Notifyemail is a project based on our demand of sending email to inform us when the code is fished runing on a remote server, for example: CoLab.
You can now simply use this module to send email with text and other component like pics as attachment files when the main code finished running.
You can also use this to transmit files from a remote 'safe' server equipt with a sand box / castle machine.
Firstly use pip to install our module: pip install notifyemail
Then you need to set up your OWN EMAIL with SMTP, check this out in SMTP ReadME
After these simple setting you can now follow the tips to use our module in your code.
import notifyemail
notifyemail.Reboost(mail_host='', mail_user='[email protected]',mail_pass='xxxx', default_receivers='[email protected]', log_root_path='log', max_log_cnt=5)
- In notifyemail.Reboost() your need to set:
log_root_path= str, the place you wish to save log files
mail_host= str, smtp server like
mail_user = str, send mail account like [email protected]
mail_pass = str, the authorization code from the server
you can set default_receing_list = str(an email address) or a list / tuple containing email address,
NOTICE by defult it will be send back to your mail_user account if you dont set this
you can set max_log_cnt = int, this is the amount of logs the notify will not auto delete
this is aming for saving the zoom of your local driver
程序代码 ...
notifyemail.add_text("whatever u want to say")
Step 4 Add file/folder in the email use this, you can use many times,the folder will be zipped by our system
notifyemail.add_file(file_name) ...
如果需要更改需要发送邮件的邮箱可以用这个,输入为空则为default list。
notifyemail.send_log(xxx) # str (an email address) or list / tuple containing multiple email address (str) is allowed
notifyemail.send_log() # empty
/# 在自己代码中的任意位置调用就行。注意:如果不调用,则邮件中的程序名为default,且自动发送给默认邮箱
版本 8月 20日 02:55 修改了调用逻辑 这个文件用来自动发送 输出log + 性能监控log + 追加的文件 到指定邮箱列表中 主要作者:吕尚青 张天翊 雷言理
notifyemail.send_log(“[email protected]”)
发件邮箱:[email protected]
start time: 2020_12_31 01:01:14
end time: 2020_12_31 01:02:04
source: server name
============================================ 监控开始时间: 2021-01-29 03:24:34
采样间隔(s): 5 | 计算均值写入日志间隔(s): 300
时间: 2021-01-29 03:24:39 | CPU平均占用率: 3.86 | 内存占用率: 75.4
============================================ 监控结束时间: 2021-01-29 03:24:39
平均CPU占用率: 3.86 | 平均内存占用率: 75.4
最大CPU占用率: 3.86 | 最大内存占用率: 75.4
2021.1.1 17:00 更新内容:本地日志文件保存在程序目录下的log文件夹内
2021.1.2 11:00 修复了计算均值写入日志间隔的bug
2021.1.29 13:30 修复了程序出错时无法正常发邮件的问题
2021.1.30 13:30 增加了自动清空旧日志的功能(可设置)
2021.2.2 01:30 修复了程序名显示错误的问题
2021.7.27 11:30 修复了公邮的问题
2021.8.20 02:30 重写了调用逻辑,增加reboost功能
2021.8.21 11:30 推广为pip库
TODO 增加注释 增加英文注释
- 主线程与调用逻辑,吕尚青,张天翊
- 生成log部分,吕尚青
- 压缩打包/追加文字与附件,张天翊
- 监控log部分,吕尚青
- 发送log部分,email与适配windows调试优化 雷言理
- 转化为pip格式等 雷言理
- 早期版本的email使用逻辑设计工作 吴雨卓
吕尚青 @lsqqqq
张天翊 @sagizty
雷言理 @Desperadodo
吴雨卓 @Vision0220
栾为坚 @1luan