A curated list of awesome CoffeeScript frameworks, libraries and software.
- jashkenas/coffeescript - Unfancy JavaScript
- Leonidas-from-XIV/node-xml2js - XML to JavaScript object converter.
- github/hubot-scripts - DEPRECATED, see github/hubot-scripts#1113 for details - optional scripts for hubot, opt in via hubot-scripts.json
- docpad/docpad - Empower your website frontends with layouts, meta-data, pre-processors (markdown, jade, coffeescript, etc.), partials, skeletons, file watching, querying, and an amazing plugin system. DocPad will streamline your web development process allowing you to craft powerful static sites quicker than ever before.
- leafo/sticky-kit - A jQuery plugin for creating smart sticky elements
- jkbrzt/cloudtunes - Web-based music player for the cloud ☁️ 🎶 Play music from YouTube, Dropbox, etc.
- dmotz/oriDomi - 🪭 Fold up DOM elements like paper
- slackapi/hubot-slack - Slack Developer Kit for Hubot
- js2coffee/js2coffee - Compile JavaScript to CoffeeScript
- michaelficarra/CoffeeScriptRedux - 😓 rewrite of the CoffeeScript compiler with proper compiler design principles and a focus on robustness and extensibility
- sstephenson/eco - Embedded CoffeeScript templates
- Glavin001/atom-beautify - 📣 Help Wanted - Looking for Maintainer: Glavin001/atom-beautify#2572 | 💄 Universal beautification package for Atom editor (
⚠️ Currently migrating to https://github.com/Unibeautify/ and have very limited bandwidth for Atom-Beautify Issues. Thank you for your patience and understanding ❤️ ) - bevry/cson - CoffeeScript-Object-Notation. Same as JSON but for CoffeeScript objects.
- mauricemach/coffeekup - Markup as CoffeeScript.
- pksunkara/octonode - github api v3 in nodejs
- clutchski/coffeelint - Lint your CoffeeScript.
- soulwire/Coffee-Physics - A simple, lightweight physics engine written in CoffeeScript
- oozcitak/xmlbuilder-js - An XML builder for node.js
- twilson63/express-coffee - A Template for NodeJs Application using Express, CoffeeScript, Jade, Stylus, Nib
- coffeedoc/codo - CoffeeScript API documentation generator. It's like YARD but for CoffeeScript!
- autotelicum/Smooth-CoffeeScript - A book on functional programming in CoffeeScript
- jessepollak/payment - 💰 A jQuery-free general purpose library for building credit card forms, validating inputs and formatting numbers.
- hasclass/core-lib - A port of the Ruby 1.9.3 corelib to coffeescript/javascript/node that conforms to rubyspec.org.
- meltingice/CoffeeDrop - CoffeeDrop is an open-source, roll your own, Dropbox-like clone written in CoffeeScript. Currently not working and under heavy development.
- rastapasta/pokemon-go-mitm - 🎁 Pokemon Go MITM Proxy - Intercepts the traffic between your Pokemon Go app and their servers, decodes the protocol and gives you a handy tool to enrich your own game experience on the fly.
- iostreamer-X/Awkward - A NodeJS based shell. Everything is an Object!
- sleepyfox/coffeescript-koans - Koans: learn CoffeeScript by doing it
- netzpirat/haml-coffee - Haml templates where you can write inline CoffeeScript.
- SublimeText/CoffeeScript - Syntax highlighting and checking, commands, shortcuts, snippets, watched compilation and more.
- jsdf/coffee-react-transform - DEPRECATED – Provides React JSX support for Coffeescript
- musicplayer-io/redditmusicplayer - 🎵 A free and open-source streaming music web player using data from Reddit
- jamis/csmazes - Maze algorithms implemented in CoffeeScript, with an eye toward demonstrating how the algorithms work by animating them.
- flosse/scaleApp - scaleApp is a JavaScript framework for scalable and maintainable One-Page-Applications
- zhuochun/md-writer - ✒️ Make Atom a better Markdown/AsciiDoc editor for writers and bloggers
- ajimix/Input-Framer - Framer module to add inputs to your prototypes and easily turn your designs inputs into real inputs
- joosy/joosy - Joosy is a browser applications framework. That is based on Rails, CoffeeScript and love.
- danielgtaylor/nesh - An enhanced, extensible interactive shell for Node.js and CoffeeScript
- lsegal/atom-runner - This package will run various script files inside of Atom. It currently supports JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Ruby, and Python. You can add more.
