The intention of this application if for users to coordinate which trails they will be using for a day hike. This will test your ability to set up many-to-many relationships and access attributes and methods through those relationships.
- Visitors will go on many hiking trips
- Each hiking trip is made up of one or more trails
- A trail may be part of more than one hiking trip
rails db:{drop,create,migrate,seed}
bundle exec rspec spec/models
(You should have 5 passing tests)
- TDD all new work; validation tests are encouraged but not required.
- Model coverage should be at 100% (outside of validations)
- No form input is required
- No visual styling is expected or required
User Story 1 of 10
As a visitor,
when I visit the hiking trips index page,
I see a list of all hiking trip names in
the database.
User Story 2 of 10
As a visitor,
when I visit the hiking trips index page,
and I click on the name of a hiking trip,
I see a unique page for that hiking trip.
User Story 3 of 10
As a visitor,
when I visit a hiking trip's page,
I see a list of trails included in the trip,
I see the name, address, and length for each trail.
User Story 4 of 10
As a visitor,
when I visit a hiking trip's page,
I see the total hiking distance
of all trails on that hiking trip
User Story 5 of 10
As a visitor,
when I visit a hiking trip's page,
I see the average hiking distance
of all trails on that hiking trip
User Story 6 of 10
As a visitor,
when I visit a hiking trip's page,
I see a heading that says "Longest Trail on Trip"
and the name and length of the longest trail
included on that hiking trip
User Story 7 of 10
As a visitor,
when I visit a hiking trip's page,
I see a heading that says "Shortest Trail on Trip"
and the name and length of the longest trail
included on that hiking trip
User Story 8 of 10
As a visitor,
when I visit a hiking trip's page,
I can click on the name of a trail
to see a show page for that specific trail.
User Story 9 of 10
As a visitor,
when I visit a trail's page,
I see the name and address of this trail.
I also see the name and total length of
every hiking trip that includes this trail
User Story 10 of 10
As a visitor,
when I visit a trail's page,
I see the total number of hiking trips where this trail
was included