc
to compile TS.
pnpm add @ts-macro/tsc -D
Usage in package.json.
"scripts": {
"typecheck": "tsmc --noEmit"
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