KiCad design for an Arduino compatible RN2483 (or RN2903) LoRaWAN shield.
Fork of the original jpmeyers/RN2483shield.
Adjusted to:
- use the Microchip specified RF trace geometry to maintain R&TTE (CE) and FCC testing compliance for the radio module (datasheet pg. 12),
- ignore the 433MHz antenna trace (868MHz only),
- use solder jumper connections for Serial UART connection,
- normally connected jumpers for default connections:
- Serial D3 Tx → Radio Serial Rx,
- Serial D2 Rx → Radio Serial Tx,
- Mosfet level converters on the UART connection to allow 5V→3.3V signal conversion,
- Breakout of all GPIO pins on the radio (GPIO 0–13),
- edge mounted SMA connetion for antenna.
- 1× Shield PCB,
- 2× BSS138 SOT-23 N-channel MOSFET,
- 5× 0603 10k resistors,
- 1× SMA female edge jack,
- 1× SMA 868MHz antenna,
- 1× 1x10 stacking thru-headers,
- 2× 1x8 stacking thru-headers,
- 1× 1x6 stacking thru-headers
By default, the Arduino D3 (Serial Tx) is connected to the Radio UART_RX, and the Arduino D2 (Serial Rx) is connected to the Radio UART_TX. By cutting between the pads marked by an asterisk in the Serial_TX and Serial_RX bank, these links can be severed, and a new connection made for each UART line by adding solder to bridge one pair of solder jumpers for each direction.
Only make connetions across one of each direction at a time to prevent multiplexing the digital pins on the Arduino, and don't connect both TX and RX to the same pin, as this will make communication very difficult!