A curated list of awesome Viml frameworks, libraries and software.
- mhinz/vim-galore - 🎓 All things Vim!
- fatih/vim-go - Go development plugin for Vim
- ryanoasis/vim-devicons - Adds file type icons to Vim plugins such as: NERDTree, vim-airline, CtrlP, unite, Denite, lightline, vim-startify and many more
- mhinz/vim-startify - 🔗 The fancy start screen for Vim.
- justinmk/vim-sneak - The missing motion for Vim 👟
- kristijanhusak/vim-dadbod-ui - Simple UI for https://github.com/tpope/vim-dadbod
- mhinz/vim-grepper - 👾 Helps you win at grep.
- justinmk/vim-dirvish - Directory viewer for Vim ⚡ netrW => netrL
- pechorin/any-jump.vim - Jump to any definition and references 👁 IDE madness without overhead 🚀
- lymslive/vimllearn - A book for VimL Script language
- keith/swift.vim - Vim runtime files for Swift
- simnalamburt/vim-mundo - 🎄 Vim undo tree visualizer
- APZelos/blamer.nvim - A git blame plugin for neovim inspired by VS Code's GitLens plugin
- jamessan/vim-gnupg - This script implements transparent editing of gpg encrypted files.
- ekalinin/Dockerfile.vim - Vim syntax file & snippets for Docker's Dockerfile
- tpope/timl - Clojure like language which compiles down to VimL
- HerringtonDarkholme/yats.vim - Yet Another TypeScript Syntax: The most advanced TypeScript Syntax Highlighting in Vim
- udalov/kotlin-vim - Kotlin plugin for Vim. Featuring: syntax highlighting, basic indentation, Syntastic support
- simeji/winresizer - very simple vim plugin for easy resizing of your vim windows
- isRuslan/vim-es6 - List of JavaScript ES6 snippets and syntax highlighting for vim.
- jayli/vim-easycomplete - 杭州市余杭区最好用的 VIM/NVIM 代码补全插件
- bagrat/vim-buffet - IDE-like Vim tabline
- tmsvg/pear-tree - A Vim auto-pair plugin that supports multi-character pairs, intelligent matching, and more
- svermeulen/vim-yoink - Vim plugin that maintains a yank history to cycle between when pasting
- vifm/vifm.vim - Vim plugin that allows use of vifm as a file picker
- svermeulen/vim-subversive - Vim plugin providing operator motions to quickly replace text
- keith/investigate.vim - A Vim plugin for looking up documentation
- tikhomirov/vim-glsl - Vim runtime files for OpenGL Shading Language
- kristijanhusak/vim-packager - Vim plugin manager that utilizes "jobs" and "pack" features.
- wsdjeg/GitHub.vim - Another github v3 api implemented in vim script
- Yilin-Yang/vim-markbar - Display all accessible marks and their surrounding lines in a collapsible sidebar.
- aserebryakov/vim-todo-lists - Vim plugin for TODO lists
- timss/vimconf - Extensive vimrc with super easy install and everything in the vimrc is explained!
- tomtom/tlib_vim - Some utility functions for VIM
- james9909/stackanswers.vim - Vim plugin to fetch and display answers from Stack Overflow
- vim-jp/vim-vimlparser - Vim script parser
- vim-jp/go-vimlparser - ⚡ Vim Script Parser written in Go
- tomtom/quickfixsigns_vim - Mark quickfix & location list items with signs
- kristijanhusak/defx-icons - Filetype icons for https://github.com/Shougo/defx.nvim
- inside/vim-search-pulse - Easily locate the cursor after a search
- junkblocker/patchreview-vim - Vim/Neovim plugin for doing single, multi-patch or diff code reviews
- ktonga/vim-follow-my-lead - Vim plugin for showing all your mappings in a readable table including the descriptions.
- tomtom/checksyntax_vim - Check a file's syntax when saving a file (php, ruby, tex ...) with vim
- mihaifm/bufstop - Fast and efficient buffer switching for Vim
- mrbeardad/SpaceVim - 基于SpaceVim的真正开箱即用、无需配置的IDE,你只需要记住快捷键即可。(目前默认支持C/C++、Go、Python、Shell、Markdown、VimL)
- sbl/scvim - vim plugin for supercollider
- ivalkeen/vim-ctrlp-tjump - CtrlP extension for fuzzy-search in tag matches (:tjump replacement).
