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3D City Database Web Map Client Docker image

This repo contains a Dockerfile for the 3D City Database Web-Map-Client (3D web client) based on the official Node.js Docker images. To get the 3D web client Docker images visit the tumgis/3dcitydb-web-map DockerHub page. To get things moving fast take a look the Quick start section.

Special features

  • Landing page and data listing for convenient 3D web client project creation
  • Sharing data across multiple platforms (Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc.) using Samba

Image versions/tags

  • latest - Latest stable version based on latest version of the 3D web client. Built from master branch.
  • devel - Development version containing latest features. Built from devel branch.
  • experimental - Development version containing latest features. Built from experimental branch. The latest commit of the 3DCityDB Web-Map-Client Github master branch is used for this build.
  • v1.0.0, v1.4.0 - Same content as latest image, but built with a specific version (vX.X.X) of the 3DCityDB Web-Map-Client. Built from the branches named like the versions.

Use docker pull tumgis/3dcitydb-web-map:TAG to download the latest version of the image with the specified TAG to your system.

More 3DCityDB Docker Images

Besides the Docker images form this repo images for the 3D City Database and the 3D City Database Web Feature Service (WFS) are available:

Note: Everything in this repo is in development stage. If you experience any problems or have a suggestion/improvement please let me know by creating an issue here.

What is the 3DCityDB-Web-Map-Client

The 3DCityDB-Web-Map-Client is a web-based front-end of the 3DCityDB for high-performance 3D visualization and interactive exploration of arbitrarily large semantic 3D city models in CityGML. It utilizes the Cesium Virtual Globe as its 3D geo-visualization engine based on HTML5 and Web Graphics Library (WebGL) to provide hardware acceleration and cross-platform functionalities like displaying 3D graphic contents on web browsers without the needs of additional plugins.

The key features and functionalities of the 3DCityDB-Web-Map-Client is summarized as follows:

  • Support for efficient displaying, caching, prefetching, dynamic loading and unloading of large pre-styled 3D visualization models in the form of tiled KML/glTF datasets exported from the 3DCityDB using the Importer/Exporter
  • Intuitive user interface for adding and removing arbitrary number of data layers like 3D visualization model (KML/glTF), WMS imagery layer, and Cesium digital terrain model
  • Support for linking the 3D visualization models (KML/glTF) with the cloud-based Google Fusion Table allowing for querying the thematic data of every 3D object
  • Support for rich interaction with 3D visualization models (KML/glTF), for example, highlighting of 3D objects on mouseover and mouseclick as well as hiding and showing of the selected 3D objects
  • Support for exploring a 3D object of interest from different view perspectives using third-party mapping services like Microsoft Bing Maps with oblique view, Google Streetview, and a combined version (DualMaps)
  • Support for on-the-fly activating and deactivating shadow visualization of 3D objects (only for glTF, KML is currently not supported yet) and Cesium digital terrain models
  • Support for collaborative creation and sharing of the workspace of the 3DCityDB-Web-Map-Client by means of generating a scene link including information about the current camera perspective, activation status of the shadow visualization, parameters of the current loaded data layers etc.


3DCityDB Official Homepage
3DCityDB Github
3DCityDB and CityGML Hands-on Tutorial

Quick start

This section describes how to get a 3DCityDB-Web-Map-Client container running as quick and easy as possible.

  1. Install Docker on your system. This step is mandatory. Downloads and detailed instructions for various operating systems can be found here:
  2. Run the 3D web client Docker images using docker run. Use the -p <host port:docker port> switch to specify on which port the 3D web client will listen on your host system. For instance, use -p 80:8000 if you want to access the 3D web client on the default http port=80.
docker run -dit --name 3dwebmap-container -p 80:8000 tumgis/3dcitydb-web-map
  1. As soon as the container has started, the 3D web client will be available on your Docker host with any common Web Browser. If you run the container locally with above port settings, the landing page is available here:
    http://localhost/ or

Hosting data AND the 3D web client

The 3DCityDB-Web-Map-Client Docker image allows you to host the data you want to use in the client. All data, that is visible to the /var/www/data/ directory of a running 3D web client container will be listed in the data listing and can be used in the client to create web visualizations. The best way to make data available to that directory is by using a so called bind mount where a host directory is mapped to a container directory. Checkout this overview on Docker's data storge and persistence for more insight on bind mounts and other possible options.

The following example will explain how to host the 3DCityDB-Web-Map-Client and an example data set. We assume you have created some glTF data for testing using the 3DCityDB Importer/Exporter. If this is not the case, a test dataset is available here. For this example we assume the test dataset is stored at /home/docker/data/ on your docker host:

$ ls -lh /home/docker/data/

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9.1K Mar 15 18:36 Railway_Scene_LoD3.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.9K Mar 15 18:36 Railway_Scene_LoD3.kml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  316 Mar 15 18:36 Railway_Scene_LoD3_collada_MasterJSON.json
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Mar 15 18:36 Tiles

To start a 3DCityDB-Web-Map-Client Docker container and bind mount the /home/docker/data/ host directory to the /var/www/data/ container directory run:

docker run -dit --name 3dwebmap-container -p 80:8000 \
    -v /home/docker/data/:/var/www/data/ \    

Note: In the example above long commands are broken to several lines for readability using the Bash (\) or CMD (^) line continuation.

The data is now available in the data listing (e.g. http://myDockerHost/data/). Use your Browser's Copy Link Address feature to copy the URLs required in the 3D web client.