- crispymtn/linear-partition - Linear partition in Coffeescript (Javascript)
- anodynos/uRequire - The Ultimate JavaScript Module Builder & Automagical Task Runner. Convert AMD & CommonJS/NodeJS modules to UMD, AMD, CommonJS or bundle them as
(rjs & almond, AMDclean soon) & automagically run/test/watch them on nodejs, Web/AMD or Web/Script. Declarative & DRY config with inheritance. Manipulate & inject dependencies, module code, banners, version etc while building with a single line. Support two kinds of plugins, ResourceConverter (i.e file level) and AfterBuilder (i.e the whole bundle). Transparent support for Coffeescript, IcedCoffeescript, Coco, LiveScript – they’re just JavaScript :-) - FurqanSoftware/node-whois - A simple WHOIS client for NodeJS
- KyleAMathews/coffee-react-quickstart - Quickstart for building React single page apps using Coffeescript, Gulp, Webpack, and React-Router
- tamc/Sankey - A javascript library for drawing sankey / flow diagrams
- Electroid/mojang-api - Bundle multiple Minecraft APIs into a single GET request.
- audiocogs/alac.js - ALAC decoder, but in Coffeescript
- mycard/srvpro - A server for YGOPro
- fahad19/singool - Backbone.js based framework for developing single-page web applications
- pvande/Milk - Milk is Mustache in CoffeeScript -- great with your browser or NodeJS!
- pughpugh/react-countdown-clock - HTML5 canvas countdown clock React component
- raganwald/YouAreDaChef - Coffeescript/Javascript method combinations for Underscore projects
- omarkhan/coffeedoc - An API documentation generator for CoffeeScript
- just-fine/fine.sh-cli - generate your static website in 3 seconds
- raganwald/Katy - CoffeeScript and JavaScript Combinators
- layerssss/manager-for-upyun - 又拍云资源管理器
- sagivo/accept-bitcoin - Accept bitcoin payments using Node.js
- kelp404/angular-validator - AngularJS form validation.
- iroy2000/react-reflux-boilerplate-with-webpack - React + Reflux + CoffeeScript + Stylus Boilerplate with Webpack
- victorquinn/dynasty - Dynasty - Promise-based, clean DynamoDB API
- TrevorBurnham/Jitter - A simple CoffeeScript compilation utility
- tarruda/vm.js - Javascript bytecode compiler and VM implemented in pure coffeescript
- tanaikech/ImgApp - This is a library of image tools for Google Apps Script.
- dmotz/TuringType - ⌨️ Simple human typing effect
- dbushong/shaky - Converted dart shaky boxes demo to coffeescript
- benbria/coffee-coverage - Istanbul and JSCoverage-style instrumentation for CoffeeScript files.
- RocketChat/hubot-natural - Natural Language Processing Chatbot for RocketChat
- STRd6/pixel-editor - It edits pixels
- dmotz/hexaflip - 🧊 Visualizes arrays as cube interfaces
- soulwire/Plasmatic-Isosurface - A 2 dimensional plasma simulation running on the GPU, written in GLSL and CoffeeScript and rendered with WebGL.
- frankleenaars/gearsketch - GearSketch sandbox in CoffeeScript
- davidedc/Fizzygum - a new web framework, an entire platform really, designed from the ground up to handle complex things easily. Put the power of an entire Operating System at your fingertips.
- khaled/react-express-template - Full stack web app starter template using React, ES6, CoffeeScript, Express, and more
- qiao/heap.js - A binary heap implementation in CoffeeScript/JavaScript.
- goodeggs/teacup - Teacup is templates in CoffeeScript
- tadruj/s3upload-coffee-javascript - Client Side S3 CORS Upload for Amazon S3 - CoffeeScript and JavaScript Class
- dmotz/maskew - ▰ Add some diagonal rhythm to your elements
- wavded/gedit-coffeescript - gedit Syntax Highlighting for CoffeeScript files
- koding/kd - UI Framework for web applications.
- entroform/stack-up.js - Create fixed width, variable height grid layouts.
- microsoft/BotFramework-Hubot - Hubot adapter for botframework
- fabiosantoscode/js2cpp - A toy js -> c++ compiler written in coffeescript. Uses escodegen to write c++ and tern to figure out types.
- soyjavi/monocle - Build Awesome CoffeeScript MVC Applications
- gjtorikian/biscotto - UNMAINTAINED. CoffeeScript API documentation tool that uses TomDoc notation.
- alecperkins/coffeetable - A drop-in workbench for experimentation, CoffeeTable is a CoffeeScript-fluent browser console.
