This is an unofficial client for Memphis, written in Rust.
Add the following to your Cargo.toml
memphis-rust-community = "0.4.0"
use memphis_rust_community::memphis_client::MemphisClient;
use memphis_rust_community::consumer::MemphisConsumerOptions;
use memphis_rust_community::station::MemphisStationsOptions;
async fn main() {
let client = MemphisClient::new("localhost:6666", "root", "memphis", None).await.unwrap();
let station_options = MemphisStationsOptions::new("my-station");
let station = client.create_station(station_options).await.unwrap();
let consumer_options = MemphisConsumerOptions::new("my-consumer")
let consumer = station.create_consumer(consumer_options).await.unwrap();
let mut message_receiver = consumer.consume().await.unwrap();
tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
let msg = message_receiver.recv().await;
// Do something with the message
use memphis_rust_community::memphis_client::MemphisClient;
use memphis_rust_community::producer::MemphisProducerOptions;
use memphis_rust_community::station::MemphisStationsOptions;
async fn main() {
let client = MemphisClient::new("localhost:6666", "root", "memphis", None).await.unwrap();
let station_options = MemphisStationsOptions::new("my-station");
let station = client.create_station(station_options).await.unwrap();
let producer_options = MemphisProducerOptions::new("my-producer")
let mut producer = station.create_producer(producer_options).await.unwrap();
let msg = ComposableMessage::new()
.with_payload("Hello World!")
.with_header("TestHeader", "TestValue");
- ✅ Connection
- ✅ Disconnection
- ✅ Create a station
- ✅ Destroy a station
- ✅ Retention
- ✅ Retention values
- ✅ Storage types
⚠️ Schemaverse (WIP. Disabled by default via feature flag)- ❌ Create a new schema
- ❌ Enforce a schema Protobuf
- ✅ Enforce a schema Json
- ❌ Enforce a schema GraphQL
- ❌ Detach a schema
- ✅ Produce
- ✅ Add headers
- ✅ Async produce
- ✅ Message ID
- ✅ Destroy a producer
- ✅ Consume
- ✅ Ack a message
- ❌ Fetch
- ✅ Message delay
- ✅ Get Headers
- ✅ Get message sequence number
- ✅ Destroying a Consumer
- ✅ Check if broker is connected
- ✅ Consumer prefetch