Other work
- 1a818e7: Add InputTypeNone for processors that do not accept paths (@twelvelabs)
- 84e1d28: Add OutputMapping struct (@twelvelabs)
- 643a3d8: Add Processor.Merge method (@twelvelabs)
- dab7ba9: Add Result.Context field (@twelvelabs)
- f04e58d: Add ResultFormat and ResultPrinter types (@twelvelabs)
- 29251aa: Add fsutils package (@twelvelabs)
- 6dc1dc3: Add global vars for version, commmit, and build timestamp (@twelvelabs)
- 63131a1: Add goreleaser config (@twelvelabs)
- e7c3e4e: Add linter job and format make target (@twelvelabs)
- 801c218: Add logrus logger (@twelvelabs)
- e880518: Add processor filtering methods (@twelvelabs)
- 9fda550: Add stylist config for golangci-lint processor (@twelvelabs)
- 7fb9608: Add test coverage for enums (@twelvelabs)
- facee1d: Add version subcommand (@twelvelabs)
- ec9f985: Differentiate between output type and format (@twelvelabs)
- b7f8ee5: Finish implementing init command (@twelvelabs)
- 61e5bc4: Fully implement the fix command (@twelvelabs)
- 3c5b093: Implement JSONOutputParser (@twelvelabs)
- ac29e82: Implement OutputMapping (@twelvelabs)
- 96ad4a8: Implement TtyPrinter (@twelvelabs)
- d62942c: Implement processor presets (@twelvelabs)
- a33ea18: Implement subcommands (@twelvelabs)
- 1bf1794: Load missing context lines; add flag for hiding context (@twelvelabs)
- c6b9abd: Move logic from Processor to Pipeline and add tests (@twelvelabs)
- 543417f: Move output format to config (@twelvelabs)
- 13f94ab: Move testdata to a subdir so we can add more types (@twelvelabs)
- b7df1d9: Pass config to printers when constructing (@twelvelabs)
- de96d77: Remove filetype logic from indexer (@twelvelabs)
- ee3f443: Rename CommandResponse to CommandOutput (@twelvelabs)
- 298fe05: Rename Diagnostic to Result (@twelvelabs)
- 6dd77f3: Rename OutputMapping to ResultMapping (@twelvelabs)
- b6d9d0b: Rename output_parsers.go to output.go (@twelvelabs)
- 534dd47: Rename yaml key (@twelvelabs)
- 0a69e02: Restructure config loading to happen earlier (@twelvelabs)
- ba7a766: Restructure parser input (@twelvelabs)
- afb591c: Return non-zero exit code when there are results (@twelvelabs)
- 93ae193: Rework processor filtering and wire up to command flags (@twelvelabs)
- 0616e15: Stub out init command (@twelvelabs)
- 73bfbc5: Support JSON output with nested results (@twelvelabs)
- a72d2cb: Update GH action sha (@twelvelabs)
- b4910bb: Update deps (@twelvelabs)
- b3c90e7: Use ISO formatted timestamp (@twelvelabs)
- 5757446: Use processor name rather than command name for source (@twelvelabs)
- 1cb669e: Use struct tags for config defaults (@twelvelabs)
- 5d2f7da: Wire up OutputParser to CommandOutput (@twelvelabs)
- 3d12e4f: fix config to use correct end values (@twelvelabs)
- 3e85b19: install completion file (@twelvelabs)
- b6c68a9: linter fix (@twelvelabs)
- 6c07912: move main.go to project root (@twelvelabs)
- 703c089: simplify default config path (@twelvelabs)