- AtomLinter/linter-write-good - An Atom linter interface for write-good.
- torontojs/torontojs.com - The Website for TorontoJS
- styczynski/atom-terminal-panel - Advanced terminal interface for Atom editor
- intellinote/swagger-dsl - A CoffeeScript-based domain-specific language for generating JSON documents for Swagger.
- fairfieldt/coffeescript-concat - A utility that preprocesses and concatenates CoffeeScript source files
- twilson63/cakefile-template - This is a cakefile template for coffeescript, docco and mocha
- joscha/gmailui - A GMail user interface library
- etiennepinchon/hologram - Hologram Framework | All-in-one WebVR creation.
- bus-stop/Termination - Integrated terminal for Atom. Looks like terminal-plus, acts like your native terminal (except every other Friday). Looking for collaborators! :-)
- brikis98/node-backbone-skeleton - A skeleton project for creating applications that use node.js server-side, backbone.js client-side, underscore.js templates, CoffeeScript as a JS pre-processor and Compass/SASS as a CSS pre-processor..
- atom/season - CSON Node Module
- markuso/kleks - Kleks - Pure CouchDB based CMS as a Couch App using Kanso with CoffeeScript and Stylus. Supports multi-site setup and Markdown authoring.
- markbrown4/egghead-downloader - downloads egghead
- nataliemarleny/Casing - The UI Framework for Framer Classic. Manages data, components and views
- appleboy/html5-template-engine - html5 template engine with CoffeeScript, Compass, RequireJS.
- sakejs/sake-core - Sake's core interface.
- abe33/spectacular - Advanced BDD framework for CoffeeScript and JavaScript
- roytruelove/angular-grunt-coffeescript - Seed project for large CoffeeScript AngularJS projects
- Zorium/zorium - (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ The CoffeeScript Web Framework
- mgeraci/Coffee-Filter - A collection of coffeescript helpers that I've used across projects
- kmalakoff/background - CoffeeScript / JavaScript background job / task / worker library. Provides implementations for jobs, a job queue, a job list, and single and multiple array iterators.
- yoheimuta/hubot-aws - Hubot masters aws commands
- markbates/Programming-In-CoffeeScript - Source code for the Programming in CoffeeScript book.
- smashwilson/hubot-markov - Hubot watches all, and builds a markov model from everything you say.
- showell/CoffeeScriptLineMatcher - provides debugging support for CoffeeScript by matching JS lines to CS lines
- dweldon/frappe - template for creating express applications with coffeescript
- caiogondim/js-console-sublime-snippets - 💻 JavaScript and CoffeeScript Console snippets
- nok/onedollar-unistroke-coffee - Implementation of the $1 Unistroke Recognizer, a two-dimensional template based gesture recognition, in CoffeeScript.
- devongovett/importer - Deprecated: File importing for CoffeeScript and JavaScript
- atom/language-coffee-script - CoffeeScript support in Atom
- adamjspooner/coffeescript-meet-backbonejs - An introduction to Backbone.js using CoffeeScript.
- meltingice/node-activerecord - A ORM written in Coffeescript that supports multiple database systems (SQL/NoSQL) and ID generation middleware.
- ichord/angular-coffee-AMD-seed - angular coffeescript requirejs
- stephank/villain - Real-time browser games in JavaScript and CoffeeScript.
- hubot-archive/hubot-github-repo-event-notifier - Notifies about any GitHub repo event available via webhook.
- eunjae-lee/node-express-grunt-boilerplate - A boilerplate to start a new express project based on CoffeeScript, Grunt build system, forever runner, Jade Template Engine and bootstrap
- andrzejsliwa/coffeeapp - not needed any more, couchdb is handling of coffeescript natively https://github.com/bdionne/couchdb/commit/972da5ab71af3eaeb939314a973398b6fe3235a9
- edemaine/coffeescript-for-python - CoffeeScript for Python programmers (a guide)
- adaltas/node-connect-coffee-script - Connect middleware to serve CoffeeScript files
- auiWorks/amCoffee - A CoffeeScript version of the Chrome Console.
- jamesmoriarty/nebula - WebGL top down space shooter.
- execjosh/atom-file-types - Specify additional file types for languages.
- searls/try-jasmine - An online sandbox for playing with Jasmine, a bunch of supporting scripts, and Backbone/Underscore/CoffeeScript
- john-griffin/gibdo - HTML5 Canvas 2D Engine in CoffeeScript
- imakewebthings/timeline - A generic event timeline for node.js or the browser. Written in CoffeeScript.
