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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

Raise extra awerness
🏷️ a11y
:label: a11y
Affects accessibility
🏷️ clarify
:label: clarify
help or information is needed
✏️ dependencies
:pencil2: dependencies
Pull requests that update a dependency file
✏️ documentation
:pencil2: documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
✏️ model
:pencil2: model
Changes the behaviour of the system
✏️ python
:pencil2: python
Doesn't change the behaviour of the system
✏️ styling
:pencil2: styling
🔧 backlogged
:wrench: backlogged
🔧 duplicate
:wrench: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
🔧 wontfix
:wrench: wontfix
This will not be worked on