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tukkek edited this page Apr 10, 2021 · 2 revisions

The encounter rate in dungeons feels a bit high. I can see at higher CR becoming very quickly exhausted of resources

This is definitely something id be interested in hearing more about but theres a couple things to keep in mind:

  1. the encounter rate is relative to dungeon size so bigger dungeons allow you to take more steps before triggering an encounter - so you should not really become "more or less exhausted of resources" on higher-level dungeons than lower ones
  2. its a delicate trade-off between being deliberately punishing and having those "breakthrough moments" where you find a Campsite (that is basically 95% unlimited healing) or an Exit that allows you to "save your progress" by leaving and coming back to the same location as before in the dungeon... if dungeons are not "hard", those rewarding moments become cheap and meaningless
  3. since you can always go farm lower-level dungeons and wildernesses for gold and xp safely, as soon as you get a couple levels going, there really shouldn't be any way to get hopelessly "stuck" because some of the content is too difficult for you to make meaningful progress... so its ok for dungeons to be "a bit difficult", if they're falling short of being "unfairly difficult"
  4. some of the game mechanics can vastly help tackle difficult dungeons (for example: strong healing items or even a single use of the Teleport and Word of Recall spells). as with #2, if dungeons aren't hard, then theres no reason to pick those spells or feel like you've become a "game-changing kind of" powerful when you learned them or acquire powerful items
  5. as with any procedurally-generated game (roguelike), RNG can be a bitch so some dungeons may, in fact, end up being unfairly difficult for their "advertised" difficulty level - it ends up being part of player skill knowing when to back off (which is also why theres always a 5% chance of "overwhelming" encounters being generated in every situation, like with typical tabletop module design) - its another balancing act and as long as 90%+ of dungeons are not "too" hard its fine
  6. rubies are designed as "built-in cheats" in the game, having a couple of them with you at all times will let you get out of bunch of nasty situations that turned sour unexpectedly and they're there exactly to counteract nasty RNG scenariosa
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