- ianhattendorf/autocomplete-ruby - Provides intelligent code completion for Ruby in the Atom editor. Requires RSense.
- atom/theorist - A reactive model toolkit for CoffeeScript
- mtscout6/vim-cjsx - Vim plugins for CJSX files (CoffeeScript with React JSX)
- devongovett/coffeepack - An implementation of the MessagePack serialization format in CoffeeScript for Node.js and the browser.
- Boxyco/hackernews-api - A RESTful API for news.ycombinator.com written in Coffeescript for node.js
- falsecz/hbase-rpc-client - CoffeeScript HBase client implementation with protobuf support
- wmora/angular-espresso - Based on angular-seed, a starting point for writing an AngularJS app running on an Express backend, written in CoffeeScript
- mikesmullin/coffee-templates - Fastest Minimalist CoffeeScript/JavaScript CoffeeCup/Handlebars/Mustache template engine.
- elbywan/quadtree-lib - Efficient quadtrees library written in CoffeeScript.
- tanepiper/cloud9-livecoffee-ext - A extension for Cloud9ide for CoffeeScript functionality
- seblavoie/adobe-illustrator-layer-renamer - Adobe Illustrator script to batch rename layers.
- matsukaz/hubot-schedule - A hubot script to schedule a message in both cron-style and datetime-based format pattern
- joushx/jQuery.EAN13 - A jQuery & plain JavaScript library for generating EAN13-barcodes
- jamesdwilson/meteor-jw-opinionated-skeleton - ABANDONED: A collection of packages and a good starting point for building my next meteor project. You might like it too. :) Coffeescript based
- duncansmart/coffeescript-windows - A shim that allows CoffeeScript to be compiled using Windows Script Host
- tnwinc/Isolate - Isolate is a tool to allow injection of module dependencies when doing Test Driven Javascript/Coffeescript development.
- bih/jquery.markdown.js - A WYSIWYG Markdown editor built as a jQuery plugin (written in CoffeeScript + SASS).
- wende/autocomplete-elixir - Intelligent Elixir autocompletion provider for Atom autocomplete-plus
- nfiniteset/CoffeeScript.mode - A CoffeeScript syntax coloring mode for Coda and SubEthaEdit
- marviq/coffee-jshint - Runs your CoffeeScript source through JSHint to check for errors.
- marquee/proto - A front-end web prototyping tool, combining markup (jade), script (coffeescript/cjsx), and style (stylus), into a served single page on-the-fly.
- barc/express-error - Error handler which displays source code in error stack for JavaScript and CoffeeScript.
- PayloadDev/react-at-rest - A toolkit for building ridiculously fast web applications using React and RESTful APIs.
- jimjeffers/Easie - Robert Penner's easing equations converted to coffeescript.
- assaf/sideline - Sideline, a CoffeeScript shell for your server (NO LONGER MAINTAINED)
- jprichardson/node-nextflow - A simple control-flow library for Node.js targetted towards CoffeeScript developers.
- ethel-dev/sentimood - A minimal sentiment analyzer based on @thinkroth's "Sentimental" and written in CoffeeScript
- dcollien/Dreamcoat - Formerly "AutoScheme". Automatically generates a website colour scheme from a given logo image. Written in literate coffeescript.
- atom/reactionary - Basic helpers for building React DOM nodes in CoffeeScript.
- AndreasPizsa/parse-decimal-number - 🏧 Parse a decimal number with i18n format support (localized decimal points and comma separators)
- stanfeldman/wheels - Node.js web framework written in CoffeeScript. Simple and sexy.
- mrluc/macros.coffee - Lisp-style macros for CoffeeScript
- helixbass/prettier-plugin-coffeescript - Prettier Coffeescript Plugin
- adamalbrecht/angular-starter-kit - An opinionated starter template for crafting single-page web applications using Angular.js, Coffeescript, SCSS, Jade, Bootstrap, UI-Router, Font-Awesome and a few other carefully picked tools.
- BrunoRB/algorithms.coffee - Classic algorithms and data structures in coffeescript. Making the World a better place, with coffee.
- yusugomori/deeplearning.coffee - Simple JavaScript (CoffeeScript) codes implementing deep learning
- smashwilson/stacktrace - Atom package to navigate stacktraces.
- shinout/interval-tree2 - interval tree in CoffeeScript, available in any JS runtime
- rbrcurtis/cofmon - A coffeescript shell for mongodb.
