In this work, we demonstrate that in datasets with highly correlated features, as in omics, FDR correction methods like Benjamini-Hochberg can within their formal guarantees in some cases report very high numbers of false positives. This can lead to thousands of falsely reported findings, even if all null hypotheses are true. For more information, see the preprint here: URL to be updated when available.
The project repo contains the source code we used to produce the results in the manuscript (URL to be updated). Below, we provide instructions on how to reproduce the results using conda environment or supplied docker containers.
Clone repository:
git clone
Create conda environment:
conda create --name fdr_under_dependencies python=3.9 conda activate fdr_under_dependencies
Install R in your conda environment (it will be crucial since we use rpy2) and needed R package:
conda install -c conda-forge r-base conda install -c bioconda bioconductor-limma
Restore large files from lfs:
git lfs install git lfs pull
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
Install local project:
pip install .
You can verify installations by running the tests and simple analyses:
pytest snakemake -s pipelines/synthetic/Snakefile -d pipelines/synthetic --cores 4 --config workflow_config=../../config/dummy_synthetic_data.yaml snakemake -s pipelines/semi_real_world/Snakefile -d pipelines/semi_real_world --cores 4 --config workflow_config=../../config/dummy_semi_real_world_data.yaml
Pull the Docker image:
If you are using an ARM machine, we suggest using the following image:
docker pull mmamica/fdr_under_dependencies:arm
And if you are using an AMD machine, we suggest:
docker pull mmamica/fdr_under_dependencies:amd
Run the Docker container:
For ARM machines:
docker run -it mmamica/fdr_under_dependencies:arm
And for AMD:
docker run -it mmamica/fdr_under_dependencies:amd
Activate the conda environment:
conda activate fdr_under_dependencies
You can verify installations by running the tests and simple analyses:
pytest snakemake -s pipelines/synthetic/Snakefile -d pipelines/synthetic --cores 4 --config workflow_config=../../config/dummy_synthetic_data.yaml snakemake -s pipelines/semi_real_world/Snakefile -d pipelines/semi_real_world --cores 4 --config workflow_config=../../config/dummy_semi_real_world_data.yaml
In order to replicate the results, you need to run the following commands:
snakemake -s pipelines/synthetic/Snakefile -d pipelines/synthetic --cores 4 --config workflow_config=../../config/synthetic_data.yaml
snakemake -s pipelines/semi_real_world/Snakefile -d pipelines/semi_real_world --cores 4 --config workflow_config=../../config/semi_real_world_data.yaml
Results will be stored in the results directory. Remember that the analyses are computationally expensive and can take a long time to complete. We suggest running the analyses on a machine with a high number of cores and a large amount of RAM.