Raul Pegan, [email protected]
For the final project I plan to iterate on the generative music assignment, where we created an interface for musicians to interact with magenta models. I desire to make a musical partner that is accessible for any musician, so as a result, I aim to make the interactivity more open, with diverse instruments, scales, and tempos. Consequently, I will have to tweak the magenta models in order to adapt to these changes. The concept I have found the most interesting and impactful during this class has been an AI functioning as a co-creator, and I wish to explore that idea further. I wish to present my final as a live perfomance of sorts, since the model does have some latency unfortunately.
Briefly describe the files that are included with your repository:
- chord_pitches_improv.mag - pretrained models for improv_rnn
Your code for generating your project:
- app.py - Pyramid webabb
- banjos.html - Main static page
- public/ - directory containing all the JS and CSS files necessary for the project
- requirements.txt - required pip libraries
- Habib.mov - My friend habib going back and forth with the product
- Juan.mov - My uncle Juan interacting with the product
- UI_closeup.mov - Me interacting with the product, I am not a musician so the generated audio is not good, but this serves as a closer look at the UI
This project requires two main packages:
- pyramid - web app
- magenta - music generation models
Additionally, this only works on Google Chrome due to the fact that it is the only browser that currently supports the necessary JS libraries.
[1] Google AI https://magenta.tensorflow.org/
[2] Melody RNN https://github.com/tensorflow/magenta/tree/master/magenta/models/melody_rnn
[3] Performance RN https://github.com/tensorflow/magenta/tree/master/magenta/models/performance_rnn
[4] Improv RNN https://github.com/tensorflow/magenta/tree/master/magenta/models/improv_rnn
[5] MIDI.js https://github.com/mudcube/MIDI.js/
[6] MIDIjs https://www.midijs.net/
[7] Tonal JS https://github.com/tonaljs/tonal