This is a machine learning library developed by Tyler Jones for CS5350 at the University of Utah
Each top-level assignment folder contains a script. Use bash
within that directory to execute the assignment .py file within that directory. This works on the CADE machines.
Create a DecisionTree object Parameters:
- data: The training data set
- possible_attribute_values: a diction of indexes mapped to a list of the possible attribute values of the column at that index
- column_headers: A list of the names of the features in order
- max_depth=1: The maximum depth of the tree
- method='ENT': 'ENT'->Entropy, 'ME'->Majority Error, or 'GINI'->Gini index
- unknown_vals=False: Whether or not to replace instances of 'unknown' in the data set with the most common label
- numerical_vals=False: Whether or not to replace numerical attributes with a boolean value indicating that that value is less than or greater than the mean
Classify Data Call the classify_data function of the DecisionTree object created in the previous step Parameters:
- row: the row of data in the same order as the training set
- Each of the (AdaBoost class), (Bagging class), and (RandomForest) runs the algorithm corresponding to the name of the file.
- Each of the classes has a classify_data function which can be used after the training has completed.
- Parameters:
- row: the row of data in the same order as the training set
- label_map (AdaBoost): a dictionary mapping with 'positive' and 'negative' as the keys and the label that corresponds to the positive or negative values as the values.
- Parameters:
- data: the training data
- possible_attribute_values: A dictionary with the column headers as the keys and a list of possible values for that column as the value
- column_headers: a list of the column headers
- T: the number of weak classifiers to be used
- data: the training data
- possible_attribute_values: A dictionary with the column headers as the keys and a list of possible values for that column as the value
- column_headers: a list of the column headers
- num_weak_classifiers: the number of weak classifiers to be used
- num_samples: the number of random rows to use from the training data for each iteration
- data: the training data
- possible_attribute_values: A dictionary with the column headers as the keys and a list of possible values for that column as the value
- column_headers: a list of the column headers
- num_weak_classifiers: the number of weak classifiers to be used
- G: the number of random rows to use from the training data for each iteration
- The class LinearRegression creates a classifier for either batch or or stochastic gradient descent
- data: the training data
- type: either 'BATCH' or 'STOCHASTIC'
- It has a classify_data function which can be used after the training has completed.
- Parameters:
- row: the row of data in the same order as the training set
- Parameters:
- The class Perceptron creates a classifier using perceptron. It supports functionality for the standard, voted, and average versions
- The init function will automatically trigger the training of the model
- data: the training data
- T: the number of epochs
- type: either 'STANDARD', 'VOTED', OR 'AVERAGE'
- It has a classify_data function which can be used after the training has completed.
- Parameters:
- row: the row of data in the same order as the training set
- Parameters:
- The class SVM implements various forms of SVM. It supports functionality for the primal form, dual form, and dual form with a kernal
- The init function will automatically trigger the training of the model
T, C, a, gamma_start, type='PRIMAL', learning_schedule=1
- data: the training data
- T: the number of epochs
- C: the hyper parameter C
- a: the hyper parameter a
- gamma_start: the starting value for gamma (updated each epoch)
- type: either 'PRIMAL', or 'DUAL'
- learning_schedule: the two types of learning schedules requested in the assignment
- It has a classify_data function which can be used after the training has completed.
- Parameters:
- row: the row of data in the same order as the training set
- Parameters:
- The class NeuralNet implements a 3-layer neural network. It uses the sigmoid function as the activation function
- The init function will automatically trigger the training of the model
data, T, gamma_start=.1, d=.1, hidden_neurons=None
- data: the training data
- T: the number of epochs
- gamma_start: the starting value for gamma (updated each epoch)
- d: hyper parameter d, used to update gamma
- hidden_neurons: the number of neurons to use in a hidden layer (default is the same as the number of input features plus a bias node)
- It has a classify_data function which can be used after the training has completed.
- Parameters:
- row: the row of data in the same order as the training set
- Parameters: