- If you're familar with gcc/g++ compiler, please go straight to step 4.
- After downloading all the attached files, put them in a separate folder where you use to compile on Linux with gcc/g++.
- Open your local gcc/g++ compiler. If you don't have one, follow this instruction on how to install the latest gcc on Windows:
- Once you open your gcc/g++ compiler, change your current directory to the directory that includes these files.
- When you're in your file's directory, to run the program:
- ./a.exe: execute the program on gcc compiler on Windows platform.
- ./a.out: execute the program on gcc compiler on Linux platform.
- For c++98 or c++03, type in g++ -std=c++11 *.cpp, then ./a.exe or ./a.out.
- For c++11 or c++ higher version, type in g++ *.cpp, then ./a.exe or ./a.out.
- Student Report Management System is the program that allows college/university facilities to manage all enrolled students information.
- Functionalities: add a new student profile, create student records, modify student record, delete student record, view GPA scale, view 300-500 level courses, view a student transcript, and view all student records.
- With the use of hash tables to store student ID, (insert, search and delete) runtime complexity is O(1) for average case and O(n) for worst case.
- Currently, all databases are saved in .txt files.
Basic Interface:
- Create new student
- Display all student records
- Search student record
- Modify student record
- Exit
II. Experience
Enter 1:
+ First name:
+ Last name:
+ Student ID:
+ Major:
Enter 2 or 3:
School name
Student No.------Name------Major
Enter 4:
Enter SID (Student ID):
1. Add a new record
2. Edit student record
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