- neelabhg/currency-arbitrage-graph - Visualize arbitrage opportunities in foreign currency exchange.
- davidguttman/wave-pendulum - simple html 5 wave pendulum using coffeescript and processing.js
- zerobase/enml2md - Evernote to Markdown Converter
- robhurring/atom-change-case - atom plugin for node-change-case
- rferro/normat - Generic javascript number/string formatting (bytes, milliseconds, ...).
- ovcharik/meteor-getting-started - Урок для хабры. Разработка первого метеор приложения.
- nogizhopaboroda/f_context - Pattern matching and easy recursion library for CoffeeScript
- iampeter/backbone-marionette-gulp-seed - A seed project using Backbone.js, Marionette.js, Twitter Bootstrap 3, Stylus, Jade and Coffeescript all bundled with Gulp.js
- SyntaxColoring/Markov-Word-Generator - A web app that uses Markov chains to generate pseudorandom words.
- Radagaisus/Orpheus - A Small Object Model for Redis in CoffeeScript
- dkln/canvas_library - HTML 5 Canvas library (a flash alternative) written in Coffeescript
- boundvariable/coffeescript-in-action - Source code for the Manning book CoffeeScript in Action
- arximboldi/mixco - Mixco is a framework for creating hardware controller scripts for the amazing Mixxx DJ software
- wongpeiyi/flipium - Flipboard-style UI element for Titanium Appcelerator, written in Coffeescript
- stephenb/coffee-machine - A state machine written in CoffeeScript.
- php-integrator/atom-autocompletion - Atom package that provides autocompletion for your PHP source code.
- olafurnielsen-zz/form5-node-express-mongoose-coffeescript - A Node.js skeleton using Express, Mongoose and Coffeescript.
- Marak/xp - agile programming tools in Coffeescript
- jimmycuadra/bang - Text snippets on the command line.
- cdnjs/atom-extension - ⚛ Atom extension for easily inserting scripts
- alfrednerstu/node-express-coffeescript - Node.js template /w Express, Connect & Jade written in CoffeeScript.
- rsm-hcd/hubot-jenkins-enhanced - Jenkins integration for Hubot with multiple server support
- jamescarr/nodejs-mongodb-blog - Tutorial app for using node.js, coffeescript and mongodb
- gothamjs/framework - Coffeescript Framework for front-end development
- za-creature/coffeescope - Scope linter for coffeescript
- raganwald/cafeaulife - Gosper’s HashLife in CoffeeScript
- michaelficarra/cscodegen - ♻️ CoffeeScript code generator
- LanJian/coffee2d - A HTML5 2D game engine written in CoffeeScript
- hassaku/hubot-suggest - Suggest hubot commands when not found
- STRd6/priority_queue - A JavaScript PriorityQueue
- plainlystated/coffeescript-rrd - coffeescript library for using manipulating RRD files (depends on rrdtool)
- steelThread/mimeograph - CoffeeScript lib for PDF OCR and text extraction
- pfefferle/atom-php-cs-fixer - Run the 'PHP Coding Standards Fixer' within Atom
- kbroman/d3panels - A library of d3-based graphic panels, written in CoffeeScript
- dmotz/soundscrape - SoundCloud command line downloader in Node.js
- yeungda/coffeescript-idea - ABANDONED CoffeeScript Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
- STRd6/zine - DIY E-Zine and Operating System
- Quobis/QoffeeSIP - QoffeeSIP is a complete Javascript SIP stack that can be used in a website to exploit all the multimedia capabilities of WebRTC technology. Instead of using pure Javascript, QoffeeSIP has been coded with CoffeeScript so you can easily modify it to suit your needs.
- nbartlomiej/coffee-guard-caat-jessie - CAAT & CoffeeScript & Jessie & Guard application template
- f/phaser-coffee-boilerplate - Phaser CoffeeScript + Browserify + LiveReload Boilerplate
- wildownes/CryptoCoffeeBot - Coffeescript base skeleton code that can be used to fork into useful bots for cryptotrader.org
- tomblomfield-zz/meteor-chat - Simple chat application using Meteor JS and Coffeescript
- naturalethic/coffee-mongo - Model framework for Node.js + CoffeeScript + MongoDB
- mikesmullin/coffee-stylesheets - Transpiler similar to SASS/SCSS/LESS/Stylus, except its 100% CoffeeScript!
- maxatwork/expressjs_template - Node + ExpressJS + Coffeescript + Stylus + Twitter bootstrap + Jade + assets pipeline + Mocha + Should + Supertest project template.