- svermeulen/vim-macrobatics - Plugin for Vim that makes it easier to record / play / edit macros
- powerman/vim-plugin-viewdoc - Vim plugin: flexible viewer for any documentation
- EinfachToll/DidYouMean - Vim plugin which asks for the right file to open
- spicycode/Vimlander-2-The-Quickening - A cataclysm has occured
- takac/vim-spotifysearch - Search spotify in Vim and play songs.
- soywod/unfog.vim - ⏱ Vim plugin for Unfog CLI task & time manager.
- rootkiter/vim-hexedit - Hexedit is a plug-in under VIM, which is used to strengthen the hex editing ability of VIM.
- joom/vim-starter - Quick starter kit for Vim beginners.
- powerman/vim-plugin-ruscmd - Vim plugin: support command mode in Russian keyboard layout
- adwpc/xvim - Powerfull vim configuration for C/C++/GO/JS coder(好用的vim插件集成包,支持C/C++/GO/JS)
- c9s/hypergit.vim - This git plugin provides many awesome features so that you don't need to type commands anymore..
- mhinz/vim-lookup - Jump to the definition of variables or functions in VimL code.
- wlemuel/vim-tldr - tldr client for vim/neovim
- tomtom/viki_vim - A personal wiki for Vim
- LukeSmithxyz/vimling - Small vim scripts for writing IPA and other special characters
- dahu/vimple - Develop VimL
- salsifis/vim-transpose - Vim plugin - Transpose matrices of text (swap lines with columns).
- oakmac/parinfer-viml - Parinfer in Vimscript
- jayli/vim-easydebugger - A VIM multi-language debugger plugin
- gko/vimio - 🎩 easy to install/use vim settings
- keith/parsec.vim - A Vim color scheme for people tired of solarized
- briandoll/change-inside-surroundings.vim - vim plugin to change the contents of the innermost 'surrounding'
- keith/tmux.vim - [DEPRECATED] .tmux.conf syntax highlighting
- jalcine/vimrc - 💺 Options for my preferred text editor.
- dpretet/vim-leader-mapper - Vim plugin to create visual leader key menu
- keith/rspec.vim - Better rspec syntax highlighting for Vim
- Houl/repmo-vim - Repeat motions [for which a count was given]
- tomtom/tskeleton_vim - File Templates and Code Skeletons/Snippets for VIM
- rbonvall/vim-textobj-latex - Vim text objects for LaTeX code
- DataWraith/auto_mkdir - Vim plugin that allows you to save files into directories that do not exist yet.
- dansomething/vim-eclim - Mirror of the VIM files from https://github.com/ervandew/eclim to support installation via various plugin managers.
- powerman/vim-plugin-autosess - Vim plugin: auto save/load sessions
- junkblocker/git-time-lapse - Fork of git-time-lapse: Perforce-style for vim/neovim
- dahlia/nvimrc - My Neovim configuration. Supports macOS and Linux.
- airblade/vim-matchquote - A Vim plugin to provide %-style motion for single / double quotation marks, backticks and pipe.
- aserebryakov/filestyle - filestyle is a Vim plugin that highlights unwanted whitespace and characters.
- strboul/urlview.vim - List and open URLs easily
- kreskij/Repeatable.vim - Create repeat.vim mappings with one simple "Repeatable" command
- vsouza/.vimrc - My Vim Setup
- tweekmonster/exception.vim - Vim plugin for tracing exceptions thrown by VimL scripts.
- kakkoyun/linux.files - Configuration Files of my System
- c9s/vim-dev-plugin - A Vim plugin for developing VimL.
- kyoz/neovim - 🌟 Cool & Modularized vim configurations to work like an IDE
- fcpg/vim-complimentary - Better completion for Vim builtins
- neoclide/coc-neco - viml completion source for coc.nvim
- keith/xcconfig.vim - Vim runtime files for xcconfigs
- mikeslattery/nvim-defaults.vim - Neovim default settings for Vim
- hp4k1h5/ephemeris - a diary plugin for vim
- dahu/LearnVimL - A suggested path for learning Vim's scripting language, VimL
- josh-/dotfiles - josh-'s all important dotfiles.
- AGou-ops/dotfiles - 该仓库用于备份我的dotfiles,主要开发语言Golang,脚本lua,bash shell等...
- HP4k1h5/ephemeris - a diary plugin for vim
- kristijanhusak/neovim-config - Neovim configuration
- Xuyuanp/vimrc - My vim config
- tlhunter/vimrc - VimL: Opinionated VIM Configuration
- haya14busa/go-vimlparser - ⚡ Vim Script Parser written in Go
- unfog-io/unfog-vim - ⏱ A simple task and time manager (vim plugin).
