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plugin installer template
If you have questions or comments about this framework then feel free to post them in the offtopic section of our Discord.
You can see the actual code and guidelines on how to use it below.
The .toc file tells the WoW client about your addon, and tells it which files you would like it to load.
## Interface: 100007
## Author: YourNameHere
## Version: 1.00
## Title: |cff1784d1ElvUI|r |cff00b3ffMyPluginName|r
## Notes: ElvUI Plugin Framework.
## RequiredDeps: ElvUI
The ElvUI_PluginFramework.lua file is where the actual framework code is kept.
-- Don't worry about this
local addonName, addonTable = ...
-- Create references to ElvUI internals
local E, L, V, P, G = unpack(ElvUI)
-- Create a plugin within ElvUI and adopt AceHook-3.0, AceEvent-3.0 and AceTimer-3.0. We can make use of these later.
local MyPlugin = E:NewModule('MyPluginName', 'AceHook-3.0', 'AceEvent-3.0', 'AceTimer-3.0')
-- We can use this to automatically insert our GUI tables when ElvUI_Options is loaded.
local EP = LibStub("LibElvUIPlugin-1.0")
-- Default options
P["MyPlugin"] = {
["SomeToggleOption"] = true,
["SomeRangeOption"] = 5,
-- Function we can call when a setting changes.
-- In this case it just checks if "SomeToggleOption" is enabled. If it is it prints the value of "SomeRangeOption"
-- otherwise it tells you that "SomeToggleOption" is disabled.
function MyPlugin:Update()
local enabled = E.db.MyPlugin.SomeToggleOption
local range = E.db.MyPlugin.SomeRangeOption
if enabled then
print("SomeToggleOption is disabled")
-- This function inserts our GUI table into the ElvUI Options.
-- You can read about AceConfig here: http://www.wowace.com/addons/ace3/pages/ace-config-3-0-options-tables/
function MyPlugin:InsertOptions()
E.Options.args.MyPlugin = {
order = 100,
type = "group",
name = "MyPlugin",
args = {
SomeToggleOption = {
order = 1,
type = "toggle",
name = "MyToggle",
get = function(info)
return E.db.MyPlugin.SomeToggleOption
set = function(info, value)
E.db.MyPlugin.SomeToggleOption = value
MyPlugin:Update() -- We changed a setting, call our Update function
SomeRangeOption = {
order = 1,
type = "range",
name = "MyRange",
min = 0,
max = 10,
step = 1,
get = function(info)
return E.db.MyPlugin.SomeRangeOption
set = function(info, value)
E.db.MyPlugin.SomeRangeOption = value
MyPlugin:Update() -- We changed a setting, call our Update function
function MyPlugin:Initialize()
-- Register plugin so options are properly inserted when config is loaded
EP:RegisterPlugin(addonName, MyPlugin.InsertOptions)
-- Register the module with ElvUI. ElvUI will now call MyPlugin:Initialize() when ElvUI is ready to load our plugin.
You should change "MyPluginName" to something unique, perhaps incorporating your username or using a name that describes what the plugin is meant to do. Example: "BlazePlugin".
Changing the title in the .toc file is optional, but you should always make sure you use a unique name when you create a module in ElvUI:
local MyPlugin = E:NewModule("BlazePlugin", "AceHook-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceTimer-3.0")
You should change the default options table. Replace "MyPlugin" with a unique name, perhaps the same name you used in step 1.
Add the options you need to this table. You can always come back and add/remove options again later. Example:
-- Default options
P["BlazePlugin"] = {
["SomeToggleOption"] = true,
["SomeRangeOption"] = 5,
When you change the default options table name, you need to update the rest of your code to reflect this change.
Any lines in the code where you see "E.db.MyPlugin" needs to be updated to use the name you chose in step 2 (without quotes). For example:
In the "MyPlugin:InsertOptions()" function, you should change the table structure so that your GUI table uses a unique table key. Example:
E.Options.args.BlazePlugin = {}
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