- hubot-archive/hubot-darksky - A script to grab the forecast information from Dark Sky for Hubot
- georgeOsdDev/slidepad - HTML Slide Generator.
- boiawang/sequelize-db-export-import - Generater models from mysql db or import tables from models files
- wesbos/coffeescript-growl - Growl notifications for the Node.js CoffeeScript Compiler
- stevejackson/mazery - Maze generation visualizer using html5 Canvas, Coffeescript, jQuery, Compass
- spbooks/COFFEESCRIPT1 - Jump Start CoffeeScript, code archive
- Phenome/generator-lean-mean - Yeoman generator. MEAN stack. Coffeescript, Stylus, Jade, Gulp
- kalasjocke/react-coffee-elements - Compact React element syntax when using CoffeeScript.
- jysperm/Mabolo - Just a simple ORM of MongoDB API.
- huytd/coffee-now - ☕ CoffeeScript Playground
- agoragames/leaderboard-coffeescript - Leaderboards backed by Redis in CoffeeScript
- tbeseda/angularjs-for-hipsters - The AngularJS Todo app ported to CoffeeScript, Jade, and Stylus -- served with Express
- replit-archive/lol-coffee - A LOLCode compiler+VM in CoffeeScript
- php-integrator/atom-navigation - Atom package that provides code navigation and go to functionality for your PHP source code.
- perrysmotors/framer-physics - A module for adding 2D physics simulations to your Framer prototypes.
- lynaghk/cassowary-coffee - CoffeeScript port of the Cassowary linear constraint solver
- jaigouk/nodetuts-coffeescript - Coffeescript version of nodetuts
- hubot-archive/hubot-seen - A hubot script that tracks when/where users were last seen.
- helixbass/eslint-plugin-coffee - ESLint rules for linting Coffeescript source files
- f/macaron - Macros for CoffeeScript
- thibaultlaurens/mean.coffee - coffeescript port of http://mean.io/
- stephenmcd/grillode - A web-based chat application written in CoffeeScript for Node.js
- miketheman/language-diff - ARCHIVED - Atom editor itself is archived
- davidpadbury/stirred-coffee - Macros in CoffeeScript prototype
- coffee-js/vue-coffee-workflow - This project demonstrates writing Vue.js 2 in plain CoffeeScript.
- ozankasikci/generator-phaser-coffeescript-gulp - A yeoman generator for developing games with Phaser framework using coffeescript and gulp. Browserifies, coffeeifies and live reloads using browser-sync.
- mkilling/alfamegle - cheap omegle clone in CoffeeScript using Socket.IO
- MichaelBlume/coffeestream - streams in coffeescript
- gmendonca/px-to-rem - Atom package to convert pixels to rem
- coffee-js/index.coffee-js.org - CoffeeScript 中文资源
- alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6 - Makes using coffeescript nicer in ember-cli by supporting es6 syntax natively
- the-trash/ExpressOnSteroids - Node.js/Express App + CoffeeScript + SASS + JADE (HAML)
- swombat/meteor-todos-coffeescript - Todos example from Meteor JS server, converted to coffeescript, with some tidying up and tweaking
- snd/react-kup - react-kup is a simple, nonintrusive alternative to JSX for coffeescript
- rbrcurtis/Brewer - a split-pane coffeescript editor that shows the compiled js using the ace editor
- MaksJS/Namespace-in-CoffeeScript - pattern to simulate namespace in coffeescript
- franzenzenhofer/robotstxt - robots.txt parser coffeescript
- conancat/fbscrape - Facebook Page Photo Scraper in CoffeeScript and NodeJS
- anfelor/TodoMVC-CoffeeScript-and-Vue.js - A TodoMVC implementation based on the official example by Evan You - DEPRECATED based on Vue 1.0
- swlkr/coffee-pot - A boilerplate for node.js apps written in coffeescript
- soswow/lobzik - Simple application for testing employee candidate code skills and knowledge. Currently it's more suitable for testing front-end, JavaScript/CoffeeScript developers.
- mconintet/brownie - A canvas toolkit in coffeescript
- laurentpayot/floweret - Runtime type annotations for CoffeeScript (and JavaScript too!)
- fntz/sirius - Modern coffeescript/javascript framework
- elucidata/react-coffee - Build React components using natural CoffeeScript syntax.
- bfontaine/Katas - ☕ 27 katas in 27 languages (not only CoffeeScript, GitHub!)
