This repository allows for training GANs on the MNIST and CelebA datasets with gradient clipping and immediate sensitivity using a fork of the Opacus library (see requirements.txt).
Default options are provided for each dataset (CelebA with deep convolutional ResNet GAN, MNIST with vanilla GAN) and can be found at the top of
Only the gradient clipping (dp_mode=gc) and immediate sensitivity (dp_mode=is) privacy methods are fully implemented, others are very experimental.
MNIST conditional GAN on GPU0 with 600 batch size
python MNIST -gd cuda:0 -dd cuda:0 -bs 600 --conditional
CelebA GAN on GPU0 and GPU1 with 128 batch size
python CelebA -gd cuda:0 -dd cuda:1 -bs 128
MNIST conditional GAN with gradient clipping for differential privacy with a noise scale of 10
python MNIST -gd cuda:0 -dd cuda:0 -bs 600 --conditional --dp_mode gc --sigma 10
MNIST conditional GAN with immediate sensitivity for approximate differential privacy with a noise scale of 10
python MNIST -gd cuda:0 -dd cuda:0 -bs 600 --conditional --dp_mode is --sigma 10
CelebA GAN with gradient clipping using mean samples for adaptive clipping and for gradient penalty
python CelebA -gd cuda:0 -dd cuda:0 -bs 128 -nms 32 --dp_mode gc -gcm adaptive-pl
CelebA GAN with per-parameter immediate sensitivity using mean samples for gradient penalty
python CelebA -gd cuda:0 -dd cuda:0 -bs 128 -nms 32 --dp_mode is -ispp True Main training script (see example invocations) Calculates epsilon delta budget for a given configuration and number of epochs Downstream evaluation using sklearn classifiers for MNIST conditional model Loads a generator and generates samples Executes membership inference attack of Hayes et al. (2018) (link) and can calculate FID
Conditional Models: The Vanilla GAN can use either a standard conditional GAN (CGAN) or an Auxiliary Classifier GAN (ACGAN). The WGAN model can use a standard conditional GAN (CGAN) or a custom conditional architecture for WGANs (WCGAN), which works by having the last layer of the critic give one output for each class, and only the output that corresponds to the true class is used.