Data listing view

Sharing data across multiple platforms (Windows, MacOS, Linux, etc.)

The 3DCityDB-Web-Map-Client Docker image also allows sharing data between different machines and operating systems such as Windows, MacOS, Linux, etc. using Samba, which is a free software re-implementation of the SMB/CIFS networking protocol. Samba provides file and print services for various Microsoft Windows clients and can integrate with a Microsoft Windows Server domain, either as a Domain Controller (DC) or as a domain member.

To enable Samba:

docker run -dit --name 3dwebmap-container -p 80:8000 -p 139:139 -p 445:445 \
   -v /home/docker/data/:/var/www/data/ tumgis/3dcitydb-web-map \
   -u "username;password!" \
   -s "smb_shared;/var/www/data/;yes;no;yes;all;username;username;comment"


  • The ports 139 and 445 are reserved for the Samba service. Do not change these numbers on Windows host machines.

  • In this example, the container data located in /var/www/data are mounted to /home/docker/data on the host machine using the bind mount method.

  • The Samba service in this image is installed and configured based on dperson/samba. Optional Samba arguments can be provided in run-time, such as user credentials (parameter -u) and share information (parameter -s). These can be configured using the following syntax taken from dperson/samba:

    Options (fields in '[]' are optional, '<>' are required):
                         This help
        -c "<from:to>"   
                         Setup character mapping for file/directory names
                         required arg: "<from:to>" character mappings separated by ','
        -g "<parameter>" 
                         Provide global option for smb.conf
                         required arg: "<parameter>" - IE: -g "log level = 2"
        -i "<path>"      
                         Import smbpassword
                         required arg: "<path>" - full file path in container
                         Start the 'nmbd' daemon to advertise the shares
                         Set ownership and permissions on the shares
                         Disable recycle bin for shares
                         Disable SMB2 minimum version
        -s "<name;/path>[;browse;readonly;guest;users;admins;writelist;comment]"
                         Configure a share
                         required arg: "<name>;</path>"
                         <name> is how it's called for clients
                         <path> path to share
                         NOTE: for the default values, just leave blank
                         [browsable] default:'yes' or 'no'
                         [readonly] default:'yes' or 'no'
                         [guest] allowed default:'yes' or 'no'
                         [users] allowed default:'all' or list of allowed users
                         [admins] allowed default:'none' or list of admin users
                         [writelist] list of users that can write to a RO share
                         [comment] description of share
        -u "<username;password>[;ID;group]"       
                         Add a user
                         required arg: "<username>;<passwd>"
                         <username> for user
                         <password> for user
                         [ID] for user
                         [group] for user
        -w "<workgroup>"       
                         Configure the workgroup (domain) samba should use
                         required arg: "<workgroup>"
                         <workgroup> for samba
                         Allow access wide symbolic links
  • Once the container has been started and Samba is running, the shared directory can be accessed using the following commands:

    • In Windows:
    net use <disk_drive>: \\<SERVER>\smb_shared

    where the <disk_drive> can be an arbitrary unoccupied letter (e.g. R) and SERVER is the name or IP address of the host machine, where the container is being hosted. The latter can be found using the command ifconfig or ipconfig.

    Once the connection has been established, open the shared folder in Windows Explorer and create a new text file Test.txt. This text file should now also be visible on the web client (e.g. http://myDockerHost/data/) as shown below:

    • In Linux:
    # 1. Install Samba utils
    sudo apt-get install cifs-utils
    # 2. Create a local directory to mount shared data
    mkdir local_smb_shared
    # 3. Mount the shared data to this directory
    sudo mount.cifs //<SERVER>/smb_shared \
       local_smb_shared -o user=username
    • In MacOS:
    mount_smbfs //username@<SERVER>/smb_shared /local_smb_shared
  • To unmount the shared directory from the local machine (source data will not be removed):

    • In Windows: Enter
    net use <disk_drive>: /Delete
    • In Linux:
    umount //<SERVER>/smb_shared
    • In MacOS:
    umount /local_smb_shared

To disable Samba, simply remove the Samba parameters from the docker run command:

docker run -dit --name 3dwebmap-container -p 80:8000 \
   -v /home/docker/data/:/var/www/data/ \

How to build

To build a 3DCityDB-Web-Map-Client Docker image from the Dockerfile in this repo you need to download the source code from this repo and run the docker build command. Follow the step below to build a 3DCityDB-Web-Map-Client Docker image or use the script.

# 1. Download source code using git
git clone
# 2. Change to the source folder you just cloned
cd 3dcitydb-web-map-docker
# 3. Build a docker image tagged as e.g. 3dcitydb-web-map
docker build -t tumgis/3dcitydb-web-map .

If the build succeeds, you are ready to run the image as described above. To list all locally available images run docker images.

Build parameters

To build a Docker image with a custom Tomcat base image, a specific 3DCityDB WFS version, or a custom web app context path, the docker build --build-arg parameter is used.

Parameter name Description Default value
baseimage_tag Tag of the Node.js image to use. A list of all available tags is available here. 9
webmapclient_version Version of the 3DCityDB-Web-Map-Client to build. Any branch name or tag from the 3DCityDB-Web-Map-Client GitHub repo can be used. v1.4.0

The build process has been tested with the node:9 base image and v1.4.0 of the 3DCityDB-Web-Map-Client so far.

Build example:

docker build \
    --build-arg "baseimage_tag=9-slim" \
    --build-arg "webmapclient_version=master" \
  -t tumgis/3dcitydb-web-map:9-slim-master .