- wvanbergen/node-vertica - Pure javascript Vertica database client. Except it is written in CoffeeScript.
- cedx/php-minifier - Minify PHP source code by removing comments and whitespace.
- cedx/akismet.js - Prevent comment spam using Akismet service, in JavaScript.
- alecperkins/active-markdown - A tool for creating Markdown-sourced reactive documents. Literate CoffeeScript meets Tangle.
- STRd6/jadelet - Pure and simple clientside templates
- soops/sentimood - A minimal sentiment analyzer based on @thinkroth's "Sentimental" and written in CoffeeScript
- zaikio/linear-partition - Linear partition in Coffeescript (Javascript)
- AndcultureCode/hubot-jenkins-enhanced - Jenkins integration for Hubot with multiple server support
- jakubroztocil/cloudtunes - Web-based music player for the cloud ☁️ 🎶 Play music from YouTube, Dropbox, etc.
- stephenyeargin/hubot-grafana - 📈🤖 Query Grafana dashboards
- hubot-scripts/hubot-github-repo-event-notifier - Notifies about any GitHub repo event available via webhook.
- hubot-scripts/hubot-darksky - A script to grab the forecast information from Dark Sky for Hubot
- hubot-scripts/hubot-seen - A hubot script that tracks when/where users were last seen.
- ccorcos/meteor-reactive-css - Define reactive CSS rules in Javascript or (preferably) Coffeescript.
- danielbayley/alfred-finder-new-item - Swiftly create new items in Finder with support for templates.
- basecamp/trix - A rich text editor for everyday writing
- alfredstorm/node-express-coffeescript - Node.js template /w Express, Connect & Jade written in CoffeeScript.
- phonowell/genshin-impact-script - 好耶!是人畜无害的原神脚本!Sweet! What a cute Genshin Impact script!
- jimmycuadra/shellwords - Manipulate strings according to the word parsing rules of the UNIX Bourne shell.
- ouzhenkun/ionic-nodeclub - a simple ionic starter project, use coffeescript and sass
- davidedc/Algebrite - Computer Algebra System in Javascript (Coffeescript)
- SimonDegraeve/react-coffee-quickstart - React/CoffeeScript project
- grncdr/uri-template - CoffeeScript/Javascript implementation of RFC 6570 for URI-templates
- jaekwon/CoffeeMugg - HTML templates in pure CoffeeScript
- nekobird/stack-up.js - Create fixed width, variable height grid layouts.
- lucagrulla/node-tail - The zero dependency Node.js module for tailing a file
- tomblomfield/meteor-chat - Simple chat application using Meteor JS and Coffeescript
- docpad/docpad-plugin-ghpages - Deploy your DocPad Website to GitHub Pages
- olafurnielsen/form5-node-express-mongoose-coffeescript - A Node.js skeleton using Express, Mongoose and Coffeescript.
- codeandfury/hubot-jenkins-enhanced - Jenkins integration for Hubot with multiple server support
- artsy/force - The Artsy.net website
- ThibaultLaurens/mean.coffee - coffeescript port of http://mean.io/
- stevenschobert/instafeed.js - A simple Instagram javascript plugin
- bh/atom-python-isort - Atom.io plugin to sort Python imports
- rubyjs/core-lib - A port of the Ruby 1.9.3 corelib to coffeescript/javascript/node that conforms to rubyspec.org.
- markstory/hubot-xmpp - XMPP adapter for Hubot
- Fred-Barclay/Termination - Integrated terminal for Atom. Looks like terminal-plus, acts like your native terminal (except every other Friday). Looking for collaborators! :-)
- sagemathinc/cocalc - CoCalc: Collaborative Calculation in the Cloud
- moecube/srvpro - A server for YGOPro
- serkanyersen/ifvisible.js - [TypeScript port available in beta] Crossbrowser & lightweight way to check if user is looking at the page or interacting with it.
- whitequark/ipaddr.js - IP address manipulation library in JavaScript (CoffeeScript, actually)
- Microsoft/BotFramework-Hubot - Hubot adapter for botframework
- oozcitak/akismet-js - Akismet API client for node.js
- ademfox/stack-up.js - Create fixed width, variable height grid layouts.
- gepoch/linter-write-good - An Atom linter interface for write-good.
- puppeteer/puppeteer - Web development stack. With Backbone, Marionette, CoffeeScript, Mocha, Chai, Bower, Grunt…
- sergeych/node-prego - Minimalistic migrations & models for coffeescript, node.js and postgres
- codecombat/codecombat - Game for learning how to code.
