...:::::: phpMpReloded ....::::::
This seems to be just another PHP Webclient for Music Player Daemon (http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/). But it is the continuation of the existing projects phpMp, phpMp+, phpMp2, phpMp3 and thus as stable as them, although new an shiny. Simple and easy to use. New clients are welcome.
There is a huge number of webclients based on php for mpd out there. The project is going to join them into one client collection. So each player is selectable through a nice selector.
Projects which are already included in phpMpReloded:
- phpMp
- phpMp+
- phpMp2
- phpMp3
- IPodMp
- MPD-Web-Remote
- hempd
- Install mpd (music player daemon) https://www.musicpd.org/download.html
- Install apache (web server with PHP) https://www.apachefriends.org/de/index.html
- unzip phpmpreloaded into your http docs directory
- if you like, modify the config mpd/mpdconfig.php
- you will find hempd under http://YOUR_DOMAIN/path/to/hempd/index.php
- phpmpreloaded will be your web remote control of mpd
- accessable music player for any wifi client
Do you want your webclient include into phpMpReloded? or have any suggestion/question also bug reports go here:
This file is part of the phpReloaded Project visit us at http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmpreloaded/
- fix: diverse small fixes to comply with PHP7.0
- add: new client hempd
- initial