- damofthemoon/vim-leader-mapper - Vim plugin to create Neovim leader key menu
- adwpc/wow-vim - vim configuration for c/c++/golang/other coder,powerful and easy to use.
- bagrat/vim-workspace - IDE-like Vim tabline
- jez/vim-as-an-ide - Workshop on how to use Vim Plugins.
- adwpc/vim - vim configuration for c/c++/golang/other coder,powerful and easy to use.
- ianva/vim-youdao-translater - vim的有道取词翻译插件
- MaxMEllon/vim-jsx-pretty - 🔦 [VimL] React JSX syntax pretty highlighting for vim.
- ynkdir/vim-vimlparser - VimL parser
- LucHermitte/lh-vim-lib - Library of Vim functions
- torbiak/probe - Pure VimL fuzzy file finder for vim.
- rizzatti/funcoo.vim - Functional Object Oriented VimL
- LucHermitte/lh-brackets - LH's bracketing system for vim
- eprev/dotfiles - My ~/.*
- tomtom/tmru_vim - Most Recently Used Files in Vim
- BjRo/dotfiles - A place to store my configuration files
- c9s/vimomni.vim - a better completion for VimL.
- tomtom/trag_vim - A language-aware source code scanner (with support for git grep, ack, ag, sift ...)
- rmariano/vim-config - Vim configuration
- dhruvasagar/vim-testify - Simplified viml testing
- LucHermitte/lh-tags - ctags base updating, and browsing from vim
- lsdr/vim - Vim setup - configuration, plugins, colorschemes and the works.
- lenon/vimfiles - My Vim files
- lambdalisue/vim-backslash - Automatically insert a leading slash in VimL
- dahu/VimLocalMacros - Store and execute macros in current file
- dahu/VimLint - A correctness and sanity checker of vim configuration.
- dahu/EditorConfig - An implementation of http://editorconfig.org/ in 100% VimL
- sgur/vim-gf-autoload - Go to the autoload function definition in VimL.
- jeroendehaas/VimLab - VimLab is a vim plugin which replicates MATLAB's support for code sections.
- GokulSrinivas/vimrc - ⏫ A slim and powerful vimrc
- abachman/dotfiles - My dotfiles, for posterity.
- MaxMEllon/vim-tmng - 🔦 [VimL] tmng format to highlight for vim
- afshinm/npm.vim - Node Package Manager plugin for Vim
- Raimondi/VimLTextObjects - Adds new text objects for VimL (vimscript) files.
- lymslive/vimloo - VimL object orient programming frame and tools
- greg0ire/more-instantly-better-vim - A fork of Damien Conway’s collection of VimL hacks and plugins
- Apercu/.files - 📦 Config & dotfiles
- vim-scripts/vim-vimlparser - VimL parser
- vim-scripts/vim-diff - diff written in VimL.
- teh-cmc/vimmortal - [VimL] vimmortal - teh vim conf that makes you invincible.
- edvb/catium.vim - catium.vim - Add an Element of Nyan Cat to Vim
- dahu/vim-type-datetime - Date/Time Objects for VimL
- dahu/vimpeg-parser-viml - Vimpeg Parser for the VimL (vimscript) Language
- countjocular/dotfiles - My personal configuration files for zsh, vim and tmux. These suck. Others are better. Go away.
- bogdan-dumitru/vimlight - A lighter vim config, similar in structure to spf13
- vim-scripts/vimomni - omni completion for VimL
- tversteeg/dotfiles - Configuration files
- tetsuwo/unchi.vim - VimL test
- still-dreaming-1/vim-elhiv - VimL library
- shumphrey/Vim-InPaste-Plugin - Some VimL that logs in to a website and posts the selected text
- Raimondi/reggie_viml - Vim Text objects for VimL based on the Reggie library.
- p-h/vimfiles - My new vim configuration
- matthewbdaly/My-vim-configuration - My personal Vim config files
- Lucasosf/vimlociraptor - My vim configuration to be a [vim]lociraptor.
- kopischke/vim-mklib - Another VimL non-standard library
- juhasz/vimLaTeX - An up to date version of vim-latex.
- intuited/lh-vim-ut - Mirror of Luc Hermitte's lh-vim-UT VimL unit testing addon.
- intuited/lh-vim-lib - Mirror of Luc Hermitte's lh-vim-lib VimL library.
- dylanaraps/pascal_lint.nvim - 🐆 Show fpc compiler output in a neovim split.
- DavidCain/vimfiles - Vim plugins, runtime files, and configuration files