- gka/chroma.js - JavaScript library for all kinds of color manipulations
- replit/lol-coffee - A LOLCode compiler+VM in CoffeeScript
- croquiscom/crojsdoc - A documentation generator for JavaScript and CoffeeScript
- Gert-dev/php-ide-serenata - Atom IDE package that integrates the Serenata server to provide PHP code assistance
- php-integrator/atom-base - Atom package that indexes PHP code and exposes services to query it.
- atom/atomdoc - Atom's documentation parser for JavaScript / CoffeeScript
- heyadem/stack-up.js - Create fixed width, variable height grid layouts.
- wdavidw/node-connect-coffee-script - Connect middleware to serve CoffeeScript files
- alohaas/language-nunjucks - Syntax highlighting for nunjucks templates in atom.
- quartzmo/mocha-coffeescript-boilerplate - A minimalistic template for starting a CoffeeScript project based on visionmedia/mocha tests
- kucherenko/jscpd - Copy/paste detector for programming source code.
- mtsmfm/hubot-test-helper - Helper for testing hubot script
- atom/atom -
The hackable text editor
- noonat/intersect - An explanation of 2D collision tests in CoffeeScript
- duncansmart/LessCoffee - LESS and CoffeeScript HTTP handlers for ASP.NET web sites
- ioquatix/script-runner - This package will run various script files inside of Atom. It currently supports JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Ruby, and Python. You can add more.
- AtomLinter/linter-coffeelint - Linter plugin for CoffeeScript, using coffeelint.
- bobtail-dev/bobtail - A lightweight CoffeeScript library/DSL for reactive programming and declaratively building scalable web UIs
- isis97/atom-terminal-panel - Advanced terminal interface for Atom editor
- enyo/dropzone - Dropzone is an easy to use drag'n'drop library. It supports image previews and shows nice progress bars.
- inferinc/bobtail - A lightweight CoffeeScript library/DSL for reactive programming and declaratively building scalable web UIs
- heyadem/stack-up - Create fixed width, variable height grid layouts
- malgorithms/toffee - a NodeJS and browser templating language based on coffeescript, with the slickest syntax ever
- zhenkunou/ionic-nodeclub - a simple ionic starter project, use coffeescript and sass
- openbibleinfo/Bible-Passage-Reference-Parser - Coffeescript to identify and understand Bible references like "John 3:16."
- mattinsler/caboose - Coffeescript-happy express-based server-side MVC framework loosely based on rails
- marcelinhov2/angular-kickoff - AngularJS + CoffeeScript + Ng-Classify = s2
- jbenet/saucer - coffeescript boilerplate
- grant/javacoffee - ☕ Coffeescript-like syntax for writing Java code
- toshok/coffeekit - CoffeeScript bindings for OSX and IOS apis
- thesunny/shampoo - The ultimate browserify task. Watches files for changes. Uses a cache for super speed (instant builds). CoffeeScript supported out of box. Alias mappings. Shimming. Everything in one easy to use package.
- php-integrator/atom-linter - Atom package that lints your PHP source code to indicate various problems such as missing methods.
- PEM--/hellofamousgulped - HelloWord in Famo.us using Gulp.js, Browserify and CoffeeScript. Act as my template for Famo.us.
- kmalakoff/easy-bake - EasyBake enables CoffeeScript/JavaScript file-based configuration for your CoffeeScript library management needs (coffee compiling, compression, joining CoffeeScript + JavaScript files, headless testing for QUnit/Jasmine/NodeUnit, client/server version testing, etc).
- jawj/pigeonsim - Fly! Courtesy of this small project linking Kinect -> OpenNI -> Processing -> WebSockets -> CoffeeScript -> Google Earth API
- devongovett/spellchecker.js - A spellchecker in CoffeeScript/JavaScript based on Hunspell
- chrissharkey/pong - HTML5 Canvas Pong game in Coffeescript
- CaryLandholt/gulp-ng-classify - Convert CoffeeScript classes to AngularJS modules with ng-classify
- soulwire/Coffee-Percolator - Use import directives in CoffeeScript to manage dependancies with this tasty CakeFile
- leifcr/jquery-csswatch - A CSS Watcher plugin for jquery (Written in CoffeeScript)
- koostudios/kel - A ridiculously simple markdown file-based website system built on Express, CoffeeScript and NodeJS
- jysperm/Cichorium - Routing framework based on Promise using CoffeeScript
- jsdf/flux-coffee - Implements Facebook's Flux pattern in CoffeeScript