v15.0.0 - Jadeite
The Big Stuff You'll Wanna Know
For Authors and Instructors
This release brings big changes to the dashboard adding new view modes and options to organize your modules. Read on to find out more!
For Developers
This release has migrations.
For Administrators
This release has migrations. The default community collection will automatically be given a visibility type of 'public', and all user-created collections will be given a visibility type of 'private'. Modules must still be added to the community collection via a new record in the 'repository_map_drafts_to_collections' table. Deleted private collections will remain in the database and can be restored by changing the value in the 'deleted' column of the 'repository_collections' table from FALSE
New Features
Dashboard Changes
There are several changes to the way the module management dashboard works. Read the following notes to find out more.
'Recent' Mode
By default, logging into Obojobo will direct you to the dashboard in 'recent' mode - in this mode, only your five most recently edited modules will be visible:
'All' Mode
In order to see all of your modules, click the 'All Modules' button:
This will load the dashboard in a new browser tab in 'all modules' mode. In this mode, you will be able to view, sort, and filter all of your modules.Private Collections
This release will enable authors to organize their modules into collections. When you first logged in, you may have noticed a new area in the dashboard that will list all of the collections you've created:
Creating Collections
There are two ways to create a private collection. Click the 'New...' button (formerly 'New Module'), then click the 'New Collection' option:
Or, if you have no collections, you can click the 'New Collection' button in the My Collections section:
Collections can be sorted and filtered just like modules.Managing Collections
Collections can be managed much like modules can - just click a collection to see the management options. Unlike modules, collections can be renamed right in the dashboard. From this same menu, you can also reach the module management menu or view the collection's modules in the dashboard's new 'collection mode'. Continue reading to learn more about managing collections.
To rename a collection, simply choose 'Rename' from the collection's management menu. Once the rename dialog is open, type in the desired name for the collection and then click 'Accept':
Adding Modules
There are several ways to add a module to a collection. Each one will be covered here.
Manage Modules
The first way to add modules to a collection is through the 'Manage Modules' dialog, reachable through the collection's management menu:
Once here, you can add modules by clicking the 'Add Module' button and searching for the name of the module you'd like to add to the collection: You can also remove modules from a collection in this area: Clicking the 'Done' button will return you to the dashboard.Manage Collections
Modules can be added to collections through a new menu option in the module management menu as well. Open the module management menu for the module you'd like to add to a collection, click 'More...', then click the 'Manage Collections' button to reach the new interface:
In this menu, you can see all of the private collections you have created. The module can be added to or removed from these collections by checking or unchecking the box next to the collection's name: Clicking the 'Done' button will return you to the dashboard.Bulk Add
Multiple modules can be added to collections quickly with a new bulk operation. In 'all mode' of the dashboard, select multiple modules at a time (hold the 'shift' key and click a module or click the checkbox in the upper left corner of the module after clicking it to select), then click the 'Add All to Collection' button in the bulk operations area:
The 'Add Modules to Collections' interface works nearly the same way for multiple modules as it does for single modules, but the selected modules will only be added to the selected collections after clicking the 'Add' button. Clicking the 'Cancel' button will close the window without adding the selected modules to any collections.Deleting
To delete a collection, simply choose 'Delete' from the collection's management menu. An alert will appear prompting you to confirm the deletion:
Caution: Deleted collections can not be restored like deleted modules can.
'Collection' Mode
In order to see and manage all of the modules in a collection, click the 'View Collection' button in a collection's management menu:
All of the modules in the collection will appear and can be sorted or filtered as usual. While in 'view collection' mode, you will notice some new buttons along the top of the page: the Manage Modules, Rename, and Delete Collection buttons all do the same thing they do in the collection's management menu in any other dashboard mode.New Modules
When in 'view collection' mode, any new modules you create will be automatically added to the collection you're viewing:
Complete Issues List
- #2008 - 🛠️ Bump sharp from 0.28.1 to 0.30.5
- #2007 - 🛠️ Bump eventsource from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1
- #2006 - 🛠️ Bump ejs from 3.1.6 to 3.1.7
- #1999 - 🛠️ Makes "All Modules" button always visible
- #1996 - 🛠️ Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6
- #1995 - 🛠️ Bump moment from 2.29.1 to 2.29.2
- #1991 - 🐛 Fixes LTI module picker not listing personal modules. Fixes module restoration crashes in dashboard.
- #1990 - 🛠️ Bump sysend from 1.3.5 to 1.10.0
- #1985 - 🛠️ Bump url-parse from 1.5.2 to 1.5.9
- #1982 - 🛠️ Bump url-parse from 1.5.2 to 1.5.8
- #1980 - 🛠️ Bump url-parse from 1.5.2 to 1.5.6
- #1979 - 🛠️ Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.7 to 1.14.8
- #1978 - 🐛 Fixes caliper_store table removal migration's rollback function.
- #1975 - 🛠️ Bumped node-sass from 5.0.0 to 7.0.0
- #1971 - 🛠️ Bump simple-get from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1
- #1969 - 🐛 More info box z-index issue in firefox
- #1968 - 🐛 Resolve runtime errors for medium and large caption widths in viewer
- #1944 - 🛠️ Adopted the new settings dialog component for obo nodes
- #1923 - 🐛 Forward delete in empty figure caption no longer deletes the figure
- #1233 - ✨ Adds private collections.
Issue legend:
- ✨: New features
- 🛠️: Improvements & enhancements
- 🐛: Bug fixes
Release Stats
Commits: 130
Developers: 5
Files Changed: 142
Lines Changed: 11,793
Commit Dates: Mar 3, 2020 - Jul 8, 2022
Lines of Code (expand to view)
cloc ./ --hide-rate --by-percent cmb --read-lang-def=cloc-type-definitions.txt
2349 text files.
2090 unique files.
314 files ignored.
github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 1.90
Language files blank % comment % code
Jest Test Snapshots 281 0.92 0.05 530956
Jest Tests 558 13.85 2.04 93365
JavaScript 783 12.36 8.11 50567
JSON 93 0.01 0.00 31901
Sass 174 15.28 0.96 12289
JSX 53 10.59 1.60 3514
XML 33 2.29 5.10 1415
Markdown 4 19.11 0.00 618
EJS 12 8.48 0.96 470
SVG 42 0.49 0.00 202
YAML 4 16.39 7.56 181
Dockerfile 2 24.64 37.68 26
SUM: 2039 4.07 1.05 725504
A big thanks to our contributors for this release (listed in alphabetical order):